
[scroll] Moody's reaffirmed France ratings Outlook to negative Diablo 3 CD-KEY [scroll] Moody's r

129823520748125000_466A shy man being speech master 1th you have to keep in mind: as bad as you imagine does not own. "When people are in the middle of a group of shy people to speak when their performance is always better than their ideas in advance. When they feel shy often underestimate their performance. "From the State of California, Berkeley wow power leveling," shyness Research Institute (Shyness Institute)"Lynne Henderson said. The Agency is a non-profit organization in California. 2nd you have to keep in mind: a little anxiety is a good thing. Because a little nervousness represent the things you care about what you are doing. But you only need to worry about the right things. In his speech,, you need to be concerned about the right thing is to your audience. The audienceMost want to see is sitting there 1.5 hours watching a nervous speak speaker. The performances they expected to see a confident speaker, because confident speakers can really help on them. That's very selfish, which are the key to you when you want to understand. How to examine your audience at the beginning to see what they needHelp. Look what kind of change can bring to them, if I could provide them with what they need. "Your audience and make eye contact, and stand. Doing so can make your eyes full of confidence. Tell yourself, I want to see these people, and provide them with some of the really valuable content. "Nancy Ancowitz tableAs shown in. Ancowitz is one guide for business communication, but also the inward man of self promotion (Self-Promotion for Introverts) author of one book. Look at your audience, and they communicate face to face, as well as when you can chat with others. In fact, all speechesChat and there is no essential difference, the difference is only in the conversation in the talk is always only you a person. To be an effective talk, you have to make your audience feel. Doing so might make them more clearly understand your point of view, benefits and more. "I'm glad to be here Diablo 3 CD-KEY," might as well replace this sentence "I'm glad to be here to discuss with you."Zhihou, must very clearly told them your opinion. "Clear to tell the audience that you can quickly allow them to receive you, and resonate. "Ancowitz says:" short and to tell them what you have? what do they need? and how you can help them. "" I came here to sth "is a very effective openingField of white. Activities, such as lectures, the most effective way is to outline the beginning of statement. So make sure you tell them your content and ideas. After to establish your authority. Suppose you are telling your business story to people, first of all, you have to do is confident they can tell this story well, because nobody knows their story better than you. EachPeople like to listen to the story is told well. Tell a story here are Esquire Magazine tells the story of three proposals. Story name can look slightly boring, and the story itself must not be boring; Your stories for your position; Rationalization of the structures. These suggestions apply equally to speaking engagements. Your speech topicsAttractive enough, but the presentation must be wonderful. Your speech for your position. Rationalization of the structure of your speech. Imagine a perfect speech, vision and don't ignore details. "Give your audience something they can take fine aftertaste of content, such as ideas, proposals, rules and all useful content. Because the audience to listen to your speech is its ownThe purpose of. "Karl Albrecht said. Dr Albrecht is a Managing Consultant, at the same time he was also the social intelligence: success of new (Social Intelligence:The New Science of Success), author of the book. In addition to AlbrecDr HT mentioned outside of, you also need to pay attention to speech structure arrangement, these practical content is reasonably placed in all stages of speech. Calm APPEARANCE. During his speech TERA Gold, your performance should be between "excited" and "crazy" in between. Ancowitz, said: "no need to promote their products; no need to preach out loud; no need to stick to convince others."She said, in his speech in the process is not for promotional activities. Even in the best of times, market behavior can be unpleasant. In his speech to promote themselves on stage and will only make the audience feel to languish. Imagine imagine history that the success of a speech, although every successful presentation for the purpose of selling a product or idea, but marketing can only be lectureThe subtitle. Always the most important is providing information to the audience. "In his speech, you will be dancing on stage?" Ancowitz asked (for the sake of your interest, we tell you the answer: never!) "If you were to speak to a group of people, you have to place the feet firmly on the floor, never flitting around with no purpose. "In his speech on theEvery action will be unlimited zoom. When you are in two-leg cross, viewers will have noticed. When you are scratching your face, will also pay attention to the audience. When you're playing with fingers, the audience also noted. So be sure to calm. People have sharp eyes, they will pay attention to all the little tricks you. Controls the maximum benefit is that these little tricks, soDo the same to make you calm down. Ending in his speech before the end of how to ask the audience for you or your presentation with no problem, and then wait for the audience raised their hands. Abrupt end will break before you create the perfect atmosphere, will be wasted. Allow the audience to ask questions is not a problem. Problem is that very few people are willing to stand up to ask questions, and all the attention, theUntil the situation eased only after the first person to break the awkward. Therefore, the best way is to ask the end of audience do you have any questions, and let the audience raise their hands to ask questions (shout out or sit directly in his seat), and continued to speak, until they brought the issue to interrupt you. If there is no to your question, you need to consider before the next lecture presentation for you again runColor. Because you failed to resonate with the audience, you tell the story of can affect their lives. You also failed to engage in an effective dialogue with the audience, you just have been preached to them, and not to communicate with them. Enthusiastic audiences to ask questions as a standard score. Your goal should be questioning aspects of the audience had the opportunity to say the phrase "IThey also have time to answer the last question. "If you had the opportunity to say the words, then your speech must be very successful because you have successfully stirred up the audience's interest. You have to show them things you can do for them, they urgently want to know you more, and how you described the contents to better meet their needs. This represented a great success in your work--Success came to power under. 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subsidies 25.5 billion | 97.9 billion renewable energy Special Fund | DriveSocial spending trillions of 3.6 billion King "cover" vegetable [financial] Dong Fan: timing to buy ren Zhiqiang policy pressure drop: 2 years after soaring [financial] Mianyang, Sichuan province arrested for retention of 6 billion investment at the expense of Hong Kong donates school [financial] Green City 3.6 billion market covered land into vegetable built wuliangye Yibin airport [financial] apply medicationtoPair of highly paid, not satisfied with Chief Executive Tung Foxconn double pay to 4400[stock], Director of the Shanghai financial Office: foreign companies listed on the International Board as a whole [stock] people's daily: Unit shares monkey Monster stocks soaring down people do not understand [commercial] self-made billionaires under 40 list 2011 China's list of top 30 [business] "top tenFall short of the reality "brand 2012 Chinese online shopping survey [financial] financing managers confused study 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