
the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling 300 - KKL

129724958943206844_20According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange the latest requirements, gem annual announcements of the company should be disclosed prior to January 31, 2012.  Return of the Spring Festival holiday, more than more than 200 gem company 2011 annual results notice disclosure is drawing to a close, from which you can glimpse its overall condition. First annual report on the gem was officially unveiled on January 17: Jebsen shares (300,182, unit) 59% revenue growth last year tera gold, net profit increased 54%. As of yesterday, wind information data shows that at present a total of 213 gem company has announced the 2011 announcements, of which 45 companies, and 116 a moderate increase, 7 continued profits, 37 experienced mild decreases, 8 pre-reduction. Recommended reading on January 31Graphic: local afternoon rebound as an auspicious start who died normal technical adjustments need to be cautious shocks to a shares rebound pattern of renewal of China a-shares in HKEx offering worry-start a shares opened weaker Outlook was langma several points of thinking on nuggets of information the man higher up "plans break unit" [Twitter] RMB appreciation and the a-share the mysterious relationship [shares] old shareholders to discloseThis location at the end of January 18, market index a new level of Red gem, in bottom 621.67. Not long ago, the index hit lowest values since the market opened, the gem.  Some analysts pointed out that, after nearly falling over time, risks are released, gem of the lot is wrong to kill shares after strong rally. Pacific (601099, shares) stock view, looking ahead to 2012, the gem investment opportunities mainly to structural and event-driven.  Also, high dividends, especially equity high sent into market hype story, gem expected stocks is expected to result in higher dividends of listed companies, and lead to more trade opportunities. Reporter Liu Xia stocks when rising technology (300,073, unit) business setbacks net profit decline topped when rising technology is a new enterprise, production of lithium-ion battery materials, but due to the wrong team, has to face the decline of the predicament. Expected 2011-December net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies is $ 1 million-$ 3 million, compared with the same period decreased by 97.11%-91.34%. Since the beginning of 2011, when rising science and technology in the industry market pattern larger adjustments have taken place. New smart phones such as Apple, Tablet, an increasingly popular tor pvp valor power leveling, the company is mainly used in original products face impact of traditional mobile phones, notebook computers.  Customer order so affected, big atrophy in main business products. At the same time, in a large environment, European debt crisis led to deterioration of the international economic environment, the international market price of raw materials all the way down, larger companies export prices down. With the increase in the national policy support for new energy industry, more and more enterprises to join the industry anode material for lithium battery, also led to excessive investment in industry and construction of disorder, competition intensified, product gross margins continue to decline。 Looking back at the beginning of the listing, when rose worked as a leading company of lithium battery cathode material of science and technology, bright future in the industry, but now need to worry about performance persistence.  2011 annual report publication of the current notice in all the gem among listed companies, the company ranks fall in net profit fell by more than 90% list first. Lianzhong (300,096, unit) on the waterfront "social security"Increased performance and when rising technology is different from fellow gem company lianzhong has since caught up with the good times, results for the year climbed into the upstream channel. 2011-December, attributable to the shareholders of the company's net profit of about $ 82 million-$ 90 million, an increase of 152.21% per cent. In so farBulletin announcements last year of second board companies, by far. Reporters found that its growth is not complicated. Last year, the national Twelve-Five plan "to protect and improve people's livelihood, the national plan issued 800 million social security card" for the business of lianzhong has provided effective support. Flagship product "social security financial card" demand amplification, naturally occurring performance Super-pre-Period of growth. However, the movement of the second board stocks are soaring performance is not commensurate with it. At the end of October last year, announced three of its quarterly bulletin that displays the top third-quarter net profit growth of up to 143%, then the units consecutive days gone red.  But back in mid November, easy lianzhong began to pick up the trend of decline, as of yesterday to close at $ 11.42. Kang Zhi pharmaceutical (300086, unit) trapped "age limit order" unable at the 2011 annual announcements, Kang Zhi pharmaceuticals also refers to a helpless state food and Drug Administration issued a "age limit order", that is, the circular on strengthening the management of nimesulide preparations prohibiting us comfort to children under 12 years old. Nimesulide 2010Years on an international forum on safe medication in children is challenged by an expert, last May, the FDA issued a notice, modify nimesulide instructions prohibiting nimesulide preparations for children under 12 years old, ruizhi Qing (nimesulide particles) flagship product hit Kang Zhi pharmaceutical industry. The first three quarters of last year, the company the product sales close to $. Three quarterlyAs shown in the company's net operating income is now double drop. Kang Zhi drugs has been actively seeking to transition and looks forward to building new support, ibuprofen particles and a series of new product promotion are accelerating. But it is, the "age limit order" is still drag on performance of the company. Is expected in 2011 1, belong to shareholders of net income to $ 27.8635 million.$ 640,000, decreased by 80% per cent over the previous year. Huayi brothers (300,027, unit) two "authorized" to improve 200 million accompanied by celebrity cash left one after another, huayi brothers "Star" is not reduced. In 2011, although the film grossed slightly inferior to companies by virtue of its film and television drama, authorizing such as brand, intellectual property, maintain30%-40% growth. Huayi expects 2011-December net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies earnings $ 190 million-$ 220 million, increase of 30% per cent from the previous year. So momentum not only benefited from good management and industry chain and further improving the more appropriately attributed new business models such as brand, intellectual property licensing,Is this, huayi's profitability significantly improved. Last December, huayi ushered in the two brand signed licensing agreement, authorize Shanghai China cultural industry development, Ltd and Hua Yi Studios (Suzhou) limited "huayi brothers" brand, covers the licensing costs and a one-time service fees. Shortly thereafter, the company has signed the strategic cooperation with Tencent frameworkAgreement authorizing the huayi movie network dissemination of information.  From these two deals, huayi brothers at least gains over $ 200 million revenue. Reporter Liu Xia Magnifier Super 60% performance of the company as the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday ends, 2011 annual report disclosure of listed companies will usher in a small climax. According to letters disclosed performance of listed companiesIn the Super-60% performance of the company. As the performance of listed company's annual report and express the progressive disclosure, in the market has entered a market expectation of the annual report. Center according to the Shenzhen securities information company limited, as at the Festival, two cities there are 1433 listed companies disclosure report announcements. Ultra-60% performance of the company, most happy companies in machinery and equipment industry.According to the performance reporting only the total company 874, disclosed the company new definitions today, 61%, where the sharp rise in performance company 395; performance increase company 410 is expected to turn that company 67; performance full of the company 2. Companies, hengyi petrochemical (000703, unit) to increase by more than thousands, won the performance increase Wang GUICrown.  In addition, the performance of pre-loss company 133, total 9.4% in all pre-loss company, hanwang technology (002362, unit) disclosed the performance correction letters than previously projected increase by $ 75 million loss, expected losses for the whole year is up to $ 425 million, to $ 435 million. Adjustment reason, hanwang technology, said the revisionAnnouncements of products including electric paper book revenues and gross margin fell short of expectations the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling, the stock made provision for supplementation, provision for bad debts are expected to increase, and so on.  Heng Tai Securities believes that hanwang technology subject to the main business single, factors such as sales decline in gross profit, complex right in the unit is still in a medium-term downward trend. (Yu Zhang Fei) net profit falls TOP10Drug companies drop when rising technology 97.11%-91.34% Kang Zhi 80%-98% East Sunrise (300,118, unit) 60%-72% Jianxin shares (300,107 shares) NG 53%-63% China shares (300,095 shares) 50%-80% Tai sheng wind (300129, unit) 45.52%-52.85% national technology (300,077, unit) of Jincheng medicine 40%-55% (300,233, unit) 40%-48% Shui fire (300,116, unit) 40%-45% pine shares (300,132 shares) 39.88%-44.59% TOP10 companies increase in net profit increase in the 152.21%-176.81% Galaxy magnet (300,127, unit) 130%-190% violent explosiveness galore and ecological (300,197, unit) 95%-125% blue cursor (300,058, unit) 95%-105%Neusoft carrier (300,183, unit) 90%-110% Tomson Jian (300,146, unit) 90%-110% blue water (300,070, unit) 90%-100% Evergreen shares (300,195 shares) of zhenghai magnetic material around 90% (300,224, unit) 85%-120%Wenzhou hongfeng (300,283, unit) 80%-90% (arrangement: Liu Xia)

