
diablo 3 gold 2.5001 million Yuan. Is in stark contrast with it - DNR

129756501052500000_186Since the beginning of the "a-share first Zhuang Tuo" Zhao Xiaoyun road to private painting a very dirty comma, its two private equity rebound in both wound up on the eve of sunshine cleaning, is a reverse index; private return via the Sun a-shares after the fiasco, Zhao Xiaoyun and attempting to move Partnership Fund. The 1th page: Zhao Xiaoyun fought partnershipRaise capital fund no war defeat million 2nd page only: new Fund plummet recommended reading: Li Delin: private black mouth "hurt not" review of antecedent: mouth Zhao Xiaoyun, wound up second in transition Partnership Fund to step up the ante? Only products half-year loss of more than two 30% Zhao Xiaoyun transferred to the Partnership Fund has been questionedPartnership doesn't think much of transition: first Zhuang Tuo defeated Zhao Xiaoyun private Zhao Xiaoyun proposed to the winding up of the partnership-oriented private equity Zhao Xiaoyun blog revealed that the forced liquidation of the original early January "laughter, 2nd" private equity clients, specially set up by Beijing to laugh to see investment management centre (limited partnership) (hereinafter referred to as laughing 1 partnershipFund) tera gold, Monday (March 5) commenced operation; the other a new Beijing Huaxia investment management centre (limited partnership) (hereinafter referred to as laughing watching 2 Partnership Fund) will also be on Friday (March 9) commenced operation. Worthy of note is, according to industrial and commercial information, registered capital of these two funds respectively 3.001 millionYuan, 2.5001 million Yuan. Is in stark contrast with it, according to private line network, "laughter, 2nd" initial size of as much as $ 50 million. ����Investors are very different from those before and after, is self-evident. Two Partnership Fund fully operational this week, according to Zhao Xiaoyun blog on March 3, said laughter 1 Partnership Fund and laugh 2Partnership Fund of industrial and commercial registration completed in late February, these funds will be on March 5 and March 9 have been fully operational. In fact, as early as the beginning of January, Zhao Xiaoyun announced through its blog to the outside world "smiling second" wound up as the sunshine after the private implementation of transformation--return a share of the first gun "smiles first" private equityIs close to zero-position runs. ����At the same time, Zhao Xiaoyun also claimed to the outside world, at the end of February, early March, transferred to the Partnership Fund, even threatening to "more or less in the market fell below 2000, 1700 points set out strategic positions, meeting the 2012 small Bull". The daily economic news reporter noted, Zhao Xiaoyun on February 22 toRevealed, laughter and laughter of the second phase of the Partnership Fund Partnership Fund of the registration has been completed, will be set up on March 9 and March 16. A week later, on February 29, Zhao Xiaoyun once again revealed that the Wei period Partnership Fund will commence operation on March 2 tera power leveling, but smile watching second-stage Partnership Fund will also beOn March 9 was established and started operation. ����On March 3, he once again stressed that the above two Partnership Fund will be on March 5 and March 9 have been fully operational. In fact, "laughs diablo 3 gold, second" winding up of net value of the Fund earlier this year hit "red line" since forced liquidation, Zhao Xiaoyun start plan set up by the end of February, early March twoPartnership Fund and promised to the forced liquidation of the Fund share holders "implementation of 85% returns do not charge any fee before." Others:

