
diablo 3 gold Xinhuanet - DRV

129756501015312500_87Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 7-Miao Wei, Minister of industry and information technology, 6th in Xinhua "according to second billing", "broadband is not wide" hot topic of telecommunications said in an interview, of current media and public interest "second charge" is not a technical problem, are based on the international "minute" charges. Currently the Ministry is stepping up its research more affordableCharge method of calculation, and strive to give users a satisfactory reply. Public hot "broadband is not width" problem, Miao Wei said that factors that affect user experience first of all users from accessing a site's capacity; the second was backbone network, metropolitan area network and access the user's bandwidth is sufficient; and third General bandwidth for access to the user's actual bandwidth used 70%, this user's habits.Miao Wei said that mainly focus on two aspects of the issue of broadband, the metropolitan, and the "last mile".   Metropolitan area network bandwidth, "light into the copper back" is the best solution for the "last mile" problem diablo 3 power leveling, the Government will be arranging a layout according to the actual situation, promote the effective solution of the problem. The international financial crisis, many countries have invested heavily in broadband national strategiesIncluded in the economic stimulus, broadband diablo 3 power leveling, electricity, gas and water is protected as public infrastructure, and results have begun to emerge in three years, the national broadband project is developing rapidly. China's development of broadband has been at the enterprise level diablo 3 gold, fiber into the community of "last mile" has also been a persistent problem. Band behind the construction of the Informationization level in China and international disparitiesBecome ever greater, international rankings of informatization indexes falling in recent years.   In this regard, Miao Wei said China's broadband strategy this year has risen to national level, relevant ministries such as at present, national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry is organizing a study plan, formally announced the end of fighting for. Miao Wei said, with the evolving Internet technology development, application level understanding, people networksWide demand is also growing.   Ministry of "Twelve-Five" during the construction of broadband has carried out a comprehensive plan, planned by 2015, urban broadband rate will reach 20M, rural broadband speed will improve 4M, provinces of conditional bandwidth rates will be higher. For the Governments mentioned in the report on the work of substantive promotion of network convergence, Miao Wei said, my triple playIn 12 cities in the first phase of the pilot, and overcome trade barriers and barriers to cooperation, significant progress has been made. At present, the triple play trial further expanded, added a 42-city, which will enable more users to enjoy the services and facilities of triple play.

