
diablo 3 power leveling average per capita can control income 10046 yuan - FOZ

Not happy " comparatively well-off " solstitial on December 22, 2011, ma Tianchi of 26 years old is located in mouth of Shanghai land home early the office of flourishing a sector of an area, just opened computer, saw statistical bureau is released before today " China builds statistic of progress of comparatively well-off society to monitor a report in the round " . According to the report, 2010 GDP29992 of Chinese average per capita yuan, average per capita can control income 10046 yuan, comparatively well-off rate 80.1% , the implementation degree of life quality respect 86.4% . "These number, look at those who hold out happiness. " the Ma Tianchi that works in ministry of operation of be commissioned of Inc. of endowment insurance of the Yangtse River alarm of American type ground hunch. He says frankly before oneself lunar revenue tax nearly 10 thousand yuan, can control income to make an appointment with 6500 yuan, it is 7.8 times what countrywide average per capita is worth, but " did not feel to become happy " . When estate is produced why to feel the benign change that is less than the life in be being asked about to regard as, ma Tianchi is a chain of drink coffee movement adeptly to be interrupted suddenly, he is pie-eyed ask a reporter: "Do I also calculate in produce estate? ! " meanwhile, wang Shan (alias) the identity that also is oppugning oneself in the Beijing besides a thousand li. Wang Shan of 39 years old is finance and economics kind the senior editor of the magazine, the husband is advanced salesperson, family year income is controlled 400 thousand yuan. Remove a duty from September ask for a dot to rise from 2000 yuan reach 3500 yuan, see pay nearly a few times the mood is described to be by Wang Shan " free and easy rises and fall " . "Before one went up salary, see so most of begin when should sending salary, plan begins in the heart this month can buy some of what thing more. But when see all sorts of answering after capture project, the feeling is taken in one's hand money is less than before, the mood drops in gully from the summit at a draught, the thing that still just plans in brain was overruled immediately. " Wang Shan does not have legal principle solution to have " kill rich aid deficient " the taxation tool of action how " kill " arrived on him head. "I feel I am not wealthy person, estate is produced not to calculate in connecting. " Wang Shan is knitting brows to complain. In October 2011, center of Shanghai round-the-world banking " white-collar culture " exhibiting work of art " go up hill is downhill " . Office worker falls in weigh everyday 2.1 line, live the life that approachs work, those who want him implementation is medium produce a dream to be not easy thing. (does Majun Oriental IC/ pursue) who is medium produce? On international, estate produces in amount to graticule to perhaps be measured with quantified domestic income, perhaps differentiate according to professional property. "The income difference of Chinese various places is too big, lunar income is good-paying 3500 yuan in Gansu Province, but the extensive on north work that do not have a law. The way that China cannot cut with one knife is limitted in produce estate, want to differentiate by the profession. " Liu Xueyi of famous society scholar tells south on the weekend reporter. Look in him, what employee of teacher, reporter, well-educated company waits to be China is medium produce estate. Although the teacher income of the teacher of city of an a gleam of and city of a 3 lines is far apart, but the living standard that they enjoy in respective and located area, social class is likeness. Differentiate by this, ma Tianchi, Wang Shan is medium produce estate, and what they show cannot ego identifying, it is the common fault that estate produces in China actually. Liu Xueyi predicts, at present of the whole nation in produce estate to hold total population proportion for 25% tera power leveling, this one scale of Beijing is 36%-38% , of Chengdu is 32%-34% . In May 2011, liu Zaicheng extended 2000 investigation questionnaire, one of among them problems are " whether are you medium produce estate " . Estate is produced in there is the person of 14% to think he is only in the answer, the person of 56% is denied stoutly. Similar investigation Liu Xueyi still had been done in Japan 1985. The level of Japanese society progress at the beginning of era was equivalent to present north going up 1980 wide, average per capita year income 5000 dollars. In investigation, the Japanese of 80% thinks he is medium produce estate, put forward at that time with Japanese government " estate is produced in there is 100 million in 120 million population " catchword be identical. "This explains the Japanese common people at that time gives aid to to the government in the policy that produces estate is very satisfactory. " Liu Xueyi says, acting 1980 first, bring up Japan " Chinese olive society " is lifelong employ is made (income stabilizes growth) with difference of extremely low the rich and the poor (wealth of society allocates on average) . Shan of king of with filling layer admits he is medium after producing estate 5 minutes, begin a habit to use " with filling layer " will describe oneself located " reposition " . Although fail to recognize oneself social position completely from income and profession, what she still saw herself on purchasing power is medium produce estate gene. "A month eats, wear, with, can spend 10 thousand or so all right " , accord with a government completely to advocate with in produce estate to give priority to force, pull move inside need. But removing those who reduce effect to every months of budget is the policy that comes from a government normally. "In the person of low income, receive subsidy from duty, be taken care of again to housing of application policy sex. The person of good-paying, money of much duty controlling an aspect, floriferous dot is not big also to their influence. The most miserable is us such, do not become high low not diablo 3 power leveling, clip inter, privilege is not enjoyed, endure even ' all rich chopper ' , pay tax more, can reduce expenditure only. " Wang Shan says. Actually, most the educational issue that those who allow foot of Wei of hand of king Shan Wei is the child. From native place with the husband Tang Shan comes to Beijing to hit before Wang Shan is old go all out, the settle after the child was born 2000 is in Tang Shan, in the elementary school on Beijing, next year 6 grade. "Hear, hand in a large sum of money to also can let him possibly be on Beijing junior high school. " although know this message is not exact, dan Wangshan still had the idea of assemble money. Those who sit in office of land home mouth " lone noble " Ma Tianchi, live likewise " close cling to cling to " day. "Lunar income is close 10 thousand say to also be held out ' pull wind ' tera power leveling, but every moon buckles all sorts of duty to expend, with respect to the income of can little 1/3. 8% what social security individual wants to pay salary inside this, business side is handed in 20% . Social security calculates long-term investment, every month receives so much, be necessary? " present company is entered after Ma Tianchi fastened graduation from answer dawn maths 2008, still meet up to now the subliminal calculator that takes at hand, press a result with the sound that rivals with abacus and speed, "6500 Qian Su that remain say ' can control income ' , actually the half cannot be controlled. " after the university graduates, ma Tianchi is in home leaving land with another person the mouth closes near the century park of 3 stations subway hire a 70 two bedrooms of smooth rice. Because be acting 1990 old building, the time that lease early, present month is hired is 3000 yuan (all round the lunar hire of congener room already went up to 4000 yuan) . "1500 chummage, how am I saved again, the board expense of a month also gets 1500. " on the calculator in Ma Tianchi hand, the number of 6500 is decreasing at full speed, "My must and friend have a meal; Actuating pressure is so great, a week works overtime on average 1 night, want fixed travel; I cannot buy policy sex housing, can buy commodity house only, still must put bit of money more... " saw the calculator in the hand, ma Tianchi stopped suddenly, pull corners of the mouth -- the number on the calculator has been negative worth. Ma Tianchi's plan is to pass conduct financial transactions, is not the need of the deposit cost that prop up and deposit. "Putting a bank also is ' negative interest rate ' , I am main now be give fund to do money cast surely. " speak of investment, own experience crosses Ma Tianchi a few storm. Taking 5000 yuan of capital that give in the home to enter the stock market 2006, he for a time gain more than 10000, but when exiting the stock market thoroughly to the year before last year, the money in his hand remains 3000 yuan only. "This removes what fall greatly greatly, my heart is again young also do sth over and over again is gotten terrible, but besides the stock, home also it doesn't matter is other good investment channel, can do only cast surely. " at the beginning of 2011, ma Tianchi bought branch of 70 thousand deposit 5 different fund into 5, "At ordinary times money is gone to in increase a point, came down 1 year to be added probably 10 thousand. Just checked yesterday, 5 fund are worth now 70 thousand, add this year go in 10 thousand did not have. This result I am already special and satisfactory, those who escaped a few days ago is successive drop greatly, still run won grail. " Wang Shan is being searched likewise escape " negative interest rate " method. At the beginning of 2011, wang Shan's husband did capital to enter construction industry with the hundred thousands of deposit in the home, the hope can be captured " one billion three hundred and eighty-five million four hundred and forty-seven thousand four hundred and twenty-four " the tail of investment. "Had not returned profit at present, and still going to ceaselessly in buy fund. " Wang Shan says helplessly, entered ability to know, this industry also must be to money has money of gain of ability of situation, insider. "Another Matthew effect. " leave? "Investment chance of China is too little. " Peking Man Tan altogethers (alias) the chief editor that now is a magazine of Guangzhou, "Be inferior to going to the United States, american house price low, but American does not have money to buy " . Second borrow the crisis 3 years, estate market of the United States still flat. 2010 the end of the year, the parents of Tan sells Guangzhou the house of 10 thousand divisions, taking 200 thousand U.S. dollor to weighed disaster area Boston to buy two common housing in American economy crisis, a 130 thousand U.S. dollor, a 70 thousand U.S. dollor. "Because a lot of in the American that produces estate still does not have loan, cover interest intentionally perhaps, break for waiting for a reason, a large number of common housing are received by American bank. The bank hopes somebody can buy them as soon as possible, but there has been money in American hand, we just can buy a house with exceeding low. " he says. At the beginning of 2011, tan Fei goes to the United States, whitewashed to the house that buys wall. The following day, the house was gone to by lease. Hire of two houses month is 1300 U.S. dollors are mixed each 700 U.S. dollors, 1% what be equivalent to house money, can call in 8 years partly cost. Those who lease a building is very much it is a house once master. Because next estate workers in these United States pay do not remove a room to borrow the house that lost his, but the housing alms that can get next American government is special dialing at the same time. Because be special funds special, the hand of the person that house money does not live via hiring even, arrive from transfer of governmental Zhang date directly the account of owner. Back-to-back, they bought such 3 houses again, the money that spends in all is equivalent to be in Beijing the average boarding house that a 3 houses buy near 4 annulus. Because do not have enough money to pay total money, tan borrows money to the commercial bank, special reception somebody buys the bank room, accrual wanted only 4.5% , "If head flatlet is complete already the paragraph is paid, can apply for mortgage loan to the bank, accrual is 2.7% , stick the ground nearly. " " Chinese house can not appreciate certainly, investment return rate is not high also, but the United States present house price is lowermost cereal absolutely. The friend of Beijing listens ready to do sth, ground of the scrape that grind a knife should go to the United States buying a house. " he says.

