

129667837347177892_103Academy of experts ' comments on Eric Cao junbo: user experience is the eternal topic of e-commerce, innovation in user experience, there is no doubt that help companies more easily get users, enhance customer loyalty. Represented by the net every day vertical B2C brands of cosmetics is the more stable development pattern, you canEnough Internet users demand of one-stop-shop to buy cosmetics, but the biggest challenge is how to continue to enhance the customer experience in the professional, companies often wonder and consideration are required. Growth perspectives "created from the beginning in 1999, networks in the field of cosmetics fashion shopping every day has gone through 12 years of evolution. As vertical cosmetics B2C industries, wePlatform construction, warehousing diablo 3 gold, supply chain management logistics management already has a wealth of experience.   "Every day Ju Chuanguo networks Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, founder of the China business reporters. It is understood that the network every day is now Asia's largest industrial and logistics infrastructure services ProLogis cooperation, has made the grade-cosmetic storage base in China to strengthenStrengths of stronger every day, network storage, logistics, while improving warehouse inventory and delivery speed, thus creating the perfect user experience, to advanced Intercity trunk local shipping logistics "landing distribution" method of logistics distribution. According to reports, the Tencent chose cooperation in conjunction with network every day to create the strongest platform in the industry, the main reason is that Chinese and daily net warehouseStorage, logistic advantages. B2C Tencent investment official said that Tencent partners not only genuine safeguards, basic requirements such as price advantages, but also consider its richness, stock of goods, storage location, distribution, after-sales service, delivery time, payment means such as dimensions. "Such as Tencent will require all businesses to ship within 10 hours after receiving the order, whichBasic requirements of small and medium-sized sellers can't do it. "About the logistics management of cosmetics, Ju Chuanguo says cosmetic requirements for storage too restrictive, and outside in addition to the need to control temperature, humidity, some products also require light, pest control, such as the environment. Therefore, storage management, more need to batch number, batch, taxonomy management. In addition, on the transportAlso needs according to the size of the shipments, prepare appropriate racks and trolley, hydraulic truck, forklift and so on; on the Assembly and disassembly, you also need packaging materials with the special mark (such as company LOGO) box-sealing tape, filler, and so on. Warehousing, logistics and interlocking, closely related to the level of warehousing and logistics efficiency. Ju Chuanguo said the network every day and the warehouse after the completion of ProLogis cooperation,Meets all the requirements of the above, also will make the net position of the industry's first platform every day stronger. It is understood, ProLogis was founded in 1993, has now developed to become the world's leading developer of industrial logistics real estate investment, Fortune 1000 and one of the standard and poor's 500 index companies, concentrate its business model is focused on investment in a logistics park, manage the world's 20Countries more than more than 2,600 projects, providing logistics facilities for many world famous enterprises and industrial plant rental services. In April 2003 entered China, 19 cities in the country invested almost 50 logistics park. Until now, ProLogis logistics real estate area in China new definitions today, 1.7% in the world, and that the market is the greatest potential for logistics real estate market in the world. Ju ChuanguoSaid the network selection and international warehouse every day crocodiles ProLogis United, will build up level storage base for cosmetics in China, greatly enhance the strengths of every day, network storage, logistics, while improving warehouse inventory and delivery speed, thus creating the perfect user experience. In the net every day after deep strategic partnership with the ProLogis, network every day in Beijing, Shanghai, GuangzhouNew modern standards such as warehouses, through collaboration with Victor, Nakadori outstanding logistics companies such as, and cash on delivery on that day, and other services into logistics links, further consolidating the network every day user service level, domestic 1100 urban logistics delivery on that day diablo 3 power leveling, 90% day delivery of goods more than service. Enterprise mirror was founded in 1999 network every day of the year, currently employs more than 400 employees, annual sales of $ billions, 2010 sales growth over 300%, has become the leading network of genuine cosmetics fashion shopping. In April 2011, the SOFTBANK network completed game-rich Asia every day a new round of financing of tens of millions of dollars of investment funds.

