
rift platinum 129742938859843750_201 - MDE

129742938859843750_201Today Shanghai composite index closed 2363.6 points, up 6.42, 0.27%, sold for $ 82.31 billion; shenchengzhi per cent to 9616.65 points, up 1.31, or 0.01%, sold for $ 78.13 billion; szse per cent to 4528.26 points, up 10.69 points, or 0.24%; venture capitalBoard closed 721.1 rift platinum, up 3.3 points, or 0.46%. There were 1062-stocks of the two cities, 1017 fell, were mixed ratio of 1:1.   Daily limit non-ST Unit 11, no stocks fell. At the end of last week's Central Bank cut its deposit reserve rate effect, Gap of the two cities today advance huzhi advance in six months above the line, 2,383.69, 1.12%-MarketWatch, but huge advance in the two cities had not raised in early trading market long on passion age of conan gold, it sparked some selling pressure. High low open, huzhi has been in the real estate sector in early trading led by elevating appears, but due to the contraction in trading volume, index chonggao drop shocks hit after midday. Home appliances, glass plate on the side leading to the market; furniture, hygienePharmaceutical sector of decliners. Taken together, index of afternoon tremors hit, compared to turnover on Friday in spite of enlarged, but still not enough to support the market after the advance on the resistance area continue to rise diablo 3 gold, huzhi and return to the track on the half line, and wedge-shaped channel, now, huzhi is still not complete on effective breakthrough in wedge-shaped channel, Outlook still facing directionChoice.   Recommended short-term is dominated by cautious investors, patiently waiting for the market to become clear after the select operation. Body source: Morgan Stanley investment

