

129614839349218750_475SINA tech news on September 26, in the morning news, Beijing Unicom today announced investments of billions, guarantee 1 million families achieve fiber to the home by the end, before 2015 100% achieve fiber to the home, providing families with 100M optical access capabilities, providing enterprises with 10G bandwidth capability.In line with the implementation of the project, Beijing Unicom launched 8M the speed of light the fibre packages diablo 3 power leveling, as long as the community where the user has completed fiber modification, users will enjoy the 8M fibre broadband 12 months no time limited for the year 1880, fixed monthly rent and gifts-free discount of 300-minute local call time per month.It is reported that as of the first half of 2011, Beijing complete fiber optic home improvement district has reached 42%; is expected by the end of 2011, Beijing coverage will reach 55% in the city.  Currently, fibre and transformation of multiple community simultaneously in Beijing. Deputy General Manager of Beijing Unicom Qi Qigong, 2009 Beijing Unicom had signed contract with Beijing Municipal Government guarantees by 2012 to achieve universal 20 trillion. "To late we must achieve 20 Gigabit home at 73% next year will achieve full 20 MB. By 2015 100% achieve fiber to the home, for families with 100M optical access capabilities for enterprises providing 10G access capacity. "Beijing Unicom social and information office director Han Dingjin Sina technology, media said speeds was a telephone networks to host first, then highest rate 56K diablo 3 gold, subsequently using ADSL, VADSL butTechnical support telephone lines for carrying telephone, extension to the data service ran into more high-interference between the more serious problem, and fiber optic home is the best alternative solution. Han Dingjin, currently in the process of promoting fiber entrance also encountered some difficulties, "as the fiber to the home need to userHome phone line to replace we really wanted to give the task to complete within a short time, one of the most difficult problem is the problem of home, because each family home needs to meet. "It is understood that Beijing Unicom is optical home and copper to exit the synchronization of a so-called" light fall into the copper ". One is beingUsing optical fiber home service user on SINA science and technology, access fibre will use prior to the demolition of copper wire land-line network, fibre network call, but fiber optic modem can only be through municipal power, if power fails, all traffic will be interrupted, telephone cannot be used. Posts and telecommunicationsSchool of Economics and management Professor Zeng, jianqiu, fiber to the home is the inexorable law of development, the current problem is not difficult to solve, Kwang Jin copper back potential trend is unstoppable. (Aiwen)

