
but in the end still not agree this is a very sad thing

129626090381093750_958Matches the first three giant discuss halt James: fans are innocent NetEase sports reported on October 9: the Miami Herald News, Wade and his heat team-mate Le Blanc and Pos a all-star classic game held in South Florida, participating in a total of 9 NBA All-Star, venue arena at Florida International University. Wade interviewed by media before the match, mainly on the topic of nature is halt. A formal halt to the presentBeen 100 days, employers had still not agreed before new season two races probably will be cancelled. "It's very regrettable, now such a situation," Wade said, "we both hope that the game be developed, want everyone to succeed, but we wanted to have different ways to achieve this purpose. "" In a way diablo 3 gold, knowsRoad is very close between the two sides, but in the end still not agree this is a very sad thing, but that's the nature of business, the only thing we can do is continue to negotiate. "A Insider understanding of player unions told the AP that, said players Union was preparing Sunday in Miami held internal meetings, then Monday Los Angeles having a. As all the details are stillNo fixed, so the person who requested anonymity. Yesterday, the NBA came news that employers could not be reached on the basketball-related proceeds 50% to assign, players enjoy is 57% return last season, now they are willing to accept the latest proposal in 53% ratio, but apart from 50% gap still 3% probably aboutOf dollars to 120 million. "I think we are eager to play basketball," Pos said, "I think everyone is in this way diablo 3 power leveling, I miss basketball. Us like this it. Now has such an awful consequences of the situation, and now we all good players here, play a game with, all of this is probably not seen visions of people on this veryExcited about sth Is interesting things. "We can be on any day, any time to go play ball," James says, "that's why we're here, return our fans, this is what they deserve, we need to let them know that no matter what happens, we will continue to play, and is playing a very high level of competition. "" I would like toPeople will enjoy the game. ��

