
wot power leveling require justification and calculation - FWW

129756355353906250_87"" Financial report "March 7, five plenary session of the national people's Congress meeting News Media Center multi-function Hall held a press conference. Mr Yin, Minister of human resources and social security, "the current employment situation in China and the development of social security" related question answered questions raised by Chinese and foreign reporters. Mr Yin said the retirement age of discretion inCentral wot power leveling, we still do not have a pilot. Mr Yin said, according to the provisions of the 1982 national people's Congress Standing Committee, is the normal retirement age of female workers aged 50, 55 year old women cadres, male workers aged 60, of course, there are also a number of other special world of tanks power leveling, such as women leaders wot power leveling, such as some professionals also have some special requirements. Our country is now the age of retirementAge and are relatively young compared to most of the world's countries, retirement age was earlier. In order to meet the challenge of population ageing on pension system of our country, and in order to better play the role of human resources, in particular we are now in a gradual shift from unlimited supplies of labour to the limited supply of, so we need to study the problem of retirement age。 Mr Yin said, I now need to correct is that some places not in the pilot delayed retirement age, but delayed for a pension age. Because retirement decisions of life in Central, we still do not have a pilot. Both in terms of improving old-age security system in our country, also face the challenges of the aging population as a whole, this is a positive,Efficiency, and is proved by the practice of States in the world of institutional arrangements for a very good, but at the moment we still need further study, because China is China's national conditions, require justification and calculation, also need to unify our thinking and understanding in the community, we will propose such a policy proposal in good time. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: LV Qiang)

