
only the first half

129668631875937500_811th page: bad money actually put reserve guard against risks of heating up the 2nd page: be careful of crazy looking reservoir risk rising 3rd page: root of interest rate marketization "now on sale-series products, period of 30 days, pushing its yield up to 5. 2% to purchase. "Near the end, this advertisement can be seen everywhere, although the regulationDepartments have to orally proposed termination recommendations within 1 month of the financial products, but our survey found that banks current implementation isn't consistent, recruiting store difficult to battle a short time to fruition. Recommended reading Bank channel count of the day: counting the strange coin in the world (photo) inventory: world's weirdest coins (Group) 14 credit card security: deepBottom part of development banks first mortgage rates rose 10% custodial mothers deposit not be liable to pay interest in black men equal principal repayment was blatantly stealing money in the Bank passed one-third prepayment? "Bad money" is a common feeling of the banks this year, high interest rate financial products of mass release, is challenging bank deposit and loan interest rate in China "Half control "situation. ����Industry insiders said, Bank this extensive business model is not sustainable and the potential risk, top priority is to speed up the pace of interest rate marketization, forcing Bank product innovation. Bad financial management for the recruiting of storage with the beginning of this year, by the "negative interest" influence the old republic power leveling, people's deposits are moving, thought how to lay the "battle for wallet". With thisAt the same time, after several increased Bank reserve requirements, increasing banks ' liquidity pressure, almost year-round depending on release a large number of financial products to get stored. According to Puyi's wealth statistics, only the first half, China's commercial banks issued a total of 8,497 financial products, scale up to 8. ����51 trillion yuan, the total amount more than the whole of last year. With the regulators on commercial bank's depositLoan than the monitoring indicators from "monthly" towards "a day", starting from the first quarter, banks began as "loan than a day" being prepared in order to meet its loan than no more than 75% regulatory objectives, in the case of banks ' reluctance to reduce loan, through the issuance of short-term financing products to increase deposits, such shortcuts in an attempt to alleviate the pressing needs. Reporter adjustmentInvestigation found that came unto the end, the major banks to flush point recruiting was saved at all costs, the cost rose all the way, a State-owned banks ' deposit promise of 2 per thousand to over $ 10 million reward, and only stay a few days in the Bank swtor power leveling, used solely for Ji Moping positions, this situation was intensified at the end. "Has several large customers made it clear that recently the bank transfer depositBecause others award conditions and more profitable for banks, up to a maximum of 5 per thousand. ����"A commercial bank customer manager told reporters. ����China Merchants Bank retail business Director Liu Jianjun said publicly that banks rely on short-term high yield financing products competing for funds, promote savings, lower loan ratio, finance recruiting storage in disguise, perverse nature of financing for customers. SilverSince the IPCC began strengthening the consolidation of the banking market in early July, it is recommended that "self" within 7 days of ultra short-term financing products on September 30 issued stress may not be the issue of short-term high yield financing products embrace storage in disguise. Recently, had just assumed office of China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin analysis informed the economic and financial situation at the fourth meeting reiterated that we must strictly enforce the study of the index-day moving average deposit and lendingCore requirements, is strictly prohibited by issuing short-term financing products to circumvent the regulatory requirements, for regulatory arbitrage. ����Analysts believe that with the in-depth implementation of indicators of loan than a day, rushed only exists de facto financial products will be out of the market, especially some ultra-short term financial products will gradually fade out, financial products market will undergo a process of extrusion foam. Citi(China) says Qiu Sisheng, head of retail banking research and investment analysis, since the beginning of the year, was feeding the appetite of investors, given the a-share Fund is falling over the investment channels for the people and less on risk Tolerance low, medium and long term, 1-to 3-month period financial product still widely favored.

