
tsw power leveling the couple's spat. Rage - NLG

129731361932041727_11Report from (reporters Zhang Tianbo reporter Lu Ming) quarrel between husband and wife, brutal husband, wife and two children killed. On February 6 diablo 3 power leveling, this reporter learned from zhenyuan County Public Security Bureau, January 21 in zhenyuan County territory of this tragedy successfully cracked.  At present, the further hearing of the case. According to reports, on January 21 at 8 o'clock in the evening, zhenyuan County Public Security Bureau receivedCanal Township of the County horse King Highland Village a villagers ' reports, said King Highland Village of 27 villagers killed a year younger than his wife Li Mou, as young as 2 years old daughter and 6-year old son. Cause up zhenyuan County Public Security Bureau attached great importance to the case. Upon receiving the report, or visit the field guide to detecting the main Leadership Council. After a full investigation by the police, the Court heard that truth: the night of the incident at about 7 o'clock, Suspects a company wife Ho Lee, from his father-in-law in zhenyuan County ditch returns, the couple's spat. Rage diablo 3 power leveling, where a wife pushed Lee into the 110-metre deep ravine tsw power leveling, take short cut to gully after viewing. When he discovered from falling when Cliff's wife does not break, to strangle it with both hands. Zhihou, what a returned home alone. Brutal attackHou, a HO and no remorse, but did not kill his wife told their parents.  A misrepresent themselves to his father-in-law was ill, wants to see the two grandchildren, and their two children to strangle their corn fields, where after a suicide attempt. At present, the punishment of what some have been arrested. Others:

