
world of tanks power leveling then at Haidian Park Comprehensive advance.Technical trading center -

Beijing City, Haidian District in April 8th to start a comprehensive Haidian Park core area construction, national technology trading center, China technology exchange, the National Copyright Trading Center three center will be located in Zhongguancun western Zhongguancun exciting news to once again world of tanks power leveling, the reporter understands, at present these three centers are still in construction.Insiders said, technology trade and copyright trading services to Zhongguancun science and technology enterprises to improve independent intellectual property value to bring far-reaching influence.Three major trading center set up in April 1st, Beijing formally approved the Zhongguancun Science Park Haidian Park of Zhongguancun as the core area of national demonstration zone of independent innovation.Building the core area will be the first in Western Zhongguancun to try first, then at Haidian Park Comprehensive advance.Technical trading center, China technology exchange wot power leveling, the national copyright trading center will be located in the Western District of Zhongguancun.In the past, Zhongguancun area despite a large pool of high-tech enterprises, but the surrounding high-tech enterprises to support services related to the functional mechanism is obviously insufficient.In the center of the three down world of tanks power leveling, Zhongguancun area of the core value or will completely change.Analysis of the industry, three centers and ancillary services forming, will attract more high-tech enterprises stationed; and technology trade and copyright trading services to Zhongguancun science and technology enterprises to improve independent intellectual property value will bring far-reaching influence.According to the State Council on March 20th published \

