
diablo 3 gold 100 had lost the game - KPA

129725030008519344_64Heavy State Bank: notify the Tianjin team before the match fully comply with the basket requirements Before the Chinese new year with the Army Day competitions have conflicts with the local fans of JR Smith's sister, in the previous round of heavy competitions at the State guest at Tianjin, again clashed with fans, and making indecent gestures were published on the Internet. For the incident, heavy State men's Basketball Club, the Club did not violate the basket requirement, and now the team is focused on playing well every regular left fieldThe game. Club express prior notice in Tianjin and Tianjin in the match, before the start of the fourth section, JR's sister and girlfriend at one point and fans clashed in Tianjin. In verbal conflict, JR sister made a very indecent gestures. This event not only delayed the normal start of the competition on that day the fourth section, also caused widespread discussion of fans on the Internet. InDiscussions, fans say JR's sister consecutive such conflicts, if no Stadium culture of China, or whether clubs should interfere in their behavior. Yesterday d3 gold, the reporter contacted the heavy State men's basketball team's General Manager, Zhao Bing, for the whole matter of conflict, he said: "I was in the dugout, far from location, was already at the end of the sectionCritical moment, the attention is focused on the team here, how did the whole thing is unclear. "The previous JR after fans clashed in Ningbo, the sister, basket Association has introduced a provision requires family members of the visiting team with the team is really necessary counterpart, the visiting team must advance contact with the home team, with the home team confirmation must be accompanied. Fans questioned why JR's sisterSister and girlfriend does not stand on, but field, directly. In response diablo 3 gold, Zhao Bing, explained: "our preparatory meeting before the game, had already notified Tianjin. This is fully consistent with provisions of the basket. "The club said, because JR sister and girlfriend to the team watched the game costs are paid by the JR himself, so the Club has also not excessive interference, do not permit with the team."But we will certainly do some communication and JR, and his sister explained in the hope that they can comply with discipline in the arenas, subject to the field of management and command. "The goal is to impact the playoffs after accidentally lose to Tianjin, chouzhou currently ranked tenth League with 13 WINS 12 achievements, this is also the team dropped out of the top eight for the first time this season. In the next remaining does notMany competitions, Zhao Bing, the team's goal is to play well every game. After 27 rounds, the League and then there were 7 rounds, in addition to the top of the Guangdong team has locked the playoffs out of seats, the remaining 7 playoff competition places will become the main theme of the next competition. At present other than Guangdong no one shake strength, win gap between the other teams are not great,It also means that, after the match will be very cruel. Integrals appear on the list, while Beijing in its fight against Jiangsu teams Dongguan defeat to Zhejiang guangsha team, Beijing continues to consolidate the integral list of second position star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, also took the initiative in the postseason competition seats. Guangsha heavy State Bank and 27 rounds respectively obtained after 15 wins 10 negative and negative record of 13 WINS 12, although the breakdown points standingsBy the 4th and 10th, but only 2 wins the gap. This means that, among these teams behind slight slip 7 round is likely to miss the playoffs. Chouzhou next seven opponents, whether it be playing double defeat of Qingdao, Shandong, Shanghai, Liaoning and Jilin, are also fighting for playoff seats teams, plus there is also a Derby, you canThat was a tough battle. In response, Zhao Bing, currently can't think too much, one only one playing well every game. Tomorrow the first tough battle, against Qingdao chouzhou home, once away from home on 99:100 had lost the game, that are very unwilling to believe JR �� Smith this time will take revenge.

