
tera gold stressed the Alliance Management will be carried out as usual - XNE

129756967253125000_14Osaka--March 11 diablo 3 power leveling, 2011 Japan suffered large earthquakes along the coast since the attacks in the North-East Pacific, Japan mass media coverage has been addicted to substances and the severity of the loss of life.   Video images over and over to play with the tsunami and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station reactor destruction of the damage, these scenes have been deeply embedded in Japan in the minds of the people. AYears later, media will certainly follow this way to continue to strengthen reporting and broadcast, encouraging Japan people determined to overcome the disaster.   But Japan people may have been victims of some sort of traps that are not visible. Japan experienced by people in the past 1 year and of United States citizens in 2011 following the 1 year after the experiences are very similar. Both incidents on public informationDistorted. In the United States diablo 3 gold, the Government conducted a large-scale publicity, stimulate public support for it is to stir up "global war on terror".   Video images, especially images of the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers, has fanned the fires of conflict. In Japan, earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster images being used by bureaucrats to Japan public solidarity in the reconstruction of the affected areas under the slogan, United continued to act as a given in 2008 annual general election vote in United States long-term primary strategic partner strategy. However, the earthquake has been almost 1 year in the past, Noda is a slow Government progress in post-disaster reconstruction. A lot of people were evacuated in the earthquake is still living in temporary settlements, disaster areas are still stacked with a lot of junk. In contrast tera gold, private sector quickly rebuilt the main production facilities in disaster areas and complete theA key link in the global supply chain. Japan Government's poor run-of-the ruling Democratic Party (DPJ) lack of experience and influence has exacerbated this flaw – is the root of its failing to do proper accountability. In fact, the Democratic Party has not formed a majority in the Senate, and the Senate also holds a major legislative veto, two terms on the Democratic Party Government have four encountersThe Senate accountable to the Cabinet of Ministers resolution.   However, even in the House of Commons, won an absolute majority of the Democratic Party in the endless party struggles and political crises of governance. Not surprisingly, Japan people no longer break the Liberal Democratic Party's 50-year monopoly of the battle were disenchanted by the Democratic Party. In 2008, Japan voters so naive as to believe that the change of Government could end JapanIn the early 1990 of the 20th century, after the real estate bubble burst into a long-term political and economic chaos, so they were out of the Liberal Democratic Party. Declaration on the Democratic Party was appealing the ruling, stressing reform and economic recovery, convincing voters that Japan can painlessly back into the path of high growth in the past. In fact, the Democratic Party thinks that, between the LDP and the bureaucratic system of totalJapan stalled the root (which is also considered to be Japan key to achieving rapid growth and revival after the war). Therefore, first Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of the Democratic Party to attack Japan bureaucracy is well-known, even halt is essential to intergovernmental policy coordination Executive Deputy Secretary of the Committee. Which helps explain the earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasterAfter the relief, recovery and reconstruction efforts in the coordination of policy why so weak. Hatoyama attacked did not let go of Defense and foreign policy bureaucracy in charge of the US-Japan Alliance, because they are considered to be choking Japan Liberal Democratic party power structure/bureaucracy and important component of the economy. Bureaucratic, maintaining its management rights in the US-Japan Alliance is the powerThe main sources.   Therefore, he again stressed that Japan needs to seek, within the framework of the League United States more independent, sell their own vague plan of the East Asia community. The Democratic Party won the election after 9 months, he resigned. On the main reason for his resignation was the Union management of poor performance, especially in Okinawa, United States Marine Corps Base relocationIssue.   He pledged to moved out of us military bases in Okinawa, at the same time, under the bilateral agreement, he needed the construction of replacement facilities. After Hatoyama resigns, successor Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Yoshihiko Noda said in Union management and was abandoned by all domestic policy reform plans. Noda, stressed the Alliance Management will be carried out as usual, while one track-minded in the background of growing deflation5% consumption tax increase three times in an effort to be (this is indispensable for the protection of interests of the bureaucracy), this shows that Japan returning to bureaucratic symbiosis/the Government of the old road. Today, Japan people is a feeling of helplessness, which voters are increasingly vulnerable to political manipulation--must rely on bureaucrats to accelerate the reconstruction of earthquake-stricken area, the US military after the disasterRescue and has played a significant role in the rescue operations.   More remarkable is that restart is the Government Hatoyama of the Democratic Party to cancel administrative Vice Minister of the Commission. And the United States similar to the Japan-people need some time-maybe years – to realize that they have been deceived.   Prior to this, bureaucrats can be outrageous. Songcunchangguang Osaka Saint AndrewUniversity (Momoyama College University), Professor of international politics "author: songcunchangguang" (Editor: Chen Jun)

