
end of July we in China cloud computing service HTC.com

129615086921406250_726HTC China President Ren Weiguang (left) and SINA technology facilitator, Kang Zhao (right), SINA Tech News 2011 communications exhibition opens today, HTC China President Ren Weiguang visit SINA "CEO online" interview, said the multinational enterprises to cope with parallel imports there are so many ways, many of them are brought in from HTC, the firstFirst is the global flat rate, which is one of the development way of curbing parallel imports. Following is the interview record: SINA technology: Honourable friends Hello! The 20th China International Telecommunications exhibition opened today, our Sina site invite important guests of the exhibition as a guest we "CEO online" talk shows, is nowWe are lucky enough to be invited to one participant, which is HTC Ren Weiguang, President of China, first call General say hello with our users. Ren Weiguang: you and SINA Netizen everyone!  I were HTC Ren Weiguang. SINA Tech: Mr ren is a famous characters in phone industry, his recordAre all big-time mobile CEOs, is the President of Siemens ' Asia-Pacific region in the past, then Motorola China CEOs, now comes the HTC is responsible for China diablo 3 gold, its task is very heavy, HTC as a brand in global development is very fast, but in comparison, this is a new brand in China, Dopod before is quite famous in the past, but unfortunately for the brand. Recently, HTC mobile doing has a lot of as, there is a strategic vision, want to loudly this market, can you give us some information about mobile strategy, the overall situation, the future: how are you? What with the InternetCompanies? Ren Weiguang: we feel at mobile Internet world, the Terminal how can manufacturers and Internet businesses organically is the way, we have made two attempts this year, is that we do in cooperation with Sina microblog mobile micro-, and Tencent made mobile, we hope that the futureDoes this flexibility is very high, want to be in a position to develop. Also in Taiwan, SINA's friend and our head office is talking about our cooperation in the next year, what do you develop each other.  Our depth of mobile very promising cooperation, this is a very important direction for future development. SINA technology: indeed,A case study of Sina, not exaggerating to say that now is the first big 3G in the application, we did not think himself, but look a look at 3G user, I can't say how many, but a lot of people to use.  Ren Weiguang: almost everyone. SINA technology: my own base without PCBecause I used in the event of the, so I'm using a mobile phone or Twitter or send personal letter selfish to me.  Relatively non-mobile, what are the characteristics of your mobile? Ren Weiguang: SINA give an example, SINA is a new Internet service provider, service provider in the future will not only provide a businessWould be multiple business, SINA is microblogging-core, SINA also has many businesses including video, music we is characterized by and how can Internet service providers many different multiple businesses, through our HTC Center integrated together, different users get through,Business proposition, which is the largest of competitors for us to tell, but also to the user experience. Received today if you a SMS, wants to friend in microblogging, sharing a fun SMS, all smartphones can do. Many of the opened several other tools, to several minutes to do aTools, our micro-very fun, as long as the press of a key to upload to your Tweets. Is improving user experience it. We took several photographs in the exhibition wants to share with friends, if a piece of an upload, SINA has a library, we'll get through it, you can select six or seven, tenA trip to the past.  Through this we experience user elevation, the core is that we have to different business Internet service providers are able to connect, this is the core advantages. SINA technology: very well, especially a bar on microblogging, mobile QQ can on a key, so you can use severalAspects, in terms of human operation it is.  In the future these features built into the phone what's your plan? Ren Weiguang: on any Smartphone can be of any social network, including our Sina on all cell phones can we say mobile is designed for a certain Internet service providersGive him a depth of customization, the phone itself can do, but if you're a fan Sina, SINA on micro-phone business will feel the experience is completely different. We hope that in future the majority of mobile phone, Smartphone of all commonly used function is the social network, we can't solve problems,Frankly speaking is also a technical level, because we want in a mobile phone, this deep integration, so we now can either be a phone at the same time supporting an operational depth of customization, but also a deep customization of Internet service providers. Is it possible in the future, with the development of science and technology, technology breakthrough, We're probably on a cell phone can several users commonly used deep integration of social networks, second generation may not be in the future, to our present technological capability, could in the future to the development of the third generation, we will step by step development. Mobile social networking in our plan quite large, including the and operator customization,Considering the experience of consumers. SINA Tech: channels, HTC may be regarded expert in this in China develop.  But now HTC parallel imports are more, do you have any way to curb the proliferation of parallel imports? Ren Weiguang: I from three aspects, I switch jobs go moreMany multinationals Dai Guo, multinational enterprises in response to the parallel goods there are many ways, many of them are brought in from HTC, is a global integrated price, which is to contain the development way of parallel imports. HTC is a relatively new brand in the past, because of the value of the relationship, makes the HTC of China and foreign countries is a bit different from now onYears of the second quarter, we at home global flat rate, you can see, we line the last two or three months, parallel imports price difference is not that serious.  SINA technology: at home will lower the price? Ren Weiguang: so to speak, because our country has differences in consumption taxes, but brands are the same, weIn this regard do this step, structures of the integrated global prices, if users will find our price trend, we, like other brand spreads relatively close. Because we are focusing on high-end products, like China 17% value-added tax, more to the high end will find price differences are considerable. HTC sells in China, would like to work withSINA cooperation in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan areas promote the business, want Sina users would consider this block. This pretty products of China, us in August in cooperation with China Union pay the pay phones in China is to find local products, including TD cooperation with operators, China Telecom two-mode, dual IIs the localized products line, parallel imports, respectively. Many people want to buy or we used to have no channel to sell, we roll out our line of the channel, parallel development. We used to be 300 stores, now in China there are 1300, everyone wants to buy the licensed importers can have more channels toTo buy it.  We have recently also studying e-commerce, including Sina we also explored, and financial 360, Taobao also said could be opened with any e-commerce channels, if the user is interested in our licensed importers, there can be more convenient, more effective way to buy HTC products. SINA technology: These areas are to be resolved, price, convenience, online commerce, in particular, I think online commerce can develop, channels costs less. Ren Weiguang: Yes, this is a relatively new area, we have done two or three months, to be honest we haven't fully model with our 360-inFor more, and Taobao is talking about, and SINA are talking about, we would like to as soon as possible to work out for intelligent Terminal sale of e-commerce in the hope that our product breakthroughs, believed that HTC's sales in China may have a more rapid promotion. SINA technology: HTC is smart phones are good at, now with theAndroid platform gradually being used by mobile phone manufacturers, mobile homogenization of fairly serious, difference between HTC and other smart phones? Ren Weiguang: we rely on user experience, we may more people understand that we are we have a HTC Center, including user experience, application pluginsTo differentiate more than 400 multiple application, like we put Sina business integrated together. Recently we adopted cloud computing, end of July we in China cloud computing service HTC.com, we raise our user experience through the new service, Android and other platforms, MicrosoftForming differences. SINA technology: last to ask a question, as well as fried hot issue lately, after Google acquisition of Motorola, HTC do? There mobile phones also use Android to do?  There is no point, right? Ren Weiguang: makes sense, as Google announcedAcquisition of Motorola's time, our CEO Peter Chou also issued a statement, in fact diablo 3 gold, we welcome, we feel Google this acquisition is the patent protection on the Android ecosystem as a whole will be better, instead of protecting our Android development of these manufacturersAnd Google sync also announced other equally, and previous. Why believe it? We are not blindly believe that Android as the world's largest intelligent operating system platforms, are opening relations with it, if Google in turn changed this advantage, Theoretically we feel Google don't take that route, our first patent protection for IP and second we believe open is Google walking road, continues his core competitiveness we think this be good development. SINA technology: today due to the time constraint, we interviewEnd, last General with our friends to say a few words against individual. Ren Weiguang: gives us the opportunity once again to thank the Sina SINA Netizen to do a co-operation with the majority, I have total has also been talk with Kang, HTC brand will still insist that we hope to improve the user experience as a wholeBrand positioning and target, now the Internet is easy, we also have a SINA's official website, we hope through the official website of the channel of your comments reflect to us, we also hope to further absorb consumer opinion and constantly improve our product and service structures, thank you and friends! SINA technology:Thank General participation in our program, directors also thanks to massive numbers of visitors watching our program, this visit to talk about this, thank you!  Good bye! Ren Weiguang: Goodbye!

