
tera gold - NSC

129770904437968750_217The 2012 consumer market development report published today by the Institute of Commerce, annual consumer markets and expand consumer policy to give a basic judgement, that consumption on the rate of contribution to the GDP will exceed investment, become the first driving force for economic growth, expanding the overall tone of consumer policy this year will be to maintain the continuity of the original policy. Report finds that 2012, consumption in the last 10 years for the first time become the first driving force for economic growth, consumption growth will remain at faster intervals. Although the main power weakened consumption growth this year, but prices fall, expected in the fall in interest rates will cause positive consumption growth, consumption growth will continue 2011 trends in consumption per cent growth rate down, around 15%. From the consumerRelations, investment and net exports in 2011, low consumption rate of contribution to the national economy than just 2.6% on the basis of, the "troika" on contribution rates will continue with the same momentum in the development of the national economy, consumption on the rate of contribution to the GDP will exceed investment, become the first driving force for economic growth, the national economic and social development in China "Twelve-Five"The plan determines the platform for coordination of consumption, investment and export-driven economic growth pattern will be formed. Report finds that, although in recent years the expansion of consumer policy in China tilt toward rural areas, per capita income grew faster than cities and towns and rural residents in China in 2011, but urban consumption growth in 2012 will remain higher than in rural areas. Main reason is that in 2011, The per capita disposable income of urban and rural gap down to 3.13 times times, but the consumption gap between little change; would lead to urban consumers of urbanization than rural areas, at the end of 2011, China's urban population over rural areas for the first time, than 51.27%. Report finds that in 2012, the total decline of growth in consumption will grow in the same baseFoundation to further slow down, to achieve the "steady growth, stable prices," twin objectives tera gold, must maintain consumption growth unchanged. But considering this year's positive effects of fiscal policy and a stable monetary policy, is expected to expand consumer policy keynote this year will be to maintain the continuity of the original expansion policy. Necessary to maintain continuity in consumer spending, expiring on expanding consumptionPolicies to develop continuation and alternative policies in a timely manner to avoid power consumption growth Take away the firewood under the cooking pot; while keeping continuity of consumer policy, for the consumption of urban and rural residents to create a good environment. Expand its consumer policy in maintaining continuity of the year at the same time, there is a certain amount of policy innovation space. Possible policy innovation space in two ways tera gold, first by increasing consumption of new politicalPolicy not as before to support a broad-spectrum product, may constrain to support object. May support for policy objects become green, energy saving and environmental constraints, such as indicators, resource-saving and environment-friendly production and consumption patterns of the form could also support object to join the independent brand of constraint indicators, guided formed love brands, consumer brandsConsumer culture. Second is to broaden the scope of consumer policy may be extended to support industry. With the tendency of consumption structure upgrading, furniture, building and decorating material goods, as well as domestic consumption into, pensions tera power leveling, public catering and other services to expand the scope of support of consumer policy. Others:

