
tera power leveling VS clippers - CON

129770966795156250_261Yahoo Sports News Beijing time on March 24, NBA game tomorrow, Nick back to the Pistons, rockets against Mavs home games of interest, here are some races forward: piston (16-31) VS nicks (23-25) (07:30), Lin Shuhao gunnin ' Phoenix Suns had Dragon, and this time, he had no chance to voteFatal Trey, because the score is not near. Nick in five consecutive victories in the past and played stifling defense, but in competition with the Dragon, section III, Nick 31-17 was beaten by rivals, led directly to the team lose. House Dragon hits at 45.8%. Nick hits for 38%, none of the players in the team's shot hitsMore than 6. "Everyone's shooting well, what I mean is, even in the case of space shooting. "Nick-Wooderson, coach Mike said," we have also transferred the ball, but was not hit, defense, we didn't hold each other back up. It's two bad situations. "Is this game-Mike Wooderson's first since taking officeThe defeat. Being the team's leader, Anthony's poor outside shooting. Before this match, Anthony for two field-15 5, Dragon wars, Anthony in the first section-7 2, most of the hand is the jump shot. Anthony was in a game in a hurry, not making full use of their own, as in the past. If Nick wants to win, then Anthony must haveBetter performance. Last two times against Dragon, Lin Shuhao has excellent play, but this match, Lin Shuhao only 3-9, received poor 6 points, 4 assists, and another 3 mistakes. "We couldn't play past the kind of offensive," Lin Shuhao said after the race, "in this case, we encountered was not a lot, so can the perimeter search attackOpportunities, the result is a single perimeter shooting. "The last beat the Pistons, Lin Shuhao only 4 points and 4 assists, now as a team mainstay control health, Lin Shuhao stability is used to activate the team attack. The Pistons four season in the home loss to heat, they are under the opponent's guard pulled 73 and 23 errors occurred. Karen Stuckey's quezhen attack brings to the team aEffect, if it continues to quezhen tomorrow, then you need to Knight, Gordon tera gold, Prince, the Monroe doctrine to have more play. Away from home this season the Pistons have only 4 WINS record of 19, so that they are not optimistic about the prospects. Nick's home four times in a row to beat the Pistons, their last home loss to the Pistons on April 9, 2009. Calf (27-22) VS rockets (26-22) (08:00) now defending champion has suffered troubles, no match for the Lakers and the Spurs had suffered two consecutive season, currently calf total record of 27 WINS 22, ranked fifth in the West for the time being, leading only eighth place rocket-0.5 victory, leading the Nineth place youtajueshi 1 win. If a calf under the rocket catch tomorrow, fanchaoOther 0.5 victory, is expected to kill into the top six in the West. Brendan Haywood is still unable to play, while Lyon have comeback, but injuries still gives him a big influence, failed to bring enough help to the calf. So this requires de g-Dirk Nowitzki take on more responsibility. In games with the Spurs, de g House-21 hit just 5 balls, it was half-9 0,Recorded only 16 minutes 2 rebounds, making calf only one defeat in the away, his duel with t1014 became clear, odorless. If the calf out of the now declining, de g needs to have better performance. In addition, calves role players have better play. Lamar Odom in games with the Spurs were discarded, in an interview after the game when hisEver think would have no chance to play says tera power leveling, "I mean, like in this case, do you think that will help restore confidence or damage their confidence? "But then Lamar Odom also expressed their determination," I need to keep their attention towards play, do your work. In my life, nothing I haven't seen before, I was ready to go through anything,To overcome any obstacles to stand in front of me. "Similar with calf, rocket suffered an injury, two player loerie long-term truce with Martin, but delajiqi and Kontny-Lee obtained the first opportunity is good, especially the delajiqi performances caught the Lakers and kill somebody warriors led the team achieved two consecutive victories, 26 WINS 22 record keeping in the West of the first eightLocation of. Delajiqi replace loerie starting 10 games, contribution to tackling 15.9 and 9.6 assists and 1.9 times tomorrow against Mavs, teams need him more playing time. "Delajiqi's pretty great, his impeccable. There is no doubt that we still hope that the loerie return, but because we have a delajiqi,Because he can pass, input a key ball, running the whole team on the attack, so our competitiveness has not declined. "Parsons said. Scola and dailemubote are the backbone of rocket insider, both to limit the scoring up and down work of de g. In addition, Marcus Camby also to give some help. Rocket 0-4 calf sweep last season. Tomorrow is the first time this season both sides fightRockets must not only strive to revenge, fighting more ranking. Grizzly bear (25-20) VS clippers (26-21) (03:00) return to old haunt, Paul apparently failed to gain a good mood. Bottom in the West, third last team of the League-wide, fast ships was eventually lost the game, suffered three season for the first time this season. "There is no doubt that losing frustrating, butEvery game you have to prepare, you can't back down. "Clippers coach said Rio Negro. After losing this game, speed boats in the last 19 games lost by one of 12 games, that Paul is very dissatisfied, "we have to play with energy, but in this Union, efforts alone are not enough, we must create an efficient, smarter, betterPerformance. "Paul said. Is worth mentioning, and wasps a pre-war, United States media disclosed ESPN, fast shipping within a serious crisis of confidence, Manager, Rio Negro and the rift between the players constantly, a news person with respect, players not working for Rio Negro. Players also claimed that, Rio Negro and never criticize Paul Griffin, while other players are in strong terms toOn. Now has dropped to the bottom of the ship much-needed victory. Grizzlies of the situation is also very poor, only in the last 5 games winning the 1. Although it is still not in fourth place in the West, but behind the clippers, Mavs, jazz, rockets, and the Nuggets are eye covetously, so ash Kumaki said, any victory was not to be lost. Shavlik Randolph returned to the ballGreat help, competition between he and Griffin tomorrow will become a shining point. Gasol Shavlik Randolph should be given more support, they're going to put pressure on defensive ends to the Clippers. In addition, Rudy-Gay-, and Mike Conley to maintain its offensive to hit fast fleet's defenses tera power leveling, Mayo on the bench, and Arinas also must have a good offense. Dragon VS bulls (08:00) Spurs VS Hornets (08:00) Walker VS bucks (08:30) Kings VS warriors (10:30) the Eagles VS wizards (07:00) Bobcat VS nets (07:30) (Editor: Shen Minqing) Others:

