
Diablo 3 Power Leveling Environmental Protection Bureau of Zhangjiakou City KVP

129668732733437500_68CNS, Zhangjiakou, November 27 (reporter Tan Di)-network of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei "xuanhuaqu seal up oil production plant at a pipe duct, in connection with the hotel numerous". The post was published, it immediately aroused public concern. 26th of xuanhuaqu food safety Office responded that in Zhangjiakou City, posts reflect the situation and the facts. On November 25, "xuanhuaqu seal up oil production plant at a pipe duct, in connection with the hotel numerous"One stick first appeared in Zhangjiakou, Baidu. Mentioned in the post illegal cooking oil manufacturers have not only a famous last name, and use the hotel companies are listed. Post said in a joint detachment of Zhangjiakou City xuanhuaqu Brigade would have cracked a large ditch oil production factory. The investigation, this waste oils production factory headed by Gu Fengting, Cai Liyou. Two long-term illegal acquisition, sale, manufacture"Waste oils". Posted to ditch oil raw material source and destination, explains, saying that from these hotels suspect receives waste grease, made from processed waste oil to sell to these hotels. The post was published, it attracted users right away onlookers, whether it's "factory", listed hotel companies, is also the majority of Internet users, have been scrambling to stand Diablo 3 Power Leveling, was called into question. On November 26,Zhangjiakou xuanhuaqu food safety Office issued a circular saying for this event, mentioned in the post "ditch oil" production factory of Zhangjiakou silver ring discarded oil processing limited company, is a xuanhuaqu of formal legally registered enterprise has been included in the xuanhuaqu law enforcement regulation, the area of industry and commerce are responsible for the day-to-day supervision. The company is located in Xuanhua District spring Township Yao family graves in the territory of the village swtor credits, began construction in March 2006,Environmental Protection Bureau of Zhangjiakou City, was identified as regional environmental safety and security project, in January 2007, EIA approval, in July the same year of industrial and commercial registration, tax formalities such as registration and organization code certificate, kitchen waste collection and treatment, products for industrial use, Sentinel are sold to "Beijing to shengxing environmental protection technology co., Ltd." Notices, to prevent "waste oil"Stream dining table, starting from July this year, district governments in the region within the "waste oil" and special kitchen waste, on collection of kitchen waste treatment enterprises and catering service unit carried out a special inspection. The inspection Zhangjiakou silver ring code for production and management of waste oil treatment limited, no unauthorized processing and marketing "waste oil". In October this year, provincial and municipal foodJoint Steering Group to food security in our region during the inspection, thorough supervision of the company checks did not find any violations of laws and regulations or improper business conduct. Notices says, xuanhuaqu Commission, the regional government when tieba reflects the contents are known, attach great importance to again hold fresh attention Office lead organization for industry and commerce, quality and technical supervision, food and medicine, and public security departments, combined with Zhangjiakou food safety collarVerification of production and management of the company. After verification by the company for industrial and commercial registration, tax formalities such as registration and organization code certificate valid, purchase, sales ledger and all kinds of bills is complete, there is no production processing and marketing "waste oil", as well as seizure and processing has never been any departments, posts reflect the situation and the facts. (End text)

