
tera gold improve their health - UEL

129770871343281250_108Yesterday, the petroleum road, tuberculosis prevention and control among medical workers to disseminate to the public in the streets. Reporter Zhang Luqiao photo taken today is the 17th "World Tuberculosis Day", my message is "you and I participate in, eliminating tuberculosis hazard". Reporters learned from the municipal health Bureau yesterday tera gold, I added 24,000 tuberculosis patients in person last year, following the population and olderYears from human, white-collar workers and students have become the subjects of two other easy invasion. Stay up late "relax" male white-collar workers affected with tuberculosis a cold yesterday morning, Xiang 28 years old young man is found to have been in the hospital suffering from tuberculosis. Prior to this, he has cough almost a month after a cold. Xiang is a decoration company in our city senior white-collar workers, and the pace is too fast, workHe was called on a number of friends or play mahjong or go to KTV or bars, often also want to go every night, playing into the early hours of the following day home is often the case with two or three points.����As nearly one month income urban white-collar workers, Xiang could have tuberculosis? Expert: due to the pace of work, many urban white-collar workers on a number of small "can carry you carry". The other hand, peopleThe night life is becoming richer, it also provides a breeding ground for tuberculosis incidence. Like a game of Mahjong, surfing, jumping and other activities, are in the room, if there is severe acute respiratory syndrome patients with tuberculosis, can infect healthy people. In addition, tired tera gold, stay up all night crowd are more susceptible to tuberculosis, because of unhealthy habits such as lack of sleep can lead to physical degradation, reduced immunityTaking advantage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.����There's a reason, urban white-collar workers operating office building of central air conditioning, air flow is also opportunity left to mutual transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Staying up late reviewing candidates physical examination to detect tuberculosis 18 year old King was this year's college entrance examination, in order to qualify as delivered by the University, original achievement not bad, she was even more riveting enough effort stepped upReview. Under the late after the King has to go over to the next day in a hostel willing to sleep until about 2 o'clock in the morning, getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning and endorsements. Do not know since when, Kings feel very tired easily, inexplicable sweating, coughing and more frequent.����In the entrance examination for physical examination, King has been detected pulmonary tuberculosis, this is a heavy blow to her. Diagnosis: pulmonary nodulesIncidence of nuclear populations, young was also the main force of 15~45sui, which students become prevention and control crowds. This is because the resident student pressure, resistance easy to drop and long communal life in close contact with each other, very vulnerable to infections. Young people are at a peak period of growth and development, restless, consumption, nutrient requirements, asFood causes, blind, such as weight loss, nutrition is not adequate, timely supply of lead resistance drop, these are an opportunity for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Data 1 10~15 of human infection caused by infectious tuberculosis patients with no treatment can be as far as I understand, the city's 24,000 people in last year of tuberculosis patients, prevalence of national Nineth, under the overall incidence of tuberculosis inDecreasing levels.����Tuberculosis epidemiological studies have shown that, without formal treatment in patients with an infectious pulmonary tuberculosis tera power leveling, can 10~15 people infected with TB bacteria in a year. Yuzhong district, Deputy Director of the Center for disease control, tuberculosis expert Li Xiangdong introduction, tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis of respiratory tract infectious diseases, mainly by patients during coughing, sneezing or talking loudlySpray droplets spread to others. Floating population in its traditional susceptible population is mainly (mainly migrant workers) and the elderly.����However, detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome, so people do not just discrimination against tuberculosis. Coughing for more than two weeks of service to specify the Organization of free examination and treatment it is learnt that the China has implementedIn pulmonary tuberculosis suspects and offers free checking and free anti-TB drugs in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. In General, there are cough and expectoration of pulmonary tuberculosis (two weeks), coughing blood, symptoms such as sweating, tides heat and wasting, found the above symptoms should immediately check to medical institutions. Diagnosis of tuberculosis control and prevention of tuberculosis patients to the seat of the institutions receive free examination and treatment,Junction is located in the Center for disease control and prevention.����Li Xiangdong told reporters that as long as the whole according to doctors ' patients with complete 6-8 months of uninterrupted treatment, the vast majority of new infections in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (90%) is the ability to heal. It is understood that the medical report of one or two of our city centres, children's Hospital, chest hospital and lung hospitals, public health, medical care center(Tuberculosis treatment centre in that city), city hospital, knots, and prevention is the health board admitted to tuberculosis patients in medical institutions.����Remind the disease control experts teach you how to prevent tuberculosis? Li Xiangdong said tuberculosis prevention should start from everyday life, do several things: 1. everyone has the habit of not spitting hygiene; do not close up to himPeople speak loudly; 2. develop regular habit of opening the window, let the sunlight into the room as much as possible.����3. Note the isolation, reducing exposure to infection. 4. improving the organism immunity, in addition to strengthening exercises, improve their health, a BCG vaccination in infants. Others:

