
heads of relevant departments of the China Securities Regulatory Commission

129667840519521642_281Launched in batches on a trial basis, the initial total amount to 20 billion yuan diablo 3 gold, 80% investment bond market in the Mainland after the Securities and Futures Commission recently launched a package of regulatory reform measures, RQFII market looking forward to next possible launch one of the measures of the Commission. Reporters learned from the sources, the SFC, the Central Bank, the State administration of foreign exchange departments for RQFII pilotApproaches have basically reached consensus is advancing step by step, but the launch process was accelerated. Previously forecast in the industry, RQFII the fastest could be launched by the end of this year. This reporter learned that diablo 3 power leveling, RQFII will be launched in the form of pilot batches. Early pilot, the total amount to 20 billion yuan, 80% of the amount invested in bond markets in the Mainland, from the domestic marketMore familiar territory of Hong Kong subsidiary of the Fund management company, securities company. First qualification denominated mutual funds ' shares in financial institutions in Hong Kong is likely to have five or six. And the first batch of the qualifications of domestic brokerages and fund company in the RQFII is likely to choose 2 to 3. After a smooth start and in the pilot work carried out, expansion of departments and agencies and researchFeasibility of the pilot. In May this year, heads of relevant departments of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, has said publicly, RQFII related work has been basically completed, the SFC will promote its launch as soon as possible. This is the first time the China Securities Regulatory Commission on RQFII launch "as soon as possible" words to describe. In August, Vice Premier Li keqiang said in Hong Kong, "will allow its borderOutside of qualified institutional investors invest domestic securities markets ". This statement was interpreted as a small introduction of QFII in the industry is accelerating. Since then, the responsible person of the Central Bank also said that the current RQFII experimental work of the technical preparations completed and is expected to launch in the near future. "RQFII has launched the biggest significance is open ' doors '. "A senior industryExperts accepted the securities Journal said in an interview, currently shares slump, under the environment of renminbi continued to appreciate, while just 20 billion yuan of funds not be available in the a-share market set off waves, and even can be said to be utterly inadequate, but 20 billion RQFII explore the a-share market, "Vanguard" and let the market vision is 20 billion behind largeThe "main force". According to statistics of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, as at the end of September this year, Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong reached 622.2 billion yuan, monthly growth of 2.2%. At the beginning, this figure is only 315 billion yuan. Sitting on a large number of renminbi deposits in Hong Kong, but investment way not much whenever RMB Fund is coming out, though returns are not significant, but small investors are enthusiastic response, Can be seen on renminbi products have more desire. RQFII launch, not only to widen the investment channels remain in the Hong Kong currency, and also help to enhance the liquidity of capital markets. "From a regulatory perspective, possibility of RQFII was launched in the year are very large, and currently also needed liquidity in the domestic market and overseas investorsInvestment shares investment demand was very strong, so the timing of launch RQFII very well. "A Chinese brokerage executives to the securities Journal reporters, after a year of preparation, RQFII launch time has become more and more mature. At the same time, reporters learned that several Chinese financial institutions in Hong Kong a high degree of enthusiasm for this, many prior toChina Securities Regulatory Commission had submitted its QFII scheme. Boshi Fund said Zhao Xiaobao access, Managing Director, RQFII products have a framework for companies, regulators announced once the policy conditions, as well as those granted to RQFII qualification and line, material products can be published very soon. Some brokerages began very early to prepare for RQFII. In August last year, Haitong launching overseas first renminbi in Hong Kong public fund "of sea-going global currency income funds" set aside RQFII investment channels. Guotai Junan securities, the Hong Kong Branch also said that the preparations RQFII as early as two years ago, early preparations have been completed, as long as the policy details introduced, offering related products at any time, raise renminbi investment shares。 (www.ccstock.cc)

