
the amount of the guarantee of the companies total of 9.07 billion yuan

129667889695771642_238Deep the BCCI over 100 times more than double, Nanjing medicine over 5 times times the so-called "approaching distressed", mainly because companies will be facing due, debt maturities, and many other pressures. In addition to its own debt problems, investors need to pay attention to the risks of excessive external guarantee of listed companies, beware of the resulting financial crisis. Main funds into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) certain unitRan away cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Security situation worrying, according to the Shenzhen securities information company, data center, early this year until November 24, a total of 870 listed company providing guaranty, 89 listed company providing guaranty to the amount of which exceeds its net assets. Deep external guaranteesRate of 100 times more than double its net assets, Nanjing medicine, xiangyu shares, the same drug, kenfair shares of guaranty amount is per cent of its net assets of more than 5 times; the guaranty building is the largest amount of shares, amount to $ 38.5 billion, midea electric appliances and CNR ensue. Statistics show that in 2010 diablo 3 gold, a total of 802 listed company providing guaranty,Security lines exceed net worth in the number of companies at 67. Guarantee companies there is no lack of listed companies to their financial situation hopeless. Evergreen energy, for example, as of November 24, the amount of the guarantee of the companies total of 9.07 billion yuan, and its majority-owned subsidiaries Shanxi energy Huaying investments limited exclusive $ 5.46 billion the amount of the guarantee. Evergreen energy said in a bulletin "The company has a sufficient solvency diablo 3 power leveling, security risk ", but in fact the subsidiary asset-liability ratio of 64.07%, the former third-quarter net profits of only $ 270 million. As a guarantor of Wing Tai energy itself is also facing a large short-term debt pressures. The company's net worth is only $ 2.7 billion, net profit of 204 million dollars in the first three quarters, but high short-term borrowingAmounted to $ 3.6 billion.����In response, the Shanxi securities noted that Evergreen energy finance costs for the whole year will reach $ 380 million, faced great financial cost pressure. Beware of the financial crisis in General, the amount of the guarantee of listed companies exceeding 50% per cent net assets, it was considered too risky. Any more than net assets and even the number of times the net assets, such as sitting on a volcano. MinOn the official pointed out that external security is becoming now a shares suspended on the sword of Damocles. Although foreign listed companies are stressing "security company has a sufficient solvency, security risk", but as the industry says, guarantees the maximum risk is characterized by sudden, and operational risks are very different. Emergency means has exceeded the guaranteed partyHuman control. Has your Airlines shares this year, the very day the company published the overdue security bulletins. Analysts pointed out that the extensions of loans overdue or, most likely a loan companies out of the question, listed companies guarantee responsibility and joint and several liability for General no escape if a financial crisis, is likely to be in financial distress of listed companies.

