
which will improve denitrification business chain industry

129667889714990392_288This week, the shocks in the market in a variety of bad, good news intertwined end of build.  And an interview with the financial investment newspaper reporter three private equity says monetary policy shift has become inevitable, the a-share next year will have a large market, now a shares have fallen more, the greater the opportunities for the future. Zeng Jun kumjuns and investment: policy shift with large capital inflows next year stocks (eleven-seconds5) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! "The market is in a wait state, waiting for stronger policy shift. "Shenzhen kumjuns investment management limited and Zeng Jun, Chief Executive, told reporters that" in the short term, the market killed falling down the possibility of significantly hadVery small, is also being constructed at the bottom of the market. "Zeng Jun said that China monetary policy in face of multiple objectives such as growth, inflation and house prices, four-quarter GDP is likely lower than 8.5%, the slowdown as the biggest risk, and in November will also fall in inflation to below 5%, in October the national average, it was the first y/y drop, this meant that monetary policyShift has become inevitable. Specifically, first step is to monetary easing of monetary policy shift, marked by a 3 year Central ticket rates downward, from 1 year of central interest rate cut is confirmed, the future is likely to drop interest rate cuts. Into the second step is credit easing of monetary policy, lower interest rates to credit demand recovery, while October credit per cent from the additional or bank letterLine of credit increase.  If credit increased by more than, the economy or from the bottom. Zeng Jun believed that appeared this week of evaluation standard of Jiangsu and Zhejiang agricultural loans 5 cut the deposit rate of 0.5% per cent of rural credit cooperatives in this situation, although these last year because of the high index was transferred swtor power leveling, the individual cut, and will affect smaller, but the signal is greater than the actual significance,Broader policy adjustments in the future. In the operation, Zeng Jun told reporters: "Gjinzom now and are preparing for the next year. Due to the policy next year is a high probability of turning, so we are very optimistic about the market next year. At present, the largest consumer, new industry continues to be our key research section. "In the view of Zeng Jun, in fact, a wide concept of consumption,Including tourism, food (liquor, health care), and so on. Zeng Jun data displayed to journalists, vital goods such as food and beverage industry to achieve a revenue growth of more than 25%.  By 2011 a-share-largest consumer sector in the third quarter sales revenue 1.8191 trillion yuan, an increase of 28.5%; $ 86.2 billion in net profit, an increase of 33.2%. "Liquor, Wine and leisure clothing, home textiles, jewellery, dairy products, such as decorative gardens, daily chemical and tourist industries profits increase more than 50% in 2011. These industries are in line with the general direction of consumer upgrade, after leading companies come to the fore in demand steadily release and industry concentration degree sustained growth driven by rising double.  "Zeng Jun considers. ToIn the new industries, said Zeng Jun, this is the general direction of investments, which will come out a lot of dark horse. "Combining our operations policy is primarily filters out valuations, growth factors in accordance with the subject of, and layout in the fall, preparing for next year. "Xu Haiying Hong Kong assets: as always holds culture media and environmental protection unit" factors currently affecting the market is still veryMuch, but still hasn't changed the main factors, namely external State of uncertainty and monetary policy tightening. Therefore, cannot be too optimistic expectations of the market.  "Shenzhen Hong Kong asset management company limited, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at Xu Haiying said in an interview with reporters. Xu Haiying believed that domestic policy remains directed easing, this means tightening policy wouldContinued for some time. Only when the CPI below 4%, official PMI fell to below 50 per GDP below 8%, policies can only be full Steering, and before that market expectations of stocks should not be too high. "The short term, the fine-tuning of policies, shocks to the market will continue to fall. However, investors still have the winter preparations, because below 2,300 pointsIs not likely. "" In fact, the current house prices have started to fall, decline in real estate investment growth for the future is clearly affecting the real economy. At the same time, real estate stocks is the leading sector, performance declines also weighed on the market will progress. Closely related financials and property stocks, long term growth in its performance is to have some question or doubt. "Xu Haiying onThat, in addition, the real estate financing problems, the underlying investments decline, decline in exports also have event of a negative impact on the a-share. Xu Haiying bluntly: "because there is less volatility in the direction of the Qing dynasty, Hong Kong investment strategy is focused on companies in operation, in particular, policies to support the company, such as the culture media and environmental protection unit. Among them,On media policy of support for maximum, maximum, and culture media in the a-share stocks are not much significant companies are just a few of the benefits, ordinary investors and institutions together hold cultural media unit. "As for the environmental protection unit, Xu Haiying believes that green shares despite quite a lot of references, but" Twelve-Five "planning framework for energy saving and environmental protection as a newHead of the industry, so is definitely policy in the future, such as green taxes, and so on. "Encourages the implementation of the policy is the key to comprehensively accomplishing environmental goals, expected maximum investment opportunities are still exhaust gas treatment device engineering sector's enterprises and sewage treatment project. Among them, thermal power plant deNOx electricity prices are expected to determine early next year the old republic power leveling, which will improve denitrification business chain industry, the industry is expected to occur and explosiveHair growth and development of reclaimed water is expected next year is expected to strengthen, good leading enterprises. "In terms of positions, Xu Haiying told reporters:" views on the market's more cautious, so the current positions of only about 30%. But if the market continues to fall, we aren't going to jiancang, but likely gallon. Gallon variety, that is, these two industries. "Huayin finishing treatment of assets Ding Yang: optimistic about nuclear power and General Aviation "no matter what the outer disc, should be bounced by a-shares. From a technical perspective, the current a-shares have been severely oversold, and basically fell this week. "Silver finishing treatment of Shenzhen China asset management Ltd said Ding Yang, Director of the Investment Committee, in the short term trend, Ding Yang believes that market on November 18There is a gap, short-term rebound the most optimistic see 2,440 points, end of the run time estimates to around the middle of next week, after which further down. "On the whole the current decline in bio-market is still at large in the channel, 2400-2500 rally only fell stage rally, however, had seen it on to the market's fall in prices should be the last one before the next year fell, but inDuring this time did not rule out the drop in stocks is bigger.  "Ding Yang judgment. Current monetary policy shift the focus of concern in the market, Ding Yang believes that while domestic policies only directional adjustments, and for small and medium enterprises, but suppress the market factors have changed. For the markets, is clearly positive. "In fact, back in his policy is still fine-tuning the preconditioningUnder the King, rose is not necessarily all rely on credit, we believe that considering the market's first element is the price. The broader market after a year of adjustment, the current price is obviously low. The other hand, when the annual Chinese new year, banks will recover the money, is also in line with the overall downward trend on boundless, and shock. Expected in late December in money will bargain layout, after all, every year aQuarter lending is more. "In terms of strategy, Ding Yang told reporters:" now Huayin fine governing positions are very light, direction of attention focused on expansion of small stocks. Sector, is a nuclear power, and general aviation. "For the markets is generally bullish about the consumer unit, Ding Yang said:" market or promising of general interest, we are generally not layout too much, unless there is aGood stocks. "Nuclear power unit, Ding Yang said:" Although nuclear power unit in the previous hit, but the future development of nuclear power could not. With 2012-May face nuclear power planning cycle, we believe that nuclear power regains approval boost from nuclear power sector valuations, while arguing on nuclear techniques will be addressed in the first half of next year, so now is the layoutGood time of the nuclear power sector. "Also, for general aviation," we expect the December policy introduced divided into low-altitude development of standards in the field, a-shares on the plane the whole machine, matching the key parts, helicopter, airborne, and General Aviation low-altitude open five areas there should be a certain degree of chance. "

