
tera power leveling 129770966820156250_328 - GEY

129770966820156250_328Beijing time on March 24, 2012 Australia Swimming Championships and the Olympic Trials 22nd in Adelaide came to an end, Australia also announced the list of Olympic swimming team, in terms of personal projects, 2 projects are not only get the full 2 seats, and Palmer one semi-divine 3 became the biggest winner, lucky star, Magnusen swtor credits, accounted for 2,Thorpe, Hugh Gill, who regret not London. According to the London Olympic Games swimming qualification system provided only up to Fina's a and b to be eligible to compete, personal projects to achieve a standard of which each country can only be represented by one athlete to compete, if a player has only one or only the player up to b, so the project can only send oneFor entry. Australia Swimming Championships held in Adelaide on March 15, in addition to setting the Olympic project, Rana set butterfly, Yang, three non-stroke 50 m project, according to the provisions of this competition, each project before you get two players can get tickets for the Olympic Games, and 100 and 200 since the top six contestants selected for the relay team。 In the match in just 8 days, 26 individual project has to decide the champion of the Olympic Games. Men's champion in 1500 baud only b, after Australia had not reached a standard, so that he will play on its own; only men 200 frogs Ricard reached a standard, after Australia and no second person reaching a standard, Ricard also aloneOperation. In addition to Rana 1500 and 200 men, Championship remaining items are up to a standard, so all have direct access to the opportunity of the Olympic Games in London. Among them, Palmer won the women's 400 and 800-Medal and silver in 200, her human arrogation of 3 Olympic Games tickets; and name Les and Magnusen harvest 2 champions, they work together to Kate-RidgeBell, or Balart tera power leveling, and shipeierkuci, and Fraser-Holms, and Wright, Hadeler, Trant and others get 2 tickets for the Olympic Games. The race on the most desolate torpedo Thorpe five gold medal winners, Australia swtor credits, his self-missed the finals, 100-200 stop contest, so he is not only out of their personal projects, did not get selected for the relay team of qualified; and noMargin there are veterans of the Olympic Games in London xiujier. (Editor: Wang) Others:

