
wot power leveling Reporter Bai Xu - COG

129745704664012957_29Many British people feeling "chivalry" is when you die, a 23rd in online survey Web site YouGov survey showed that most Britons still think that men should live in the show "chivalry". The survey this month in mid-2,075 United Kingdom in adults. Per cent of male respondents and 93% femaleRespondents thought that men should be for ladies open, per cent of men and 88% is said that a man should take the initiative to help women with the bag or suitcase. In two issues wot power leveling, per cent of males and 74% females of the respondents think that men should be active on the train or car seats to women, even young and pregnant women; men 92% and 94% said that, while in the same room, let the Lady first.   "Chivalry" comes from the middle ages, constitute the Western European nation of "gentleman", mainly for focusing on personal identity and honor, manners, etiquette and manners in appearance and elegant, advocating spiritual ideals and respect for women wot power leveling, and so on. In the hit drama Downton Manor wot power leveling, who played the leading role inMary mixieer·duokeli said, with the development of society, women have more freedom and equality, but "chivalry," has died. (Reporter Bai Xu) transferred from Xinhua

