
tera gold particularly for prevention of disease risk - IIY

129773909012343750_38You are here: Home > Home > Guide today from: time: March 27, 12 authors: CUI Dan font size: big a "certified would spend $ 2 billion into the swine industry group" message makes the capital of swine passion once again heating up. The message displays, food setMission planned for 2012 ~2015-year period, to invest $ 2 billion building swine breeding base and support of the industry chain project. In recent years in China, the pig became a popular investment terms. Seems to rise every two years a wave of swine fever, from 2008 the outgoing United States investment banking behemoths Goldman Sachs invested $ 200 million ~3 billion acquisition in ChinaMore than more than 10 pig enterprises, 2009 then even the founder Ding Lei of NetEase Internet start swine and swine industry enterprises in the upper reaches and pig raising enterprises also have to much fanfare into or expand. Besides their food outside the Group invested heavily in pig production in the agriculture-related, including the Wuhan steel group and fosun group, Beijing CIIC group, Canton de United States chemical rawRegardless of the pig industry outside the capital began to set foot in one. As if overnight tera power leveling, pig became a sunrise industry. ����Swine will be the last traditional enterprise gold, can be rewarded after these heavily invested, can solve China's frequent causes of the food crisis, as well as the lack of aquaculture industry chain in the upper, these are unknown. "Gold mine"Behind the risk of entering the grounds of the swine industry essentially similar, industry concentration, the current domestic swine industry concentration degree is very low, the industry presents a pattern of a small company. At present, the domestic pig-top 10 companies and brands, market share amounted to only 1%~2%, and agriculture is going through a critical period of transition in China, pig-breedingFrom fragmentation to the size change. In addition of the swine industry's profits are stimulating capital gain. According to relevant data, 2011/$ 1300 for the average cost of pig-breeding, sales and wholesale price is $ 1800, income $ 400, profit margins of about 22%. Expect pigs will still render the tight balance between supply and demand in the market for the year 2012.In addition to this, pig-breeding thermal is another reason for holding the State financial subsidies. ����According to the Ministry of agriculture provided, standardized scale in 3000~1 head of State financial subsidy of $ 800,000. Lucrative low industry concentration, seeking, Government subsidies, required more than rich, and so makes the surface of pig-breeding appears to be a gold mine, but people in the industryIt appears that pig's investment is not looks so beautiful. New hope Liu Yonghao, Chairman of the Group at the "two sessions" during an interview with the business daily, when talking about the pig-breeding of powerful army investment that "they will encounter greater challenges, different from the industry, industry of agriculture is life, it is more complex, to face natural risks, market risks, biologicalFood security risk, cyclical risks, risk, risk policy and other challenges. ����"The fact is that although these large enterprises have capital advantage, but in the face of endemic diseases and the aquaculture industry prices cyclical risks, capital is becoming and can't resist, a wave of capital loss is that lesson on. "High on the 2008 wave of pigWhen many industries outside the capital began building their own emplacement or acquisitions into the factory, but is facing the consequences of catch in a high area to enter followed by two years of losses. ����"Aige agriculture analyst said. The analyst believes that in fact for foreign capital, that now is not the best time for intervention of pig-breeding, if the Group at the same time to enter, increase supply, orFaces two-year pork prices downward. "Foreign pig is not only money, now as the industry raising scale expansion, on the threshold of the culture demands increase, particularly for prevention of disease risk, for the farming industry, and a blight is the ruin, wiped out, the great risk. "Vertical s partner Advisory Group tableAs shown in. And looks very attractive policy subsidies are not quite as easy to get on, "actually, the national aquaculture policy support and insufficient subsidies is difficult to implement, such as hives once the outbreak, culling subsidies can be implemented immediately, but subsidies are not in place in the Mainland, and this in turn will create a vicious circle, leading to disease is difficult to control. "Above the said�� ����Pig new patterns in gold mining still has many traps, however, the group in the entry of large companies, such as new models or to the pig industry and new blood. In the industry, such as 2008 Goldman Sachs financial capital, 2009 Ding Lei, industry or personal investment of foreign capital set off waves of pigs of different, "first, food in itself hasIn the building industry-wide chain, not a foreign capital, development of pig industry and from end to cut into the middle and lower reaches upstream raw material to create industry-wide chain of pig-breeding industry and secondly, as grain, WISCO enterprises entering in with short-term profit objective of the financial capital and individual capital strong enough compared to their adherence to the industry is that they also have the opportunity to profit. "Aige agricultural aboveAnalysis of the opinion. ����And compared with the upsurge of swine in the past, advocated by groups such as the whole industry chain in the grain pattern in the swine industry development of safeguards for it at the same time, can also reduce cost of pig and reduce overall product quality control more difficult. Food in the past two years has announced that it will invest $ 9.7 billion, establishment of pig-breeding base in Hubei, Tianjin, its businessLogic is in the grain and feed business advantage to extend downstream, creating "feed raw material suppliers-aquaculture-feed producers-meat processing" industry chain. ����Cost 60% per cent of the cost of pig feed, grain and feed before sold to dealers, only 3% per cent profit, provided directly to aquaculture farmers, profits can be pushed to 10%. WhileWith past capital short-term by Lee mode different, in the grain and farmers signed of cooperation pig mode more stability tera gold, in its Hubei pig culture base, farmers and in the grain signed of pig contract is delegate culture contract, piglet all by in the grain group provides, farmers as long as pay must deposit on can has, this way while guarantee has pig of quality and immune can unified standard, while, also let agriculturalReduce a lot of cost. ����Wuhan now reached more than raising capacity of nearly 200 pig farms, more than half of them in cooperation with grain, order farming tera gold, grain unified purchase, unified process listing. "Large enterprises to enter the pig industry, on the one hand easier to solve than retail sales, as well as pork and can be controlled through centralized cultureProduction costs and quality, such as large-scale production speed, occupy the retail out of the space, so pig-breeding cycle of price stability have also been solved. "The aige agriculture analyst said. Others:

