
eq2 platinum NBA's official website announced that - TIK

129746618276506250_247Yahoo Sports News Beijing time this morning, NBA's official website announced that, because the Warriors fullback Courie, and Eagles football star Joe-Johnson out of all-star game due to injury, Celtic master Brown will replace Courie participate in the skills challenge, veteran Star Jerry Stackhouse to fill Johnson to play shooting games. Because of the right foot tendon injury, defending champion in the library decided to withdraw from the all starSkills challenge, with all-Star weekend this time and have a good rest and dislocated ankle. So, Celtic master lang can be alternate options, it is worth mentioning that, this was the first participate in skills challenge Landau. He and UNMEE, and Parker, Wal, Yves Brock Williams five top and DeLong-controlled Moon and compete. -Joe Johnson, because of left knee bursitis diablo 3 gold, he had to takeIncome for two games, is expected back after the all star game. Not long ago eq2 platinum, the Union has just announced that long to fill Johnson to play all-star game, Kevin-Durant replacement face Trey Johnson contest. Shooting stars competition, the League announced that veteran Jerry Stackhouse will replace its participation. This season tor credits, Stackhouse is still in the League play to the residual heat of the 37 years old, he isContribution of 3.2. Beijing time on February 26 (Sunday) morning, the individual competition in the arena of Orlando Magic Amway Center began. (Editor: Shen Minqing)

