
14-Mirko Vucinic/32-Matt lane

129668763162656250_290Halftime-Andrea Pirlo strange arc Juve Pepe the first ball of the provisional 1-0 Lazio NetEase sports reported on November 27: Beijing time on November 27, Serie a team challenge in 13th round matches Juventus Lazio. Strange curl the ball first test of the first half and Andrea Pirlo Marchetti, followed by Motley assists Pepe pulling comes top, after the end of the first half, temporarily 1-0 lead away game Juventus Lazio. Both serie aRace history at war a total of 134 games, Lazio 32 WINS 34-68 defeat at a disadvantage, which slightly downwind arena 24 WINS 17-26 defeat. As before this match, Juventus has 15 games in a row for Lazio remain undefeated, war record to 10 wins 5, Lazio last home defeat Juventus in 2003. Both teams to receive key before the match ballInjury news, but Andrea Pirlo is just a false alarm, Juve organizational core, still appear to Antonio Conte in the starting lineup. Lazio for teams to strike the best striker Klose Miroslav timely shangyu is a significant increase in the power, but Germany striker partner is Luo Keogh, Djibril Cisse has sat on the bench. For Juve in the array lixishitaina and Mirko Vucinic, the service is particularly special,Former is faced with the old master, who once represented Rome has repeatedly break through Lazio Derby gate. 2nd minute of the match, Pepe to dribble the ball to the restricted area, Matt inner tyre didn't take the ball well, the ball is broken down by Defender. 6 minutes, Giorgio Chiellini in restricted areas outside heel to knock for Mirko Vucinic, which small angle the shot hit the side directly online. 9 minutes, Hernan neisida restricted areaPositive top-foot long shots without squeezing, ball high. 10 minute, lixishitaina Beck, the end of high ball crossing, Marchisio header in front of a rub a little biased. The 13 minute, Pepe in Beck, flat ball crossing, Matt tuishe within the closed area is rearguard rescue. The 16 minute, Andrea Pirlo free kick, spin the ball to dribble to the goal, but swerved in front, but horsesCetti responsive ball-bashing in one hand. 21 minutes, Luo Keogh plunge into a restricted zone with the ball, bonucci broken legs kicked the ball, Rossi Buffon directly flip shot on goal, the ball hit Buffon who rebounded in rescue. The 23 minute, Pirlo Andrea overhead shot zhichuan, Pepe buckles the first shot in a few defensive player, the ball slightly higher beam. 25 minute, Lazio get frontcourt free kicks, aiernanneiMaster fine beam higher direct knock at the door. 29 minute, Lander after midfielder with ball to Hernan Gness Ma, the latter in the arc top flat ball long shots was Buffon confiscated. 31 minutes star wars the old republic power leveling, Hernan Gness chest back to Luo Keogh, which welcomes the direct foot long shots miss the ball. 1 minute later, Pepe Beck, after cutting inside a direct knock at the door, the ball was holding in his arms by Marchetti. 34 minute, RomaniaDirectly in front of West knock at the door, retaining out of Buffon and fell on the ball. 34 minute, Juventus making a quick counterattack, Mirko Vucinic to dribble in high speed plug in Matt, the latter crossing flat ball, Pepe tuishe after succeeding, Juve 1-0 get ahead! The 37 minute, Andrea Pirlo midfielder overhead shot zhichuan, Pepe and catching was not offside, Marchetti coagulation of pick of the midfielder shooting attackTo the rescue when out of the bottom line. After the end of the first half, Juventus for the time being by virtue of Pepe 1-0 leading Lazio scored. Both sides played lineup: Lazio (4,312): 22-Marchetti/29-abdoulay konko, 21-mobido DIAKITE, 19-Lulic, 26-Ladoo/32-Cristian Brocchi, 24-Lander, 33 Ma-sitankeweixiusi/8-Hernan Gness/9-Luo Keogh, 25-Clauzet Juventus (4,231): 1-Buffon/26-lixishitaina, 19-bonucci, 15-Andrea Barzagli, 3-Giorgio Chiellini/8-Marchisio swtor power leveling, 21-Andrea Pirlo/7-Pepe, 22-than da, 14-Mirko Vucinic/32-Matt lane

