
world of tanks power leveling April 8 - BXL

129756342039687500_55Reporters with ink in accordance with the securities market arising from false statement civil compensation cases arising from provisions of a number of provisions in article fifth of investors to institute civil action for compensation for the limitation period, apply the provisions of article 135th of the General principles of civil law, that is, for two years. Reminded investors of the investment letters as of April 30 world of tanks power leveling, 2012, 5Company lawsuit is coming to an end. In other words, if the investor wishes to prosecute six companies, must be turned in less than two months time related court proceedings. Here are six events and details of the rights of the company: recommend read the Goldman Sachs Investment Bank loss or reduction of over 1 billion dollars nine bodies on the sword again m head growth slows to bearWorries increased the market continue to adjust probability larger consolidation with systemic risk in the short term is not recovery period 17 unit ready as down as possible major financing long ping [Twitter] very serious consequences of the high price of new shares [Unit]C2 adjusted basis will usher in a 100 point Changyang, shengda mining company limited (securities referred to as ST shengda, formerly sT Weldon, stock code 000603) on March 23, 2010, SFC published [2010]6 number of the written decision of administrative penalty, investigation believe that shengda Mining Corporation in 2005, false records and significant omissions in the 2006 annual report, 2007 annual report disclosures do not false statements in a timely manner, andAppropriate administrative penalties, prosecution claims provide a pre condition for investors. Investors bought the stocks prior to the March 31, 2006, and sold after September 14, 2007 or have been held so far, and presumption of loss or damage caused, as the proper plaintiff to ST shengda filed claims and ask them toInvestor compensation. ����Pay special attention to limitation of action due date: March 23, 2012. ����Court of jurisdiction: intermediate people's Court of Chongqing. Second, in Nanjing North (000421, unit) (Group) company limited (securities in Nanjing North for short, stock code 000421) on April 8, 2010SFC release [of the written decision of administrative penalty, 2010]6, believe that investigations, in Nanjing North (Group) company limited in 2003, 2004 information disclosure of illegal acts of false statements such as, and make the appropriate administrative penalties, prosecution claims to provide a pre condition for investors. Investors after March 18, 2004, 20Buy before April 8, 10, April 8, 2010, and later sold or ownership of shares and investment balance of loss, can be used as the proper plaintiff's prosecution of claims to the company. ����Special attention to the limitation of action due date: April 8, 2012. ����Court of jurisdiction: the Nanjing intermediate people's Court. Three, Guizhou national creates energy holdings(Group) company limited (securities short ST, formerly known as *ST, and *ST four dimensions, stock code 600,145) on April 16, 2010, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued [, 2010]14, of the written decision of administrative penalty, its investigations that, Guizhou State energy holding (Group) company limited does not disclose andMajor shareholders and related parties of the equity transfer agreement, agreement on the transfer of land use rights, and other major issues, these acts constitute a false statement, and make the appropriate administrative penalties, prosecution claims to provide a pre condition for investors. Buy before the April 23, 2007, after April 30 world of tanks power leveling, 2008, to sell or to continue to hold theStock, and presumption of loss or damage caused, as the proper plaintiff brought claims for the company, request compensation for their losses to investors. ����Special attention to the limitation of action due date: April 16, 2012. ����Court of jurisdiction: Guiyang municipal intermediate people's Court. Four world of tanks power leveling, Shanghai broadband technology Corp (documents referred to as ST Shanghai Branch,Stock code: 600,608) on April 23, 2010, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued [of the written decision of administrative penalty, 2010]13, believe that investigations, Shanghai broadband technology Corporation does not disclose significant matters of bank borrowings and Payables, does not guarantee the required disclosures associated with the controlling shareholder, the company's bank deposits are banks chain deficiencyFalse statement behavior, and make the appropriate administrative penalties, prosecution claims to provide a pre condition for investors. Investors in stocks to buy ST before the March 2, 2004, Shanghai, April 25, 2006 (the day) later sold shares or holding on to ST Shanghai Branch, and presumption of loss or damage,Filed claims for the proper plaintiff to ST-Shanghai section, for ST Shanghai Branch to investor compensation. ����Special attention to the limitation of action due date: April 23, 2012. ����Court of jurisdiction: the Shanghai first intermediate people's Court. Wu, zhonghong Holdings Company Limited (securities referred to as Zhong shares (000979, shares), formerly Koyo setStock code 000979) on April 30, 2010, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued [, 2010]15, of the written decision of administrative penalty, investigation believe that zhonghong Holdings Company Limited does not disclose portfolio investments, bank loans, significant guarantees; not fictional securities investment funds for the construction of the recall and fixed assets, such as a false statementBehavior, and make the appropriate administrative penalties, prosecution claims to provide a pre condition for investors. ����Investors who bought between June 16, 2000, sold after April 29, 2005, or have been held to date, presumption of loss or damage caused by, the company can claim. Pay special attention to limitation of action expiresDate: April 30, 2012. Court of jurisdiction: the Hefei intermediate people's Court.

