
should start with bus reform

129626184692500000_2109Official bus reform promotion took the bus to be taken seriously the responsibility Beijing News reported October 9, 2011 such suspected of malfeasance and corruption by relevant authorities is underway diablo 3 power leveling, should start with bus reform, officials cannot and dare as bus, with personal cars. Official increases in people, car go? According to the southern weekend reported, Guangshui, Hubei Province, this unhealthy tendency has continued for more than 10 years, so whenOfficial people's deputies and strong dissatisfaction. Ma guoqing and 5 other Guangshui in late 2009 Standing Committee member joint proposals requiring government recovered the bus and pursue party officials of responsibility. But the past two years, only 8 bus was recovered, officials of the other 20 cars were still out of Guangshui occupied and no one was responsible. Officials raised take the bus, in the context of the nationalIn fact, it is not uncommon, but in practice form like Guangshui long-term fix is really incredible, some officials even specialized in buying a new car before he left for away. Reports indicate that some of them are not "business needs", but will take away the car became private property in name, to the official family, relatives. According to the provisions on the use of the bus, provincial official vehicles, one a spotCars, currently a Vice provincial and ministerial level officials to work with. Provincial officials transferred, we will go to the new units continue to be used out of the home authority of the Central and State organs. Original Guangshui officials take the bus, most officials at and above Deputy Division level is clearly not qualified to match car, naturally cannot be taken away. Officials raised take the bus in Guangshui become the rule, at least twoPoints: one is the official distribution exceeding the scope exceeding the bus most common second long-term gongchesiyong has been seen as justified by officials. Guangshui officials raised take the bus, magnified it is not uncommon for "private bus" chaos: some buses are now is not a "bus", and became a financial money to buy personal cars for officials, officials enjoy absolute dominance. When the officials need to busCorruption pays always tends to zero for, when abuse of service transport is not "corrupt" violations will inevitably become violators of pass. This does not, there are official cry out about one ' s grievances. Transferred to suizhou original Guangshui Secretary of Commission for an Asia-based on a "wonder", "if I want to be found I don't, that's my Act shamelessly, the key is simply no one I have ever found. "--Not only does not take away the bus as corruption alsoTheir official level, Xia puying Guangshui officials can't get himself to psychology. Officials raised take the bus, were arrested for abusing power and corruption diablo 3 power leveling, Guangshui some officials do not want to take responsibility for local taxpayers, and no one wants to taoyao, discipline inspection and supervision departments of Hubei sit idly by and do? I hope the relevant authorities verified and processed one by one. To eliminate from your systemsThese phenomena, but also from substantive reforms starting with the bus, officials cannot and dare not depending on the bus and private car. Bus reform should be strictly a hard budget constraint people's Congress began, to the same stringent accountability and public oversight of Auditors; at the same time public bus uses specific circumstances, and at any time to accept public supervision. Only use transparent in a bus under the mechanism, the abuse is everywhere the bus undetected, white sacrificedThe bodies of local finance take the bus, will also serve as public corruption was renrenhanda.

