
tera gold Editors - UTH

129773438698437500_390Directed by Atkins China limited, Zhifei Wang, and Wu Jiang, and Weiwei Liu, and Rina Sa, Lei Feng tera power leveling, starring Liu Tao's 32 set on March 10 in the war drama of the East is the sea of CCTV a prime began broadcasting in 31 cities program has been in the top, and repeatedly made both episodes the program the first good results. Drama Dong Zhiheng and Zhou hanliang, Fan Xiaoen in ShanghaiBusiness, love for the audience. And three different feelings of both lines and commercial front, becoming the show's other highlights. Zhou hanliang and Dong Zhixia: battered hearts love between Zhou hanliang, Dong Zhixia feelings can be said to play the most battered heart of romance. Because of a misunderstanding, Dong Zhixia choice away from home of the proud and arrogant, escape from Dong Fu Zhou hanliang and arranged for their marriage。 Then Zhou hanliang Dong Zhixia help numerous times for the revolutionary cause, after several ups and downs ship of Shanghai Zhou hanliang Fortune after the first pot of gold I am deeply saddened by Dong Zhixia. Already have a foundation of a pair after separation, made several attempts to honest true feelings. But Zhou hanliang, Dong Zhixia each have responsibilities and concerns, family pressure two final total can only be returned to the friends andBusiness partner locations. They just have emotions, many netizens believe that although the process is child abuse, but this location is their best choice. Friends wood Tin television drama of the East is the sea once again told a lot of people, but some people love life end remains parallel lines, only can do is watch. User-sensitive-sensitive head indicates that the designation isExperience a different kind of love is the sea--"the situation". Huang Chu-Liu and Albert Mayer: the joy of love for the television series as part of business subjects, of the East is the sea of the serious theme of course, Huang Chu Liu and Albert Mayer the quarrelsome lovers into full play "smiling fruit". Man of Fu Huang Chu Liu Yong's love of Opera, not feudal manner, and parent Tung and slave girlAlbert Mayer love and become husband and wife. Yellow Willow weak on personality in early in life tera power leveling, Albert Mayer is outgoing and loud, two people are full of sense. Huang Chu-Liu under the seemingly frail appearance, for people who like it are in no uncertain terms tera gold, particularly when the second brother Fan Xiaoen looked down upon when girl of Albert Mayer, Huang Chu Liu identification maintains lover's move is moving. But in turbulent timesShanghai, Albert Mayer the brutal Japanese killed, Huang Chu Liu and Albert Mayer play a pair of perfect and not too old, some viewers hearts regret. Dong Huafei and Phoenix: dapple of Apple love Dong Huafei and Phoenix appears to be two kids play, play always fits two people quarrel. Chicken was a combination of father and mother's personality, dare to love'm hate, atmospheric are straightforwardShe made no secret of the Dong Hua Fei likes; Dong Hua fly casual, although naughty words also can feel his love for Phoenix. Two human emotions in the audience it seems maybe some dapple of Apple, but this seems to have become a Huang Chu liuhemeiya joy love and continued. "By contrast China flight between Phoenix and simple and playful dialogue, courageously pursue each other, gave the audience a lot of comfort. ”Thousand splendid Suns online case evaluation. It has been learned that the play tomorrow night in CCTV a gold ' Iceman '. Facing the coming large outcomes, many have continued after the show's viewers have said it was not willing to go to BT, waiting for the show's feeling pretty good. In addition, ended after the first broadcast, the drama also stars on the second-round play. (Editors: Jiang Yonglin) Others:

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