
grain conveyance for the introduction of "salt in the opening act"

129668652377031250_12Shan Guild Hall (information) "businessman most luxurious in the River, the Windows were wide paste fine yarn. Quick-pay limit of 300,000 West even less from home. "It is very popular since the Ming and Qing dynasty in Yangzhou of bamboo in the words of a song, depictions from the Northwest Shanxi, Shanxi merchants (people of what is called" West ") along the most prosperous colonies in Yangzhou xiaguan, near BeijingOfficial along the Canal and salt Transport Division and the note-issuing Customs (customs), they are also selling salt-rich, dominated party. 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The Ming dynasty in the early seventies, the rise of Shaanxi merchants Yu Jingwei shore, old haunt of the prosperity in Guangling, known as across all merchants became famous first and qualifications in elder. However "the Hubble, its dying suddenly", after the Ming dynasty, massive influx of the merchants business in Yangzhou salt industry, to the early years of the Qing dynasty, pressed West, forming monopolies, so that laterMost people refer to Yangzhou salt merchants in history swtor power leveling, "only badge, I do not know Shan", and marriage together war emblem in the year past, more nearly be buried and forgotten. "Open method" after opening trade routes of rate of Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's rebellion to overthrow the Yuan dynasty, discomfit mobei Mongolia remnants still eye covetously on the Central Plains, and await the counteroffensive, along the Northwest ethnic minority centrifugal trends keeps increasingLong. New revenue two-thirds Ming Empire had to be spent on border defense construction in the Northwest, along the edge of the great wall is located nine towns surrounding Guanzhong, protecting Imperial Tung Wen College, guyuan, Ningxia, extension of sui, four towns in Shanxi, Gansu province. After the setting up of "three-way Governor" resident guyuan (now are the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, located in Xian, Lanzhou, yinchuan triangle Center), takes lead in military 20Yu, horse more than 100,000, is responsible for the East extension of sui in huangfuchuan (North of Yulin, Shaanxi Province), to Jiayuguan in the West and southwest to Tao Li-min (now southern Gansu) stretches for thousands of miles of the border area. But frontier the bitter cold, sparsely populated, enormous quantities of grain consumption each year to thousands of the frontier stone, and required hundreds of thousands of horses, transporting costly from the Mainland, many complaints, government finances are overwhelmed�� Ming Hongwu three years (1370), Zhu Yuan-Zhang's adopted mockery recommendations, implementation "salt opened in the" new deal, will implementation thousand years of long of Government salt monopoly system loosened up, allows civil businessman to customs border conveying food in exchange for salt distribution of license "salt introduction", about 30 pounds food may change a copies "salt introduction", and is at that time quality best, and most can make money of Huai salt introduction.The Imperial Court "retreating", against the people, "Huai salt prices expensive, much more", border guards want problems resolved in one fell swoop, and sit back and enjoy its location of Shaanxi businessmen, benefit the most, since emerging. Shaanxi qinchuan in the 800, excellent, for grain-producing regions in China since ancient times. Such as Ming Dynasty Yongle period (1403-~1424 year) food reserves of nearly 11 million of Shaanxi Government bunker stone (MingOne stone is about more than 90 kg), sufficient to cover the garrison feudal army pension diet for three years, Wanli (1573-~1620 years) in the nation's 260 House, ranked by market value tax-grain size, Xian Fu after known as the granary of Songjiang Prefecture (now Shanghai area), was ranked fourth. In view of this, grain conveyance for the introduction of "salt in the opening act", are tailored for Shaanxi businessmen tiltPolicy, while, Guanzhong granary grain farmers set off into the city for business, selling and selling salt craze. By contrast, has always been food shortages in Shanxi province, Shanxi merchants to enjoy the "salt in the opening" policy, only pushing a single wheel truck to buy grain in Shandong province, and trafficking in border was to causes a bit of bother "buy grain for", while away from the frontier of Huizhou, far mountain road, Huizhou merchants unable to take part in theIn the. ����This is the early years of the Ming dynasty, Shaanxi and Shanxi businessmen, merchants started relatively early important reasons. Shaanxi merchants exclusive "HKSAR" policy is changed in the middle of the Ming dynasty. Ming Hongzhi five years (1492), head of finance and the Ministry of revenue tax Ye Qi took office soon, would lose grain for the introduction of the "open method" was changed to the silver-for "folding method", that is, businessmanNo more thousands of miles away to send food to the border, but directly with the silver to buy salt, is able to get traffic in salt's permission. ����Ye Qi Sanyo people (now Jiangsu Huaian), a move apparently broke in Shaanxi and Shanxi "edge" inherent advantages, gave geographically closer to the Liang Huai and dominated by merchants from "within the" opportunity to enter the lucrative salt industry management. Since then, stay inNorth West Frontier food has lost its economic significance, and Shanxi merchants Shaanxi merchants together, have come to the Yangzhou along the Canal in Liang Huai salt transportation hub, becoming a professional salt merchants. According to the record, when no fewer than 500 people assemble in Shaanxi merchants in Yangzhou the old republic power leveling, a reputation for distinguished "beam of sanyuan, jingyang Zhang and Guo Xian Shen, tongguan it (they) homeland and nationality, Sagaing Yang"This marks a move beyond trend at tongguan, Shaanxi merchants across the country start to take shape. It is in Yangzhou, and they have long been ready to Huizhou salt merchants, ambitious black dog.

