
told the United States Securities and Exchange Commission

129668568817968750_7Secret short the muddy water of the food chain Muddy water company focus media issued by the 79-page report, focus media Vice President Ji Hairong Tan Chen: we had no preparedness. Muddy water in "hunted" repeatedly succeeded in overseas listed companies of China, Chinese companies also turn pale at the only mention of sth. terrible. Founder of muddy water company kasen·buluoke, 35 years old this year. In 2005, Bullock in law studies after graduation, They came to China. Muddy water company's Web site said the old republic power leveling, Bullock is a familiar legal entrepreneur, and muddy water's research team is one of those familiar with Chinese business rules. Muddy water companies with operational headquarters in Hong Kong, has an Office in Shanghai. However, the address of muddy water company set up headquarters in Hong Kong is really a secretarial service companies of Hong Kong's name on, and muddy water companyJust one of the secretarial services company's customers. According to the China business newspaper reporter has learned that in Hong Kong, service company to provide customers with company registered address of the Secretary, Deputy Director, independent telephone services, the annual fee is usually between 2000 to 5,000 Hong Kong dollars. In this sense, muddy water company is a downright "leather bag company".Muddy water short the focus process, segmented memories later, there was requested by the business officer of suspicious staff constantly look for a lot of information and data that you want to talk about cooperation, and nothing came of it. In fact, muddy water tends to start shorting institutions such as research on media such as Barron's found objects, and these Chinese company insider, competitor and intermediary companies, you mayIts information reporting. "They may employ Chinese civil investigation agencies, investigation and evidence collection. "Familiar with United States capital markets told reporters swtor power leveling," such as standing at the gate of the Chinese enterprises, and see how much your business trips, to determine the true and false of enterprise business. Or direct your clients to do surveys. "The people are told reportersClaimed, these to be business executives from competitors and third party intermediary's executives also have the potential to become the object of investigation. Muddy water in questioning another listed company of China channel, told the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) report says, according to media information, the actual number of buses owned by this company are less than half of their claims.Study on turbid water, it is through telephone consultation the Chinese high speed channel sales and media buyers to confirms this fact. Shorting the company's profit, one industry veteran persons who spoke on condition of anonymity told reporters that this kind of company is common practice to find "problem company", selling the company's stock, established positions, and then publish short reports, in the companyGet profit fell. "The same throughout the process there is a clear thread of interest, including law firms, auditors, accounting firm, such as research institutions and hedge funds. "Once the object is short the institutions will start analysis" prey "reported, finally to take advantage of social networks releases report, a negative report attempts to let the target company's shares jumpWater, thus its short and gets a windfall. Short generally maintain close relations and hedge funds, such as muddy water companies and institutional investors, hedge funds on Wall Street and Associates, paid to the selected institutions to provide their research reports. "Hedge funds after receipt of the report will, generally, secretly buying stock, reported after the release of meet the crackdown on stock price, such as, if successful, the two sides getProfits would be extremely significant. "This is not willing to disclose the names of senior industry insiders said.

