
tera power leveling is expected this cost about 5 billion yen - XPK

129765262616406250_4Genese spent 400 million invited to giant panda's first step into the Chinese music scene in Japan NetEase entertainment on March 17 to March 11, is Japan "3・11" the first anniversary of the earthquake. Genese firm Kondo Naohiko, SMAP, a total of about 180 artists appeared in the Tokyo Dome, respond to the firm's "Maching j" grant. Firms last week announced a donation to date has amounted to about $ 820 million yen (about 62 million yuan) tera power leveling, and had decided to raise the amount donated to the Foundation for the relief of children in all messages. However, for the purpose of the donation amount, the media talking. It is understood that, at the end of January when the donation plan "Maching j" spokesmen of Kondo Naohiko revealed, will be part of the cost used to invite China's giant pandas. When the message after the, A female member of the Sendai on the blog, never heard of donations to invited Panda-related information. Criticized by many network names Genese improper handling costs, should not be used on the hospitality of the giant panda. Given the public opinion, Genese has to tera power leveling, together with related companies with full burden cost of Panda entertainment. For this move, media analysis, GeneseThe financial status has always been a secret, is expected this cost about 5 billion yen (378 million) on the hospitality of the giant panda, has no problem, after a rumor is just a Chinese giant panda invited to plan reading hot. It was reported that entertained plans of the Giant Panda is really a first step Genese to enter the China market, Genese hoped by inviting ChinaPanda, increasing their popularity in China. Japan is long in the music market is in the doldrums, CD sales have been difficult to go further. In contrast, with 1.3 billion people, China is very attractive for Genese. SMAP's selected foreign concert held in Beijing for the first time is the first step. In other words, this huge tera gold, can'tPanda entertainment programme of the Philippines just Genese signals into the Chinese market. However, Genese private and not consistent with the Sendai Municipal Government had been made, will be how to give a Panda plan is still difficult. (Compile/Lijun) Others:

