
mired in "freeze period"

129668732868906250_357Eligible buyers this year in the context of economic development zone, Hangzhou acquisition can enjoy the purchase of commercial housing subsidies. Hangzhou suburb center, economic development zone, Hangzhou was officially launched in the near future of the for 2011 in Hangzhou economic and technological development zone enterprises housing program grant regulations (for trial implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the rules). In accordance with the rules governing content, development zone, financial arrangementsEmployee housing subsidy Fund (hereinafter referred to as special funds) for $ 100 million, for building rental subsidies and housing subsidy mechanism. Due to the policy and market factors such as strong wait-and-see mood, Hangzhou property market from traditional sales off season, "gold and nine silver ten" after the cold, mired in "freeze period", a public auction held by shrinking, housing prices fell, the real estate industry revenue fell significantly, the aboveLocal policies and, in particular, housing subsidies, has recently started implementing the alleged aid property market. First home buyer subsidies for up to $ 200,000 which was released on June 3, 2011 in the Hangzhou economic and technological development zone Enterprise 2011 housing program grant regulations (for trial implementation), officially launched a few days ago. The rules clear, solving the problem of employees renting, Housing FoundationThis principle is the way to monetary benefits, rental subsidy established enterprise staff and senior management in the enterprise (including research and development technical experts) home buyer grants two subsidy mechanisms. Grant object as follows: in development zone registered, tax and business enterprises, industrial enterprises should be subject to such conditions 2010 annual sales value of over $ 100 million, with a focus on technology and service sector companies should comply withBy the relevant authorities identified as above the provincial level (including)-high-tech enterprise, advanced technology services companies. Standard also explicitly for subsidies, sales value of the scale of industrial enterprises, respectively, giving managers 1 set ~25 set home buyer grants, such as the sales value of over 10 billion (inclusive) of industrial enterprises, in accordance with the standard distribution of 25 sets of House subsidies; sales value of 5 billion (inclusive) ~10 billion of industrial enterprises, in accordance with the issued 15 sets of home buyer grants, focusing on principles of technology and service sector companies every business purchase subsidy amount not more than 2. Among them, most articles on housing subsidies is concerned. According to the requirements, each housing a one-time grants $ 100,000 home buyers, and 3 years at the highest benefit per annum over the same period amount to $ 500,000 in Bank commercial loans orProvident Fund interest on loans. Credit line of less than $ 500,000, according to the actual credit subsidies, in the application object must be in the year 2011 in the context of development zone, acquisition of commercial housing. "Is a first time home buyers is indeed senior management in the enterprise (including research and development technical experts), a one-time subsidy of $ 100,000, to enjoy 3 years maximum subsidy amount to 500,000 yuanBank business loans or Provident Fund loan interest per annum over the same period. "Investment and economic development of the Administrative Committee of Hangzhou economic development zone industrial economics Chief Zhu Zheng yesterday (November 24) to the daily economic news reporter explains. The daily economic news reporter was informed that the purchase grant application deadline is February 15, 2012, but the Act must be at the end of the purchaseComplete, qualified homebuyers fast will be held in March 2012 get housing subsidies, to declare with enterprises as the mainstay. Under the current mortgage bank implemented more than five years benchmark interest rate to 7.05%, if the repayment period is 20 years, NT $ 500,000 interest nearly 3 years $ 67,000, and now the first floating interest rates 10% suite rate, 3 years upMore than $ 100 the old republic power leveling,000, plus a one-time grant of $ 100,000. Question: "rescue" or "talent encourages" property stalemate, start the housing subsidy policy in this context. Some Internet users think, Hangzhou economic development zone to rescue, and even friends have expressed opposing views: "taxpayer money to benefit buyers, it is not fair. "Question the bailout has itsAccording to. Hangzhou City commercial housing trading volume has now sharply declined. According to the latest housing index of publications in statistics, monitoring in the 35 cities across the country last week, 30 cities property market turnover fell, 9 urban decline in turnover of over 50% star wars the old republic power leveling, focusing on urban, per cent from the Hangzhou declined the most, by 57.17%. Hangzhou Bureau of latest data revealed that theYear January to may, the city's residential sales area of 5.7103 million square meters, down 20.8%.

