
bullet in the breathing hole on top TERA Gold bullet in the breathing hole on top - NTRZ

129833416168233750_815According to the local villagers introduced, the day before yesterday and yesterday it happened near the sea waves, are very large. "Rescue" Dolphin "pain" tears of civilian police as it sinks in the ocean yesterday digging on the beach of the village, because of stranded dolphins may be uncomfortable, tears have been dirty, bullet in the breathing hole on top, is constantly panting. From time to time it is also a big mouth, as if given to wail.Watching the dolphins look of pain TERA Gold, small chenhexiaolin of civilian police is very anxious, for how much it eases the pain. They think, "If you can get it has been soaked in the sea, should be better". So, they walked along the dolphin's body, as it dug a temporary sink and poured water to prevent water, not enough. Dug well after the sink, pouring water, DolphinClear up some, stop the tears, the tail also ground up from time to time. Professionals came to rescue its spirit better by Chen contact, 12:08 at noon yesterday, Lion marine wildlife rescue Center of the world 3 ambulance officers arrived at the scene. "Hurry up, first it effects, side-lying, oppression to the visceral, also affects the breathing. "SavingAfter Jian Yehuang nursing staff to see dolphins, professional ambulance personnel around the start command. Just when the effects, it's a bit unstable, civilian police too busy to help it lay well. The dolphins after effects, Jian Yehuang again all will sink deeper digging. "Moisture is very important, if not moisturizing, it may die soon. Heat dissipation of the tail is where you to the end of it poured a little water. ”Jian Yehuang head on the Dolphin breathing holes above the smell for a while, said with peace of mind, "stomach should be no problem. Stomach if bad breath will stink. "After Jian Yehuang professional ambulance, clear spirit of the dolphin. Zhihou, Jian Yehuang and let people come up with two bed quilts, covered with sea water, under the pad before the Dolphin fin "so that it could be a bit uncomfortable, not oppression to the organ"。 See the Sun increasing, he made one seized clothing, on the back cover in the dolphin, shade for it. After a preliminary check of the dolphins, Jian Yehuang said the dolphins bottlenose dolphins, bottlenose dolphin, is a national-level protected animal, is also more common in offshore of a dolphin. Abdominal wound is dolphin oval, is likely to be bitten by a shark or other fish, "Species of sharks, bite other fish usually bite and leave immediately, "dolphins cry, is in the drainage of the salt. Too much exhaust, good. "Jane Ye Huang says, Dolphin and abdominal injuries, the key is to check for internal injuries. Due to the more remote at the site, rescue vehicle arrived until about 1:40 P.M.. At this point, Dolphin's body temperature has ascended, Rapid breathing began. Civilian police, villagers work together around, to move it on to the quilt, then slowly lifted it on the car with a quilt TERA Power Leveling, sent to lions Sea World treatment. 8:30 P.M. in good condition should now be able to live it down last night, reporters learned from the Jian Yehuang, sea world has just been sent to lions, the dolphins did not immediately adapt to the environment, has been around in the water,Toss for a long time, which is very tired. "The emotional stability and we let it, don't let it be disturbed. Now, it's moods have stabilized, and visit the posture is also very pretty. "Jane Ye Huang said, at about 5 o'clock in the evening, they feed it is taking anti-inflammatory medicine, surface wound with a number of drugs," it is likely to cause bacterial infection of the wound ". Later, it also ate 4Fish when the dinner, "special human, feeding the first fish ate it, it is already in the article, such as a fish". Jian Yehuang said, the next, they did still have to examine its internal organs were injured, "If there is no internal injuries, it can very well survive". "Seldom seen stranded dolphins can live, basically a stranding death. "Jane Ye Huang was moved to say, last yearShishi HANJIANG once a Pygmy whales beached and later died, "the dolphins if the last to survive, thanks to the border police and villagers were taken care of, can be considered a miracle." Extension why it ran aground? Jian Yehuang said, the Dolphin ran aground, was probably injured because pain rampant, "channeling on the coast". Or physical illness, resulting in soundOrgan is not normal, no way to own the navigation, they lost, "the recent occurrence of red tide in the waters of Quanzhou, may also be due to water pollution, undermining its sonar organ". Jian Yehuang remind people if caught dolphins stranded on the beach, first of all should be as it was pouring the water, skin moisturizing TERA Gold, keep the heat sink. If there is Sun to shade as much as possible, its head under the front finsCushion soft things as much as possible, avoid oppression to the organ. Head breathing hole at the top of it do not feed, do not cover, so as to avoid due to poor breathing. Also, don't let it have compression. Also, after seeing it in the public, should be the first time with the departments concerned, as soon as possible to get the dolphins to aid station. (Editors: Zhang Jun) Others:

