
diablo 3 gold China. Hecunlongzhi the evening of 24th when answering a reporter's question - RRU

129747570610156250_34Staff writer, Tokyo, February 25 (reporter Yu Qing)-Japan Chinese newspaper 24th Mayor of Nagoya hecunlongzhi posted 3 book on the history of Sino-Japanese, the Japanese version of the "new history textbook" viewpoint of Chinese criticism of Japan tera gold, the Japanese version of the devil I know, Japanese-Chinese translation Edition the Devils to a book. Japan overseas Chinese newspaper editor-in-Chief Duan Yue to Akiko KawamuraProposal wrote: "as a Japan Chinese live warhammer online gold, while also a sincerely expect Sino-Japanese friendship and for the tireless efforts of ordinary people, I deeply regret the remarks made by and to you expresses its strong protest and serious request that you withdraw the statement. "Japan media reports, Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, 24th said at a press conference, Mayor of Nagoya hecunlong notRecognition of the "Nanjing massacre" to speak "is correct, I do not think it is the Holocaust". Japan Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Jing Yu 24th that the Japan Government does not deny that the original Japan implement facts of the massacre in Nanjing, China. Hecunlongzhi the evening of 24th when answering a reporter's question diablo 3 gold, abort and Nagoya exchanges in Nanjing said "sad", and stated that the near future would put to NanjingConsultations, Nanjing, but refused to withdraw or modify its requirements. (Editors: winight)

