
Yang YunuoReport from

129668652440312500_147Hexun homepage established mobile microblogging mobile stock/fund news blog property news real estate financing real estate review financial figures focus feature news rolling news real estate Home Gallery published in the new travel real estate real estate investment real estatePublished in the real estate financial fame new second-hand House renting overseas property real estate blog hexun.com Tianjin real estate industry forum > body font size print RSS sources of November 27, 2011: the legal evening author: Yang YunuoReport from (reported by reporter Yang Yunuo) yesterday for ordinary houses both relaxed and second-hand House transaction tax adjustment policies after the first day, this reporter learned from the many real estate agencies, did not show the "vacuum period" clusters get checked. Centaline property on the customer's sample survey show that released the first day of the new deal, most stores have received advice on the new deal call, Call volume increased distinctly smaller than the weekdays over 50%. ����Reporter visited a number of intermediary store this morning swtor power leveling, discovery room have not increased, most of the staff on the phone, make room somewhat noisy. "Today a work up to now no fewer than 15 calls, wood ears, mouths also worked. "I love my home a salesman wangyou told in mind the old republic power leveling, These calls will be to consult the new deal, but finished consulting checked but no fork. Then witnessed by this reporter at centaline property stores two critically people, go up and ask, they said is also consulted. A reporter's question "will the new deal ahead of home buyers" problem, one Fang Rentian said that yourself or do you want to wait for a while and is nowDid not intend to make that hilarious. ����Grace period in the industry long difficult peaks centaline property market research director Zhang Dawei, said 10% buyers indicated that it would only transfer as soon as possible, most buyers are most concerned about the decline in housing prices have space. "Because of the policy grace period longer, now December 10 there are close toHalf a month time, transactions so there is no sudden peaks. Most buyers need to know and judge of the time, ownership may be a small rise next week. "Zhang Dawei said.

