
tera power leveling levyPoints increased to $ 4000-5000 - ZVB

129774133168437500_192"In accordance with the family as a unit to pay a tax, has been for many years. Have successful experience abroad, domestic calls is quite high, but in China to implement under the present circumstances there are many obstacles.  "Yesterday, the Yangzi evening news reporter in tax experts said in an interview. Current taxes sometimes appear "fair enough" a tax expert in Nanjing told in mindAnd China's current standard for a tax deduction is too simple: tax on individuals, current collection point for $ 3,500, balance of income less the $ 3,500 a month after taxes, tax rate is 3% per cent. But such a tax deductible way too "across", sometimes it is fair enough--for example, Mr Wu from the Northern rural, home after college in Nanjing,Currently was a foreign white collar, $ 10,000 monthly income after deduction of the insurance; wife is a full time wife; children living and study costs about $ 1000 each month about family has four grandparents to support both sides, two of them need long-term medication for chronic diseases of the elderly, needed subsidies to the elderly were about $ 2000 per month. Under the existing tax measures, Mr Wu, lessAfter the $ 3,500, you need to pay a tax of more than 700 per month. Mr Wu's colleague, Mr LEE is a Nanjing native, couple revenues near $ per month, and is a "Dink" families tera power leveling, both good for their retirement pay for the elderly, married couple that supplement is not required � existing deductions after taxes, Mr Li of family living standards than Mr Wu.This reporter has learned, represented in the national people's Congress had previously proposed, China has gradually entered the aging society, a family maintenance 4 older people more and more.  Family factors if a tax is not taken into account, it is hard to equal. Household deduction is the most difficult is how to achieve revenue transparency in accordance with the families to calculate tax, how on Earth is to deduct? DoesSimply add up to family income, and according to a rate formula to buckle? Jiangsu land tax experts expressed, is not so simple, this family formula of assessment "has a lot of road". Family base of deducted each month of the total population, cost of living, cost to be paid each month to the elderly and children, urban life with different levels of tax rates as a result of differences in SthThis formula of the calculus can be very complex, and has many factors to consider. One expert pointed out that tax departments in our province to implement the "family tax" be a prerequisite, that is transparency and authenticity of the family income, arguing this is more focused. Experts believe that China on a person's income status cannot be fully transparent, to familyMember's income as a measure of overall, more difficult.  Now a lot of people don't know is that after the implementation of "120,000 declared an income tax" is also prepared for a such a reform of the tax system. Now obviously the problem is, fixed salary wages will not be high, but paid taxes not less, real incomes and some hidden income is highBut few taxes, for example, some rich men have a money-making enterprise and business, but only to their thousands of dollars each month pay, a tax paid poorly.  Therefore, once a household unit to a tax, statistics is more complex. And that's the number of experts believe that "family year" abuses, such as the design of tax system complex, taking into account more, collection efficiencyRate is lower, more difficult.  Family tax the United States, not many people are their own end to how much tax each month, higher income families are sometimes found especially is tax tax office to help them. Recommends that the transition period can "compromise" tax on this, Senior Economist Shi Qiangsheng has suggested that, when the tax reforms could not be implemented for a short time, "compromise": levyPoints increased to $ 4000-5000, and elderly who need personal support and conversion of children into tax coefficients, including the Eastern, Central and Western coefficients in three different areas to consider. According to this coefficient to determine the tax and personal income. At the same time to clear a comprehensive tax reform timetable for implementing family-main charge unit. In other words, this compromise, butIs a transition policy, true end, or by domestic tax. Compared to developed countries for reference to family assessment, according to the "family" deductible is obviously more reasonable.  This reporter has learned, the world's most developed countries, a tax was "family tax". United States individual income tax rate is calculated according to the family's burden. If the taxpayer's incomeHis wife, then his taxes by two people to be; if you want to raise a child tera gold, then three of them to be, and so on. Japan tax collection points vary according to the number of family members. Many Japanese even though household income of the same, but differ in the number of children being raised by different number of elderly, nursing homes, paying income taxes are quite different. A couple plus1 children wage earners, syndrome of 2.83 million yen; no Dink family of children, collecting point of 2.2 million yen; single wage earners, syndrome of 1.14 million yen. In Germany, distinction between tax categories according to the taxpayer's family, married family who are under the age of 18, children at the age of 27, but is still in school, because it does notSpecial cases of force majeure (illness) result in high costs, you can pay less tax. France is a family size as parameters of the tax tera gold, each adult family parameter as 1 each child family parameter to 0.5 so a couple and a child's family, the argument is 2.5, and so on, size and economic conditions of the family, paid by itsTaxes are also different. Xu Xiaofeng Others:

