
tera power leveling production and sale of products mainly used in coatings - GRV

129773932897031250_36Reporter Zheng Peiyuan 0 edit Qiu Hailiang earnings growth last year 50% was released at the same time, is expected results for the first quarter of this year would fall by about 90%, this embarrassing scene appeared in the North stake body. The claimed to be the world's largest manufacturer and seller of nitrocellulose, shares in the secondary market turbulence and increased plans change, failed to produce a real investorsReassuring answer sheet. North of shares according to an annual report published today, 2011 achieved revenue of $ 1.91 billion, over the same period increased by 42%; net profit of 32 million, an increase of 50%. But high growth cannot cover up the weak profitability, this revenue of nearly $ 2 billion net profit of more than 30 million only. North of main business of shares for nitrificationCotton product research and development, production and sale of products mainly used in coatings, inks, celluloid products, sporting goods, cosmetics, leather Polish agents, propellants and propellants, explosives tera power leveling, and other fields, although allegedly the world's first, but year gross margin is only 9.59%. Company also released results for the first quarter of 2012 projections indicate that as "product in the first quarterFalling demand tera gold, prices fell, production capacity of the company out of play, sharp drop in profitability "is expected to collapse in profits by more than 11 million dollars in the same period a year earlier to $ 100,000 to 300,000, the decline amounted to 90% per cent. Concern was that North shares the results of release of weakness, or directional add-issuance plans to delay the. CompanyDirectional add-issuance plan changed several times, from March 2011, plans to raise $ 3 billion Zhijiang to $ 900 million in November in the same year; in early March this year tera gold, company does not obtain approval documents and removing the general meeting of shareholders, and that "according to the State-owned assets supervision and Administration Commission reply on this non-public offering of shares in publishing notice of the shareholders in a timely manner. "Company by directionalIssuance, raised to buy 9 525 of natural and East respectively by the chemical pump and 29.93% equity; and 525 pump replenishment of the special industrial pump manufacturing and construction projects. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. InvestorsFor, at your own risk. Others:

