
tera power leveling he served as CFO will be responsible for the preparation of reports - AAJ

129779313222968750_60Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the original stock/fund micro-blogging news blog news telecommunications news industry news Internet appliances high-end interview highlights business computing exciting topics scroll whole digital life mobile home appliancesHexun.com technology in > body font size print RSS April 03, 2012 from: hexun technology hexun technology news Beijing time on April 3, is scandal-plagued Olympus has appointed Ocean extension for cFO。   But just a few months ago, the major shareholder of the company also requested he left for 1.7 billion-dollar accounting scandal. Olin tera power leveling, bass said, Ocean was responsible for extending Olympus Investor Relations Department, he served as CFO will be responsible for the preparation of reports, this is the Olympus key positions to improve corporate governance. Sichuan Ocean stretch is also United Kingdom medical equipment company GyrUs directors, in 2008, the company acquired by Olympus to spend $ 2 billion.   Since Olympus in the acquisition of payment of up to us $ 687 million in consulting fees, to move out of a series of massive financial scandal. Olympus employing independent expert group has released a third party investigation reports, thinks the company should dismiss the old managementThe core personnel, and injected new vitality into the company in order to win the trust of investors and users. "Promoting a deep human senior financial managers involved in Gyrus deal, and totally contrary to the third party Committee. This is unbelievable. "The United States investment company Indus Capital Portfolio Manager yisang·diweien (EthanDevine), said that his company owns less than 5% Olin bass stock. Report of the independent investigation found that Olympus acquired Gyrus is disclosure of information is not sufficient, and believes that promoted CEO of friends or business partner contact persons and companies outside directors or outside auditors shall be terminated. Report recommends that you choose a real rightExternal persons holding such posts.   Olympus 3.95% per cent of United States investment institutions Southeastern Asset Management said in November last year tera gold, Ocean extension should work with the then Chairman of the Jcs just step down immediately. Southeastern Asset MaNagement refused to comment on the latest appointments. Japan Asahi Shimbun reported Monday, Ocean reach once again signed Gyrus of the results, the results showed that Gyrus net worth as of March 2009 is 69.6 billion yen (about US $ 845.7 million), but its actual net worth of only 37.5 billion yen. The newspaperWill then be presented to the United Kingdom regulator. Olympus spokesman Osamu Kobayashi confirmed that on April 1 was promoted to head of the Corporate Finance Department of an employee has been used in United Kingdom Gyrus served as non-executive directors. He said: "we cannot disclose whether he is connected with the scandal, because this could involve a United Kingdom survey. ”He also added that the Gyrus has modified the two thousand eight-nineths results in net worth, but declined to name the ocean reach why sign the false documents. Although the prosecution had sued in February this year on the financial scandal Olin bass and 6 key executives, but the company has continued to resist Japan's worst financial scandal in history, this is due in part to the Pacific centuryProfit ability of endoscope business. But Olin bass balance sheets because of the scandal's award-winning combat. In October last year before it was revealed, they have been hiding for 13 years of investment losses. In order to improve the financial situation, with 92-year history of the company has been considering alliances with other companies, but does not plan on retiring incumbent President said at the end of this month, need to wait until the newManagement to determine before you make a decision. Olympus in February this year, Chief Executive Hiroyuki Sasa nominated to be the new tera gold, has sparked criticism from foreign investors. Olympus special general meeting of the shareholders on April 20 against Hiroyuki Sasa and Board candidates for the vote. Although external investigations that Olin BAThe Executive Board has lost credibility, but the company does not fully replace existing directors. Others:

