
around the text Exchange sprang "emerging"

129667864438427892_322-Reporter Chen Yingying 24th place of the State Council on rectifying all kinds of transactions effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (hereinafter the decision), once again, pushing the number of cultural assets and equity exchange to "air waves". Industry insiders said, the decision conducive to curbing the spread of chaos, is conducive not only to maintain the order of the whole market, betterLong-term health development, protect the interests of investors in Exchange, it is recommended that authorities introduced matching rules as soon as possible, further improving the trading floors of the market mechanism. Formal rules for the Exchange looks forward to industry insiders said, numerous trading venues throughout the country facing a complete "clean". Approval by the Government, "formal licence" induction of exchanges, of the decision as "timely"。 Guangdong Province of southern culture property Exchange General Manager Zhang Zhibing also believes that this reorganization is timely, to blindly follow the trend of building exchanges around the containment of chaos. "From the status quo stand diablo 3 gold, rushing headlong into mass action by exchanges, especially around feeling. Furthermore, exchange markets without access mechanism and threshold, is not conducive to the long-term healthy development. "With theShi, Zhang Zhibing considers the decision aim and normative was so strong, for various exchanges and in particular the context exchange mechanism construction with very strong guiding significance for the future, conducive to the long-term, sustainable and stable development of a formal exchange. In addition, the China Securities Journal reporter more persons Exchange, said in an interview and look forward to after this reorganization, relevant departments with the matching rulesGuidelines introduced as soon as possible, give guidance to, the development of all types of exchange all over.  It is understood that, since its inception in 2010 Tianjin culture property exchange officially, around the text Exchange sprang "emerging", but related to the supervision of chronically "vacuum" State. The barriers to entry or increase this year despite weakness in the stock market and property markets since economically, but in artBeautiful scenery, all kinds of art real prices through the roof. From antique paintings and calligraphy, jade, porcelain, no not so popular these days, the price was high. According to the white paper on Chinese art market statistics, spring turnover has exceeded 50 billion yuan this year diablo 3 power leveling, with a total turnover of up to $ 50.8 billion yuan. Fall turnover this year is expected at around 55 billion yuan.In other words, Chinese art auction market turnover for the year will exceed 100 billion yuan. The industry believes, revamp norms in favour of formal cultural property right exchange market healthy development of private capital for the road to get into this market also put forward higher requirements. "These exchanges exist to some extent speculative. This situation may occur, ExchangeSpecification, and some private investors back out. In theory, the exchanges are vectors and how financial innovation, consolidation may improve the results of entered threshold. "Entrepreneur, who asked not to be named, said she have a sum of money withdrawn from the real estate market, and its own art collection deeply interested. He had decided to stake in local cultural assets and equity exchangeBut after the revamp began, he decided to wait for some time. "I personally really like works of art. I hope I can share an exchange of works of art, but is now also depends on the country's policies. "The urgent protection of investor interests many people in the industry pointed out that reorganization Exchange is good news for small and medium-sized individual investors. "Because trading rules more carefully, toThe more comprehensive protection for small investors. "Financial and legal experts for a variety of exchanges in particular exchange of" financial innovation "took a more cautious attitude. "There will be risks where innovation, as the a-share markets gradually improve, only experienced risk and the gradual improvement, this perfect before trading is more certainly by investors. "Shanghai Hua RongRegistered lawyer Xu Feng believes that for those who want to protect their rights and interests of individual investors, the decision is a positive sign. "This country will be officially included in the scope of regulation of the various types of Exchange, is expected to further protect the rights and interests of individual investors in the future. "Specific to civil compensation, Xu Feng expressed the need to wait for the relevant judicial interpretations emerge.

