
to set up an Internet site SWTOR Credits to set up an Internet site - KAQY

129836407507343750_74Hitch Google 3D map of dark Apple United States 6th, Google "rush" hold a map launches, publications including offline maps and new maps, 3D maps, but Google maps launch did not disclose the specific time, one has to wonder if Google have done sufficient preparations. Time to Google this afternoon at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) prior toOvernight, rumors, on this year's WWDC Apple will announce its own map of research and development, replacing the use of a Google map of the 5-year-old. WWDC to be held in San Francisco on June 11. Since 2007, the Apple iPhone Smartphone has been bundled Google map, use it as a default map application. IPad display Google map Google mapsIs Google's trump card was formerly known as Keyhole map company in 2004 and acquired by Google. In 2005, the official launch of Google maps. Google maps currently covers 187 countries, users can search for 75% satellite pictures to see your House, number of monthly users who use Google Maps has now reached 1 billion. GoogleMap Vice President bulaien��maikelandeng said SWTOR Credits, will promote Google map application to all platforms. That being said, but the treatment varies between different platforms. Google says new offline maps on the Android will first of all in your own implementation, offline maps you can enable users in a foreign country directly available through built-in GPS positioning, rather than through expensive roaming networks.However, Google did not disclose specific on time, and when it landed in Apple's iOS platform. In fact, the Google announcement is more of a product of retrospective exhibition to launch "new products" are expected, including an upgraded version of the 3D maps, and Google the Conference theme of "next-generation dimension" is quite fit. While Google had previously launched a similar 3D pictureMap navigation, but the effect is not good. Maikelandeng said the new 3D map with the new 3D rendering technology, and rental of aircraft for aerial photography, when the user feels when using 3D maps like "sat overlooking the city in a private helicopter", within a few weeks was expected to visit Android and iOS platforms, covering 300 million people by the end of the year. It is worthMentioning is that display 3D maps, Google navigation is not using their own tablet computer, instead of using the Apple iPad. However, due to the need to lease the aircraft to shoot, this will involve a different airspace use policies between the Government, Google is expected this project wants to promote resistance not small on a global scale. In addition to the maps, Google also released a personal street view device--Cross-country (Trekker), compared to previous street car, portable personal street shooting at less than 40 pounds (18 kilograms), uses lithium-ion battery, can take a day. This device extends the view of Google Maps Street view cars may be unable to enter the area. Apple and Google fall foul of each other a long time ago the Wall Street Journal cited Apple's current and former employeesAs saying that plans to abandon Google maps on the iPhone has been brewing for years, as Android handset shipments more than Apple, the planning process is accelerated. Built into the Google Maps application in the Apple iOS systems, is one of the most commonly used application in the iPhone, you can help users to find businesses, get traffic conditions as well asFor line services, and with the iPhone usage increases, also bring significant traffic to Google. But now, the map market has become the battlefield of Google and Apple's latest. According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple has quietly acquired the map service of at least three of the top companies and technologies of such companies and their technologies together. According to market research company OpUs Research estimates that in 2012 is about US $ 2.5 billion mobile ad spending, and map or locate information related to the mobile ad spending will account for around 25%, the data 10% in only two years ago, and as the number of geo-location software to increase this share is expected to continue to rise. People familiar with the matter said, Apple and Google fall foul of each other a long time ago, AppleDissatisfied with the Google Maps application collects user information through Diablo 3 CD-KEY, also refused to provide iPhone with Google Street view feature. For many years, Apple and Google has always been a model of cooperation among enterprises. Each main area of their business-Apple computer and other hardware, Google Web search services and the sale of online advertising. Have long served as Chief Executive OfficerSteve jobs and Google CEO Schmidt individual close to, which in the period from 2006 to 2009, serving as Managing Director of Apple. However, the rise of the iPhone and other smart phones have changed all that. Google, through its Android operating system into the phone, which made Steve feel unprepared. Recently, Google acquired Motorola, directly into hardwareMarkets. Recently, Google has released their music, movies, books, and mobile application store to compete with Apple's iTunes. Android phones now global shipments of more than the iPhone. Apple also launched a counterattack, through the sale of mobile advertisements attacking Google's advertising business. Last year, the company also announced a new weapon to challenge Google's search business-Named "Siri" voice-activated "virtual assistant". "Apple in a number of areas targeted directly at Google, Google and Apple are data, devices, services, and future war in areas such as computer technology, which is today a historic battle. "The Managing Director of investment bank Rutberg Co Lokendra Bahadur Chand (Rajeev Chand) said. However,In maps, Apple is to achieve the level of Google maps still has many gaps, including "geocoding." "Geocoding" and longitude information can be converted to the actual address. Currently, Apple has launched its own geography in its iPhone software coder, but apart from a small group of professional software developers, almost nobody knows this message. ThisExternal, depends on the Apple WWDC next week launches map application level, fail to achieve the desired levels, users are likely to switch to Google maps embrace, and Apple's own map might like social functions like Ping, gradually being marginalized. Comment: who is going to let you go online without worry about who is going to make you worry-free online? The subject fall foul of each other in Apple and GoogleThere is also involved in the process. According to the Wall Street Journal revealed that maps the rancor between the two sides one step deeper. Understanding Apple's idea of people familiar with the matter said, Google's massive data collection through the application's behavior was increasingly upset by Apple, new conflicts arising therefrom. Who says Apple fears the move could violate a user's privacy. Google might not think so, it has beenPromote the "don't be evil" motto. The latest example is, when you open a Gmail mailbox, there may be a message reminding you that Google detected the Government funded the attackers are trying to invade your account or computer. This is Google's latest security measures. According to Google, this measure is intended to help users who may become a target intrusive extraMeasures, such as using a high degree of security password, or uses a two-stage authentication method, but refused to comment on is how to determine if the intruder is funded by the Government, said if you talk about the details, information that might be leaking bad elements in the help. This looks bad, Google is increasing attention to user privacy? Nor does it all, don't forget Google's launch in March of a newPrivacy policies have been controversial, including some of the search information on Google users will be shared in other products. For example, when you search for a keyword more than once after, if you use other Google products, Google will automatically give you the recommended information related to that keyword. But it is at least certain that is, Google collects user information, "service" users, and to ensure that itsHis organization's interference, unless the violation of local laws and regulations. Is, unfortunately, not all Internet companies like Google, even as Google has "don't be evil" mantra, also not all regulators can "tolerate" companies such as Google. First the access conditions, if you have need to layer upon layer of approval levels, including legitimate enterprises, aSeries of long term planning, as well as funding, personnel and facility conditions, to set up an Internet site, so companies like Facebook would have ceased to exist. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter has attracted hundreds of millions of users, but does not require the user to have to real-name registration, freedom is your choice,So the real-name system management more convenient, especially when you track down some specific information, easier to lock the user population. In fact, the massive user master data information is a double-edged sword, you can take this to expand your business, but it also might not be able to manage huge amounts of user data, leading to information disclosure caused the decline in corporate reputation. United States social networking service LinkedInWas just exposes the 6.5 million user password was compromised, something similar happened in China, many websites that user data being leaked, in addition to the site remind users to change passwords, still do not have the appropriate laws to protect user information. According to the Wall Street Journal reported that the United States Congress is considering a Bill requires further disclosure on the Internet of blocking InternetThe content of the. United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton) meeting in December last year called for further improving network free. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) participated in the meeting Rift Platinum, Clinton called Schmidt "old friends". Others:

