
the company's goods are bought insurance

129626051630781250_520GUCCI store in Shenzhen alleged sweatshop employees suspected abuse to abortion Italy luxury brand GUCCI flagship store in Shenzhen in recent days had been accused of abuse employees to demanding requirements, even leading to miscarriages in pregnant women "sweatshop", this is not the first time being so accused. Former employee said the Shenzhen GUCCI flagship store demanding to require that the induced abortion of pregnant women, according to media reports, in September this year, GUCCI flagship store in Shenzhen 5 has leftEmployees on the network published an open letter accusing "GUCCI is probably a gorgeous robe, but it was full of lice". Exposing employees said the GUCCI company on employee behavior provides more than more than 100, many of which provisions disregard for the physical needs of employees. For example, during business hours of water must be applied to the superior, the toilet must be licensed, and is limited to 5 minutesWithin, and so on. Said one resigned employees during pregnancy, her normal work, stood a dozen hours a day, a pregnant colleague therefore abortion. A source GUCCI flagship store management said all the content in an open letter was true, or even "in some cases more serious than the open letter said. In GUCCI flagship store, pregnant women abortion more than one case ".In addition, the employees said the store once the loss of goods, require all staff related compensation, the loss of goods the price of the average costs to be borne. But, in fact, the company's goods are bought insurance, the company can obtain insurance on the one hand, on the average share, collective bail money supply company. Under the GUCCI "password" warningEmployee preparedness media "cliches" GUCCI responded that this, the company is currently undergoing investigation, will take the necessary measures as soon as possible for proper handling. Journalist noted that "sweatshop" events are exposed, GUCCI issued to staff a report "media customer unannounced visits" e-mail for staffs how to answer media provides some simple customer problemsThe standard answer, answer most of them as "this issue is in internal company information, I'm not answering, please understand that", and requests the customers leave things after reporting operations. GUCCI flagship store's management said, the company which provides mainly against journalists from staff-Laden, and to prevent customer goods dispute when asked to discloseIs detrimental to the company's videos, and more. Non-initial alleged sweatshop renowned GUCCI brand also suspect this is not a GUCCI first referred to as "sweatshop". As early as February 2008 diablo 3 power leveling, United States diablo 3 gold, of the Los Angeles Times reported that several luxury brands including GUCCI, in Italy in Tuscany employs a large number of Chinese workers in the factory, onlyVery low wages paid to them, and the working environment is very poor. July this year, the United States Labour Organization publication reported that world-renowned it companies such as Apple, Nike China established a "sweatshop" network. The Organization surveyed 10 factories in China, has interviewed more than more than 400 workers. 9 forced workers work overtime, weekly maximum timeout 40 hours. DuringNew

