
Diablo 3 Gold mass satisfaction 95.6 per cent% FYG

129668731581250000_4Report from (reporter Yu Jie) Chaoyang An Huili community households, rented accommodation, entrances, and few years too many criminal cases.   This year, Chaoyang village police station chief of public security set up patrol police station in An Huili Simon, strengthened patrols within the community and community at the gate control, An Huili community is not a criminal case. Civilian police good Yu Li covered with batons,Handcuffs while on duty "eight large" security guard appeared in An Huili community on Simon. Starting from the spring, village police station North Star patrol police station after its establishment, Yu Li and his colleagues stationed in the 24 hour police station.   Colleagues at the police station when Yu Li will bring security to the inside and outside the community around. An Huili community is a big community, nearly all households in the communityThe people, for vehicles and out of the gate, there are 4 other pedestrian access door for more.   Due to the community of old, stale property facilities, some sections do not have street lights, and rental housing, poor security Foundation, has been too many criminal cases. North Star patrol police station after its establishment, lights flashing in the night, a police station in the civilian police on duty 24 hours. At the community level,Village police stations coordinated subdistrict office and property management company for the local community added, improved monitoring facilities, and the installation of street lamps, the evening shadows in community buildings is now brightly lit. Remove the protection, prevention, and civil defense forces have stepped up within the community Diablo 3 Gold, building indoor-climbing in the summer when the high incidence of theft, community police with security in terms of community patrol, squat ex officio, these measuresMake An Huili community even collapsed North Star Road, in the vicinity of the merits, An Huili year criminal cases did not occur in the community. This year, Asian Games village police station area in prevent cases of case incidence declined nearly 40% over the same period last year, jingmin 4 communities to achieve a zero incidence, of Community anti-case 3 average dropped almost 30%, mass satisfaction 95.6 per cent%。 Asian Games village police station Director Zhao Huaijun: we will be building, times of scientific development to offer blood, unnecessary services create harmonious spirit safe, warm heart.   Dear friends Diablo 3 Gold, people are satisfied with police station evaluation activities already fully under way, will ask you for the Asian Games village police station cast a vote of enthusiasm! Election manifesto people comment on police "walking in the smallFeels much safer "()

