
but we see

129668600987656250_65CCTV on November 25 of the economy and a half hours of the broadcast "Beijing property market discovered 50 percent sales promotion behind the housing price trap", following is the text example: Moderator: sustainable real estate adjustment and new deal for the industry as a whole are all the more shocking, despite the regulation's voice has been debated on whether to continue, but we see, like All the Pretty Horses, house prices are nowFinally tied up the reins and link has begun falling trend of house prices in some cities, even in Beijing came part of real estate price declines nearly 50% of message, whether the price is really really started to nose dive, if you look at journalist investigations. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likelyIn a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Narrator: recently, a Beijing property market 50 percent promotional message reproduced on many websites, the protagonist of the event Beijing zhonghong pixel suddenly became the focus of attention. Although many developers choose to discount sales promotions in the near future, but a 50 percent discount was like a meat pie grow on trees, then this group claimed to be from the average price of 2.$ 30,000 drops to $ 11,600 worth of special rooms really do exist, with the issue, this reporter went to Hong-Beijing sales center of pixels are located outside of the five rings.����Beijing zhonghong pixel sales: these two buildings are subway, this building is more than we advertise said more than 11,000. Narrator: close to Metro, 5th floor, this is the rumored 50 percent floor, reporterAlthough no until this weekend, but 50 percent of the price is still attracting a lot of consumers coming to critically, rough looks the same piece of real estate prices really differ by more than 1 time.����Beijing zhonghong pixel sales: maximum of $ 29,000, the building was $ 19,000, was $ 11,000 on the fifth floor, which is three grades. Reporter: but soon will have careful consumptionWho discovered the difference.����Buyers: a subway underneath the floor, what people have, also. Narrator: claimed to be 50 percent off fifth, close to Chaoyang North Street, downstairs near the Metro Line 6 line station under construction, future traffic flow noise, is clearly developer discount promotions a consideration. But just because of this reason will be given 50 percent discount?Beijing zhonghong pixel sales: start (height) 5.48 m, is $ 28,000 to 29,000 dollars a square meter, 1.65 million per cent, here's a House, (beam) 4.89 m, $ 19,000 square meters and is 900,000 per cent, 3.2 metres below the House is more than more than 11,000 square meters, is 600,000 to 51 set, consists of three grades. Narrator: originally called the 50 percent discount was not the same type of housing stock, the average price of more than 19,000 to 20,000 houses for the popular Loft Apartments, beam height of 5 meters, is a layer that is bought, but can be divided into two levels, but the average price of less than 12,000 flat in this building, beam only 3.2Meters.����Buyers: the floor is a little better.����Beijing zhonghong pixel sales: would you like to $ 11,000, $ 29,000, not 1 time times the relationships right, and then there are 29,000 dollars, were $ 11,000, pick the time as you use your mobile phone, $ 500 cell phones have to talk to Apple (mobile phone) than, it is certainly not be the same. Narrator: visible, Although it is an area in the same, but because of different type, plus the difference of position, the average price of less than 12,000 of the building and several other buildings of comparability is not strong, said 50 percent of the network promotion is just a gimmick of a misnomer.����This building the actual discounts just how high? Beijing zhonghong pixel sales: (formerly) the average price would be 10,000Three to $ 15,000, now how much, the cheapest is $ 10,800 to $ 13,000. Narrator: in addition Hong Beijing pixel discovered 50 percent in real estate sales message, located outside the South five rings on Brocade international zone yizhuang economic and technological development zone (property information) is simply advertisement prices hit $ 4,980 per sq m in Chinese cabbage, how is the actual situation?Reporter: your equivalent price, which is coupled with this, also add upstairs.����Kam International District Sales: divided by two equivalent. Commentary: after the introduction of sales personnel, this reporter learned that the so-called $ 4,980 per sq m is actually not be a real price, because the project translated into is the Loft apartment, actual prices in accordance with the first floor of the HouseVolume calculations, downgrading 11,000 per sq m to $ 15,000 per cent, the second layer is counted as free space. And so-called "4,980", it is added to the upper and lower layers area, were overall prices in addition to after the form of "equivalent to the price".����In order to keep costs as low as possible, even a second floor empty parts of the area was included in the calculation. For advertisingThe figures are exaggerated, will the staff did not know.����Buyers: the price written on here too shocked.����Kam International District Sales: why you look at the top write of equivalent price.����Buyers: a little wrote an equivalent price.����Kam International District Sales: planning, advertising.����Reporter: where, Ah, Ah, here. Buyers: Wrote an equivalent price here.����Narrator: journalist was found in the investigation, such propaganda is not Kam International District has created, most recently as the property market turnover experienced in winter, low price tag promotion has become a major developer familiar marketing ploy.����In Beijing the other outer suburbs area, yizhuang Majuqiao we saw the Billboard. Sales: 9980, digested the internal staff, so the average price of around 10,002.����Interviewer: your advertising is still so low?����Sales: is certainly low, it is not possible the highest price. Narrator: with most launches world's first 125��c the new disk, Kam international unique Loft apartment 50 items of property, its price is not comparable with surrounding residential buildings. HopsonWorld Garden (real estate information) the first period launched of 9,980 Yuan average room, and around of international village commercial type housing of price also don't no too large of may than sexual, therefore this two real estate of price range what for how many, is difficult to to out clear of judgment, but in reporter visited of several real estate in the, are can feeling to in current property case cold of status Xia, developers have playing up has lowConcept of price to attract buyers and Sales Department of manufacturing sentiment.����Longhu Celestial Street sales of the times: the first opening was attracting a popular, the equivalent is the issue of customers you can buy, buy best buy to make a, the second phase will increase gradually, will certainly rise. Narrator: zhonghong pixels, fifth floor, opening in Beijing a few days, the average price of Zhijiang 2000 Yuan, in addition to the type, salespeople give another reason.����Beijing zhonghong pixel sales: the company is a listed company, so try to hard sell, do account at the end. Narrator: this assertion and the real estate analyst Yang Shaofeng views coincide, in Yang Shaofeng's view, the housing and enterprise funds surface tension is the fundamental cause of this round of house prices to adjust, on the close attentionCompany info of Yang Shaofeng, told journalists the three sets of data.����At the end of 3 quarters of this year, Shanghai and Shenzhen 133 rooms in Shenzhen enterprises, average debt to asset ratio is 63%, of which 73 are asset-liability ratio of more than 70%, 20-liabilities ratio has even reached highs of around 80%. Yang Shaofeng (CIC Investments Ltd): negativeDebt rate once they reach 70%, means that it has virtually no room and enterprise can take out mortgage assets.����Narrator: at the same time, in which 133 listed enterprises, about 80 cash flow less than 1 billion, and that less than 100 million of them have 20, there are 30 is here to fluctuate. Yang Shaofeng: so is subject to aBank loan expires, or an amount of project funds to pay, might make this enterprise funding strand breaks.����Narrator: Yang Shaofeng third data set reflects these rooms provide enterprise inventory pressure. Yang Shaofeng: 133 listed enterprises, their current inventory, so-called inventory is that it has been able to sell but no sales part of this House, to 1.45Trillion (USD), each House an average of over 11 billion (USD) per cent. Narrator: Yang Shaofeng believes that listed companies like this, many small and medium-sized property developers will undoubtedly face more pressure. Situation is more severe than the 2008 real estate industry, data have shown that October Beijing property market turnover decline in exports of more than 50%, but newHouse price by 0.1% per cent from, why a plunge in trading volume at the same time, prices did not show any clear cut.����Yang Shaofeng: in recent years either from land or from inflation, or from a financial cost is dramatically on the rise, this piece of land alone cost prices may have risen to 50%. Narrator: now open building, BeijingDisk did not show any massive price surges, but experts believe it is already around shifted from seller's market to a buyer's market, housing prices falling into interval is a foregone conclusion.����Mr CHAN Kwok-keung (Vice President of China real estate Association): now see it's a start, is a start depth adjustment, should be far not the end. ---------------------------------Hangzhou financial capital 100 million subsidy hire-purchase is that the Government begin to rescued qualified buyers of the property market in the context of economic development zone, Hangzhou acquisition this year can enjoy the purchase of commercial housing subsidies. Hangzhou suburb center, economic development zone, Hangzhou was officially launched in the near future of the for 2011 in Hangzhou economic and technological drivingCorporate housing program grant regulations.����In accordance with the rules of the content, development zone, financial arrangements for housing grants employees special funds of 100 million Yuan, for building rental subsidies and housing subsidy mechanism. Due to the policy and market factors such as strong wait-and-see mood, Hangzhou property market from traditional sales off season, "gold and nine silver ten" after the cold, deep "freeze period", sold for shrinkingHouse prices fell, the real estate industry revenue fell significantly, above local policy, in particular, housing subsidies, has recently started implementation of the alleged aid property market. First home buyer subsidies for up to $ 200,000 which was released on June 3, 2011 in the Hangzhou economic and technological development zone Enterprise 2011 housing subsidy regulations, officially launched a few days ago. TheThe rules clearly, basic principles of solving the problem of employees renting, housing is the way to monetary benefits, rental subsidy established enterprise staff and senior management in the enterprise benefit two benefit mechanism of the purchase. Grant object as follows: in development zone registered, tax and business enterprises, industrial enterprises should be subject to such conditions 2010 annual sales value of over $ 100 million, with a focus onSci-tech and service sector companies should comply with the relevant departments identified as provincial high-tech enterprises and the advanced technology service enterprises. Standard also explicitly for subsidies, sales value of the scale of industrial enterprises, respectively, giving managers 1 set ~25 set home buyer grants, such as the sales value of over 10 billion of industrial enterprises, in accordance with the standard distribution of 25 sets of House subsidies; sales value5 billion ~100 million industrial enterprises, in accordance with the issued 15 sets of home buyer grants, focusing on principles of technology and service sector companies every business purchase subsidy amount not more than 2. Among them, most articles on housing subsidies is concerned. According to the requirements, each housing a one-time grants $ 100,000 home buyers, and 3 years at the highest benefit over the same period amount to $ 500,000 in banking businessBusiness loans or Provident Fund loan interest per annum.����Loan amount less than $ 500,000, the actual loan amount for grants, the application object must be in 2011 the development zone within the purchase of commercial housing. "Is a first-time buyer, is the senior management of the enterprise, a one-time subsidy of $ 100 swtor power leveling,000, enjoy 3 years maximum subsidy amount to 500,000 dollars of banksCommercial loans or Provident Fund loan interest per annum over the same period.����"Investment and economic development of the Administrative Committee of Hangzhou economic development zone industrial economics Chief Zhu Zheng told the daily economic news reporter explained yesterday. The daily economic news reporter was informed that the purchase grant application deadline is February 15, 2012, but the Act must be completed before the end of the purchase, subject to conditionsHomebuyers fast will be held in March 2012 get housing subsidies, to declare with enterprises as the mainstay. Under the current mortgage bank implemented more than five years benchmark interest rate to 7.05%, if the repayment period is 20 years, NT $ 500,000 interest nearly 3 years $ 67,000, and now the first floating interest rates 10% suite rate, up to more than $ 100,000 in 3 years,Coupled with a one-time grant of $ 100,000. The question: "to rescue" or "talent encourages" property market strained as they start the housing subsidy policy in this context. Some Internet users think, Hangzhou economic development zone to rescue, and even friends have expressed opposing views: "taxpayer money to benefit buyers, it is not fair. "Question the bailout has its basis. HangzhouCity House currently there has been a significant decline in trading volume. According to the latest housing index of publications in statistics, monitoring in the 35 cities across the country last week, 30 cities property market turnover fell, 9 urban decline in turnover of over 50%, focusing on urban, per cent from the Hangzhou declined the most, by 57.17%. Hangzhou Bureau of the latest data show that in January this year ~10��, the city's residential sales area of 5.7103 million square meters, down 20.8%. Economic development zone, Hangzhou's Xiasha section Hangzhou, is the entire real estate sector of focus, this year in Hangzhou took the lead in setting off the price surge. According to transparent House for sale in Hangzhou network data, the plate current is the decline in Hangzhou the most ruthless of the plates, the minimum reduction crashed near 40%, general reductionSite about 10%. Transparent House for sale in Hangzhou network data show that as of yesterday, houses available in the main city of Hangzhou for 42,911, and inventory high housing stock 8,091 sets available in the sector, where housing is 4,642 sets about Hangzhou downtown, for the entire inventory of one-fifth. According to the rules clearly, subsidized housing stock includes homes and non-residential wineShop apartment. Zhu Zheng said the rules belonging to encourage policy, rather than general good policy. Previously, the CMC has been examined in-zone enterprises, most enterprises reflect "people, and recruitment difficulties", which contains accommodation difficulties, in order to help enterprises solve bottleneck problems currently encountered in the development, have established the appropriate policies. Zhu Zheng further explained that earlier this year on the development ofThe policy, belong to the reward policy on encouraging the development of modern service industry development zone. The economic daily news, reporters found the reward policy on encouraging the development of modern service industry in 2010 and 2011 editions.����Announced in March this year was appended to the 2011 edition of housing subsidies to enterprises employees terms. Zhejiang Provincial Academy of social sciences researcher Wang Yongtai real estate subscriptionSuch policy unlikely to rescue the, $ 100 million in funding for the current real estate market to no avail, is more likely to encourage business and industry, the first three quarters, 9.5%, Zhejiang, Beijing seven, Guangdong 8%, China's most developed economy of the three regions, but has the lowest GDP growth of three provinces. For housing subsidies, the current domestic citiesIntroduce policies targeting special groups. Changzhou leading talents of innovation and entrepreneurship to give a maximum of $ 500,000 for a one time purchase subsidies and settled in the award of a maximum of $ 300,000. In Chongqing City and District 10 first-time mortgage buyers, while paying a tax in the 10 districts of house owner, lines can enjoy financial subsidies according to the payment of a tax concession. According to the Chongqing finance sector solutions-Release, the policy is mainly to introduce top talent.����Hangzhou Municipal Government introduced last year on strengthening the construction of affordable housing, supported living and improving the housing consumption, promote the healthy and steady development of real estate the old republic power leveling, buying home, financial subsidies, housing accumulation Fund and of the purchase transaction, formulate preferential policies of tax and fee, referred to as high prices to prop. RentHousing allowances: enterprise rent subsidy of 5 Yuan/square meter per month. Buying allowances: each housing a one-time grants $ 100,000 home buyers, and 3 years at the highest subsidies amount to 500,000 dollars of Bank business loans or Provident Fund loan interest per annum over the same period. Credit line of less than $ 500,000, the actual loan amount to subsidies. (National business dailyNews Xu Jie)

