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129725023488363094_23Angang steel listed first-loss Gao Guanzeng can hardly cover results changing faces "Buying program is group and the management of the company based on the company's strong confidence in the prospects for the future development of decision". On January 11, Mills one of the leading angang steel (000898, closed at $ 4.79) disclosure of angang group of controlling shareholders and corporate executives plan to increase its stake from the secondary market in the next 6 months the a-share stocks, intends to purchase per person 1~200,000 shares and voluntarily locked for two years, overweight causes, say such rhetoric has notice. Outside world thought it had to reverse the momentum of decline when angang today suddenly sent "bad news": the expected 2011: loss of $ 2.151 billion. The daily economic news reporter found runescape items for sale, 2011 1 ~ June, angang steel was a profit of 239 millionElement, that is to say, the company lost $ 2.39 billion in the fourth quarter of last year alone. First loss since listing angang announcement today, financial sector a preliminary calculation, expected company net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies for the year 2011-2.151 billion yuan, the basic earnings per share-$ 0.297. In 2010, the company's net profit of $ 20.39Billion, basic earnings per share of $ 0.282. Changes for performance reasons, the company explained, mainly the original fuel price rises above the steel price increases and the overhaul of blast furnace and other factors, particularly steel prices fall sharply in the four-quarter, and the major fuel prices remain high, the company of four seasons in losses, resulting in losses for the year. Angang steel announcementsCertainly outsiders shocked! Since going public in 1997, annual losses on angang never, 2011 is undoubtedly "break a religious precept". Quarterly reports from last year, angang steel losses came suddenly, the three quarter 2011 earnings of $ 239 million, that is to say, the company lost $ 2.39 billion in the fourth quarter. Angang steel h-2011On October 4 after a record low of HK $ 3.47/unit, then embark on a wave rally; despite tumbling 6.29%, shares closed at HK $ 6.26/unit. The other hand, on January 11, angang has just released a major boon, angang group of controlling shareholders and corporate executives plan to increase its stake from the secondary market within the next 6 months the company a share unitTickets, each senior executives to buy 1~20 shares and lock the that part of the stakes for two years on a voluntary basis, funds derived from self-financing. Buy reason, angang said the is group and the company's management based on the company's strong confidence in the prospects for the future development of decisions to match the height of shareholders to the benefit of long-term, stable and healthy development of the company. Because of angang steel 2011 second-quarter earnings of $ 149 million, third quarter net profit fell to $ 19 million; holdings h performance and Executive moves, there is no doubt that investors initiation company had to reverse the momentum of decline of ideas, it is clear that angang today's notice is shown to the mere illusion of investors. Profit $ 7.7 billion angang steel giant Baosteel 2.151 billionYuan, isn't it? The daily economic news reporter found today, the new steel (600,782, closed at $ 4.98), maanshan iron and steel shares (600,808, closed at $ 2.58), shaogangsongshan (000717, closed at $ 2.81), Shougang shares (000959, closed at $ 2.89) and southern steel stake (600282, closed at $ 2.92), also published announcements; unless expressly minus 5,686% Ma steel, Shougang shares 96% reduction, a remaining net earnings are down more than 50%. Earlier release notices, letters, Mills also Army Day steel (600,581, closed at $ 8.28), Valin steel (000932,Closing price of $ 2.91), linggang shares (600,231 buy runescape items, closed at $ 5.48), GISC shares (600,894, closed at $ 5.76), fangda special steel (600,507, closed at $ 4.39) and LF (600,019, closed at $ 5.13). Among them, LF net profit in 2011 about 77.17Billion, only 42.24% per cent fall; fangda special steel, Valin steel is a pre-increased by more than 100%, a turning losses into profits. Obviously runescape items, 2011 for iron and steel industry to decline, it is normal; LF is still profitable, angang lose so serious, this, I do not know what the company explain this? Others:

