
late departure of short is relatively obvious. Phase of arbitrage

129667864447334142_344⊙ Haitong futures Institute Wang Juan 0 edit Liang Wei IF1112 high low open, in early trading on increased cartridge rushed to 26,201 line, opened quickly after falling in the afternoon, around the settlement price 2588.6 narrow shock on Wednesday, late departure of short is relatively obvious. Phase of arbitrage, IF1112 throughout the day in a State of litres of water daily average premium ranges from 0.25%. Bulls are relatively slightly in early trading rational, prices lower late refers to litres of water at days highs. 9:43, Dari in the lowest point in the period 2568.4, litres of water is relatively at days highs, is 0.36%. Rapid drop from the peak afternoon period, litres of water are also fast convergence. Bulls appeared cautious. Late period pricePicks up the old republic power leveling, liters of water is not high, still caution.  IF1201 litres of water a day in 0.45%, there is not much change in the previous session. China's November manufacturing purchasing managers ' index (PMI at HSBC) initial value is 48, down from last month, the final value of 51, creates the 32-month low, indicating that China's manufacturing activity slowing down again. AlthoughFour economic slide has been market consensus, but there is no strong evidence to convince investors that must have been a soft landing. This is also a major stock market decline repression factor. The external market, on Wednesday, Germany auction Treasury bonds market demands indifferent, cost of insuring the European government bond climbed to an all-time high, it was concerned about eurozone debt crisis is worsening。 US stocks and commodity movements are weak in the near future. By the end of the debt crisis is one of the risks. Maintain views before swtor power leveling, policy and funding the worst is over, so we think that Shanghai 2,300 points, the CSI 300 is a medium-term probabilities at the bottom of 2,500 points larger. Events from the first two rounds of such a downturn after the performance, the bottom area of anti-Projectile height should not be too optimistic. Index of core fluctuation interval we consider to be 2,350-2,550 points. Therefore we call this period of time the region repeatedly at the bottom. Lower high yesterday, 5th above average pressures become more audible. Is still possible in the short term shocks to around 2,600 points up and down 20 points. Judging from the positions on Wednesday, a short main jiancang relativelyAs an active, top 20 mainstay clearance holdings declined. Slightly increased bunker 50 hands yesterday. Operations, close to the weekend, risk aversion, or dominant. Short-term trading or wait for the time being. IF1112 pressure over 2,620 points, below the support level at 2,580.


129667697066084142_15Yesterday swtor power leveling, the new naval forces stationed in Hong Kong in the rotation runs forward on the ceremony. The same day the old republic power leveling, Chinese people's Liberation Army forces Hong Kong armed forces part of the formed units and equipment completed successfully in Hong Kong after the 14th normal rotation. Rotation after the end of action, the PLA garrison in Hong Kong remain unchanged number of posts and equipment. Leaders at the handover ceremony in Hong Kong urged the whole garrisonOfficers and men to further improve the ability to carry out defense duties, to Hong Kong to the motherland and the Garrison stationed in Hong Kong next year the 15 anniversary of the gift. The Xinhua News Agency ()

grain conveyance for the introduction of "salt in the opening act"

129668652377031250_12Shan Guild Hall (information) "businessman most luxurious in the River, the Windows were wide paste fine yarn. Quick-pay limit of 300,000 West even less from home. "It is very popular since the Ming and Qing dynasty in Yangzhou of bamboo in the words of a song, depictions from the Northwest Shanxi, Shanxi merchants (people of what is called" West ") along the most prosperous colonies in Yangzhou xiaguan, near BeijingOfficial along the Canal and salt Transport Division and the note-issuing Customs (customs), they are also selling salt-rich, dominated party. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single Twelve-Five plan will be published to enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals: Amazing sex scandal counted between global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas hot money today, is not optimistic about China's hundreds of years later, there is also a surname of the famous old street in Yangzhou city, visits to local salt Chamber of Commerce's oldest Museum ruins of Shanxi and Shaanxi Guild halls, just past shengjing ceased, only land gate tower and several old houses, as well asDeep lane humble Guild emplacement. The Ming dynasty in the early seventies, the rise of Shaanxi merchants Yu Jingwei shore, old haunt of the prosperity in Guangling, known as across all merchants became famous first and qualifications in elder. However "the Hubble, its dying suddenly", after the Ming dynasty, massive influx of the merchants business in Yangzhou salt industry, to the early years of the Qing dynasty, pressed West, forming monopolies, so that laterMost people refer to Yangzhou salt merchants in history swtor power leveling, "only badge, I do not know Shan", and marriage together war emblem in the year past, more nearly be buried and forgotten. "Open method" after opening trade routes of rate of Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's rebellion to overthrow the Yuan dynasty, discomfit mobei Mongolia remnants still eye covetously on the Central Plains, and await the counteroffensive, along the Northwest ethnic minority centrifugal trends keeps increasingLong. New revenue two-thirds Ming Empire had to be spent on border defense construction in the Northwest, along the edge of the great wall is located nine towns surrounding Guanzhong, protecting Imperial Tung Wen College, guyuan, Ningxia, extension of sui, four towns in Shanxi, Gansu province. After the setting up of "three-way Governor" resident guyuan (now are the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, located in Xian, Lanzhou, yinchuan triangle Center), takes lead in military 20Yu, horse more than 100,000, is responsible for the East extension of sui in huangfuchuan (North of Yulin, Shaanxi Province), to Jiayuguan in the West and southwest to Tao Li-min (now southern Gansu) stretches for thousands of miles of the border area. But frontier the bitter cold, sparsely populated, enormous quantities of grain consumption each year to thousands of the frontier stone, and required hundreds of thousands of horses, transporting costly from the Mainland, many complaints, government finances are overwhelmed�� Ming Hongwu three years (1370), Zhu Yuan-Zhang's adopted mockery recommendations, implementation "salt opened in the" new deal, will implementation thousand years of long of Government salt monopoly system loosened up, allows civil businessman to customs border conveying food in exchange for salt distribution of license "salt introduction", about 30 pounds food may change a copies "salt introduction", and is at that time quality best, and most can make money of Huai salt introduction.The Imperial Court "retreating", against the people, "Huai salt prices expensive, much more", border guards want problems resolved in one fell swoop, and sit back and enjoy its location of Shaanxi businessmen, benefit the most, since emerging. Shaanxi qinchuan in the 800, excellent, for grain-producing regions in China since ancient times. Such as Ming Dynasty Yongle period (1403-~1424 year) food reserves of nearly 11 million of Shaanxi Government bunker stone (MingOne stone is about more than 90 kg), sufficient to cover the garrison feudal army pension diet for three years, Wanli (1573-~1620 years) in the nation's 260 House, ranked by market value tax-grain size, Xian Fu after known as the granary of Songjiang Prefecture (now Shanghai area), was ranked fourth. In view of this, grain conveyance for the introduction of "salt in the opening act", are tailored for Shaanxi businessmen tiltPolicy, while, Guanzhong granary grain farmers set off into the city for business, selling and selling salt craze. By contrast, has always been food shortages in Shanxi province, Shanxi merchants to enjoy the "salt in the opening" policy, only pushing a single wheel truck to buy grain in Shandong province, and trafficking in border was to causes a bit of bother "buy grain for", while away from the frontier of Huizhou, far mountain road, Huizhou merchants unable to take part in theIn the. ����This is the early years of the Ming dynasty, Shaanxi and Shanxi businessmen, merchants started relatively early important reasons. Shaanxi merchants exclusive "HKSAR" policy is changed in the middle of the Ming dynasty. Ming Hongzhi five years (1492), head of finance and the Ministry of revenue tax Ye Qi took office soon, would lose grain for the introduction of the "open method" was changed to the silver-for "folding method", that is, businessmanNo more thousands of miles away to send food to the border, but directly with the silver to buy salt, is able to get traffic in salt's permission. ����Ye Qi Sanyo people (now Jiangsu Huaian), a move apparently broke in Shaanxi and Shanxi "edge" inherent advantages, gave geographically closer to the Liang Huai and dominated by merchants from "within the" opportunity to enter the lucrative salt industry management. Since then, stay inNorth West Frontier food has lost its economic significance, and Shanxi merchants Shaanxi merchants together, have come to the Yangzhou along the Canal in Liang Huai salt transportation hub, becoming a professional salt merchants. According to the record, when no fewer than 500 people assemble in Shaanxi merchants in Yangzhou the old republic power leveling, a reputation for distinguished "beam of sanyuan, jingyang Zhang and Guo Xian Shen, tongguan it (they) homeland and nationality, Sagaing Yang"This marks a move beyond trend at tongguan, Shaanxi merchants across the country start to take shape. It is in Yangzhou, and they have long been ready to Huizhou salt merchants, ambitious black dog.

told the United States Securities and Exchange Commission

129668568817968750_7Secret short the muddy water of the food chain Muddy water company focus media issued by the 79-page report, focus media Vice President Ji Hairong Tan Chen: we had no preparedness. Muddy water in "hunted" repeatedly succeeded in overseas listed companies of China, Chinese companies also turn pale at the only mention of sth. terrible. Founder of muddy water company kasen·buluoke, 35 years old this year. In 2005, Bullock in law studies after graduation, They came to China. Muddy water company's Web site said the old republic power leveling, Bullock is a familiar legal entrepreneur, and muddy water's research team is one of those familiar with Chinese business rules. Muddy water companies with operational headquarters in Hong Kong, has an Office in Shanghai. However, the address of muddy water company set up headquarters in Hong Kong is really a secretarial service companies of Hong Kong's name on, and muddy water companyJust one of the secretarial services company's customers. According to the China business newspaper reporter has learned that in Hong Kong, service company to provide customers with company registered address of the Secretary, Deputy Director, independent telephone services, the annual fee is usually between 2000 to 5,000 Hong Kong dollars. In this sense, muddy water company is a downright "leather bag company".Muddy water short the focus process, segmented memories later, there was requested by the business officer of suspicious staff constantly look for a lot of information and data that you want to talk about cooperation, and nothing came of it. In fact, muddy water tends to start shorting institutions such as research on media such as Barron's found objects, and these Chinese company insider, competitor and intermediary companies, you mayIts information reporting. "They may employ Chinese civil investigation agencies, investigation and evidence collection. "Familiar with United States capital markets told reporters swtor power leveling," such as standing at the gate of the Chinese enterprises, and see how much your business trips, to determine the true and false of enterprise business. Or direct your clients to do surveys. "The people are told reportersClaimed, these to be business executives from competitors and third party intermediary's executives also have the potential to become the object of investigation. Muddy water in questioning another listed company of China channel, told the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) report says, according to media information, the actual number of buses owned by this company are less than half of their claims.Study on turbid water, it is through telephone consultation the Chinese high speed channel sales and media buyers to confirms this fact. Shorting the company's profit, one industry veteran persons who spoke on condition of anonymity told reporters that this kind of company is common practice to find "problem company", selling the company's stock, established positions, and then publish short reports, in the companyGet profit fell. "The same throughout the process there is a clear thread of interest, including law firms, auditors, accounting firm, such as research institutions and hedge funds. "Once the object is short the institutions will start analysis" prey "reported, finally to take advantage of social networks releases report, a negative report attempts to let the target company's shares jumpWater, thus its short and gets a windfall. Short generally maintain close relations and hedge funds, such as muddy water companies and institutional investors, hedge funds on Wall Street and Associates, paid to the selected institutions to provide their research reports. "Hedge funds after receipt of the report will, generally, secretly buying stock, reported after the release of meet the crackdown on stock price, such as, if successful, the two sides getProfits would be extremely significant. "This is not willing to disclose the names of senior industry insiders said.

which will improve denitrification business chain industry

129667889714990392_288This week, the shocks in the market in a variety of bad, good news intertwined end of build.  And an interview with the financial investment newspaper reporter three private equity says monetary policy shift has become inevitable, the a-share next year will have a large market, now a shares have fallen more, the greater the opportunities for the future. Zeng Jun kumjuns and investment: policy shift with large capital inflows next year stocks (eleven-seconds5) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! "The market is in a wait state, waiting for stronger policy shift. "Shenzhen kumjuns investment management limited and Zeng Jun, Chief Executive, told reporters that" in the short term, the market killed falling down the possibility of significantly hadVery small, is also being constructed at the bottom of the market. "Zeng Jun said that China monetary policy in face of multiple objectives such as growth, inflation and house prices, four-quarter GDP is likely lower than 8.5%, the slowdown as the biggest risk, and in November will also fall in inflation to below 5%, in October the national average, it was the first y/y drop, this meant that monetary policyShift has become inevitable. Specifically, first step is to monetary easing of monetary policy shift, marked by a 3 year Central ticket rates downward, from 1 year of central interest rate cut is confirmed, the future is likely to drop interest rate cuts. Into the second step is credit easing of monetary policy, lower interest rates to credit demand recovery, while October credit per cent from the additional or bank letterLine of credit increase.  If credit increased by more than, the economy or from the bottom. Zeng Jun believed that appeared this week of evaluation standard of Jiangsu and Zhejiang agricultural loans 5 cut the deposit rate of 0.5% per cent of rural credit cooperatives in this situation, although these last year because of the high index was transferred swtor power leveling, the individual cut, and will affect smaller, but the signal is greater than the actual significance,Broader policy adjustments in the future. In the operation, Zeng Jun told reporters: "Gjinzom now and are preparing for the next year. Due to the policy next year is a high probability of turning, so we are very optimistic about the market next year. At present, the largest consumer, new industry continues to be our key research section. "In the view of Zeng Jun, in fact, a wide concept of consumption,Including tourism, food (liquor, health care), and so on. Zeng Jun data displayed to journalists, vital goods such as food and beverage industry to achieve a revenue growth of more than 25%.  By 2011 a-share-largest consumer sector in the third quarter sales revenue 1.8191 trillion yuan, an increase of 28.5%; $ 86.2 billion in net profit, an increase of 33.2%. "Liquor, Wine and leisure clothing, home textiles, jewellery, dairy products, such as decorative gardens, daily chemical and tourist industries profits increase more than 50% in 2011. These industries are in line with the general direction of consumer upgrade, after leading companies come to the fore in demand steadily release and industry concentration degree sustained growth driven by rising double.  "Zeng Jun considers. ToIn the new industries, said Zeng Jun, this is the general direction of investments, which will come out a lot of dark horse. "Combining our operations policy is primarily filters out valuations, growth factors in accordance with the subject of, and layout in the fall, preparing for next year. "Xu Haiying Hong Kong assets: as always holds culture media and environmental protection unit" factors currently affecting the market is still veryMuch, but still hasn't changed the main factors, namely external State of uncertainty and monetary policy tightening. Therefore, cannot be too optimistic expectations of the market.  "Shenzhen Hong Kong asset management company limited, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at Xu Haiying said in an interview with reporters. Xu Haiying believed that domestic policy remains directed easing, this means tightening policy wouldContinued for some time. Only when the CPI below 4%, official PMI fell to below 50 per GDP below 8%, policies can only be full Steering, and before that market expectations of stocks should not be too high. "The short term, the fine-tuning of policies, shocks to the market will continue to fall. However, investors still have the winter preparations, because below 2,300 pointsIs not likely. "" In fact, the current house prices have started to fall, decline in real estate investment growth for the future is clearly affecting the real economy. At the same time, real estate stocks is the leading sector, performance declines also weighed on the market will progress. Closely related financials and property stocks, long term growth in its performance is to have some question or doubt. "Xu Haiying onThat, in addition, the real estate financing problems, the underlying investments decline, decline in exports also have event of a negative impact on the a-share. Xu Haiying bluntly: "because there is less volatility in the direction of the Qing dynasty, Hong Kong investment strategy is focused on companies in operation, in particular, policies to support the company, such as the culture media and environmental protection unit. Among them,On media policy of support for maximum, maximum, and culture media in the a-share stocks are not much significant companies are just a few of the benefits, ordinary investors and institutions together hold cultural media unit. "As for the environmental protection unit, Xu Haiying believes that green shares despite quite a lot of references, but" Twelve-Five "planning framework for energy saving and environmental protection as a newHead of the industry, so is definitely policy in the future, such as green taxes, and so on. "Encourages the implementation of the policy is the key to comprehensively accomplishing environmental goals, expected maximum investment opportunities are still exhaust gas treatment device engineering sector's enterprises and sewage treatment project. Among them, thermal power plant deNOx electricity prices are expected to determine early next year the old republic power leveling, which will improve denitrification business chain industry, the industry is expected to occur and explosiveHair growth and development of reclaimed water is expected next year is expected to strengthen, good leading enterprises. "In terms of positions, Xu Haiying told reporters:" views on the market's more cautious, so the current positions of only about 30%. But if the market continues to fall, we aren't going to jiancang, but likely gallon. Gallon variety, that is, these two industries. "Huayin finishing treatment of assets Ding Yang: optimistic about nuclear power and General Aviation "no matter what the outer disc, should be bounced by a-shares. From a technical perspective, the current a-shares have been severely oversold, and basically fell this week. "Silver finishing treatment of Shenzhen China asset management Ltd said Ding Yang, Director of the Investment Committee, in the short term trend, Ding Yang believes that market on November 18There is a gap, short-term rebound the most optimistic see 2,440 points, end of the run time estimates to around the middle of next week, after which further down. "On the whole the current decline in bio-market is still at large in the channel, 2400-2500 rally only fell stage rally, however, had seen it on to the market's fall in prices should be the last one before the next year fell, but inDuring this time did not rule out the drop in stocks is bigger.  "Ding Yang judgment. Current monetary policy shift the focus of concern in the market, Ding Yang believes that while domestic policies only directional adjustments, and for small and medium enterprises, but suppress the market factors have changed. For the markets, is clearly positive. "In fact, back in his policy is still fine-tuning the preconditioningUnder the King, rose is not necessarily all rely on credit, we believe that considering the market's first element is the price. The broader market after a year of adjustment, the current price is obviously low. The other hand, when the annual Chinese new year, banks will recover the money, is also in line with the overall downward trend on boundless, and shock. Expected in late December in money will bargain layout, after all, every year aQuarter lending is more. "In terms of strategy, Ding Yang told reporters:" now Huayin fine governing positions are very light, direction of attention focused on expansion of small stocks. Sector, is a nuclear power, and general aviation. "For the markets is generally bullish about the consumer unit, Ding Yang said:" market or promising of general interest, we are generally not layout too much, unless there is aGood stocks. "Nuclear power unit, Ding Yang said:" Although nuclear power unit in the previous hit, but the future development of nuclear power could not. With 2012-May face nuclear power planning cycle, we believe that nuclear power regains approval boost from nuclear power sector valuations, while arguing on nuclear techniques will be addressed in the first half of next year, so now is the layoutGood time of the nuclear power sector. "Also, for general aviation," we expect the December policy introduced divided into low-altitude development of standards in the field, a-shares on the plane the whole machine, matching the key parts, helicopter, airborne, and General Aviation low-altitude open five areas there should be a certain degree of chance. "

race Milan

129667775684834142_57-Enrique Roman is purely a pseudo teams four tough battle Red Wolf is only 1-3 defeat NetEase sports reported on November 26: Barcelona b team is Enrique began his coaching career at the helm of Rome after the pointer, it requires that the Roman tactics imitation Barcelona playing ball control flow. Now, Rome has basically mastered the game, but only is bullying the weaker teams, and once the enemies encountered, Rome was not the opponent. EnriqueCoach Rome for almost 3 months since the reformation of Rome is also effective at the beginning, the current team has basically mastered the game of ball control flow. On a few key data, ball control Rome field rate reached 55%, which ranks first in Serie a. Even if the data on the Primera Liga in the League, and Rome in the third place, the second is Real Madrid, their ball controlRate of 56.8%, the first is undoubtedly Barca, their ball control rates as high as 66%. Passing data, Roman 6,359 times passing serie is also highest in the first place, race Milan, one of the many less than 100 times, race two Juve is much less than 882 times, Roman number of passes in the Primera Liga, 4th place; pass number Luo Mawei489.2, Milan 32.4 less than the first time, the data in the Primera Liga, Rome also third; in passes completed, Roman success rate was 82.2%, only 0.4% is lower than that of Milan, ranked first, of course, and Barcelona 89% success rate compared to, there is not a small gap. From the above data can be found, EnriqueRome, reconstruction is not small achievements, ball control flow of the play on the road, their journey is not going in the wrong. While playing and current control of the ball flow compared to the most proficient of Barcelona there is not a small gap, but compared with the other top teams, a lot of information not only in Rome ranks top three Serie a was placed in Europe's other major leagues, Rome also was ranked the highest. It can be said that LuoHorse controlled strike playing stream is already in the ranks of the top teams on the road, but in fact Enrique that Rome was not the top teams, at best pseudo teams, they can only do is bullying the weaker teams swtor power leveling, when faced with some of the top teams, but they do not have any methods. 12 in the League the old republic power leveling, has been in Rome, Rome gained 5 WINS2-5 record, 15 goals, losing 14 balls. In tough battle with teams of 4, the Roman record of only 1-3 defeat, namely 0-0 inter 1-2 Lazio, Milan 2-3, and 0-2 no match for Udinese game. This situation can occur, and the fundamental reason is that Rome is still not a truly strong teams, heNow there is more to solve the problem in itself. First of all, one of the problems that Rome's shooting efficiency is very low indeed, now Rome in 195 high-ranking first in the Serie a on goal attempts, match Milan, one of less than 20 times, but on the number of target Rome, but only 57 times, 9 times smaller than one less match Milan, race less than two Juventus 3 lessTimes. In addition, the shooting of up to 195 in Rome, a large portion were long shots from outside the closed area Rome, play is not a good ball control flow into each other inside the restricted area, mostly only in restricted areas of other peripheral activities. And Rome on the number of offside only 15 times, twice more than the minimum of Novara, and the highest number of offside Udinese butThere were 53 offside. From the offside count can also be seen, Rome be lack of forward awareness during the attack, their high rates of ball control and the number of high-pass rolling in a lot of it is unnecessary. Visible, Enrique Roman Barcelona not playing ball control flow to its essence, now Rome also takes a very long way to go.


045 Yuan/square meter

129668688790468750_101According to the Tianjin daily prices of land resources and housing management published statistics showed this week (2011.11.21-11.27) of Tianjin second-hand private property residential contract total 640, compared with last week (hereinafter referred to as "sequential") fell 7.5% per sold an area of 50,000 square meters, fell by 9%, an area of 78.4 square; contractThe average price of 7,619 Yuan/square meter, and rose 0.2%. Regional view, downtown this week hand private property residential sold for a total of 268 swtor power leveling, fell by 12.1%, 41.9% per cent of total amount of transactions in the city; sold an area of 22,000 square meters, fell by 13.3%, an area of 80.7 square meters; contract price 9,714 Yuan/square meter, rose2.5%. Other counties this week around the four areas sold 130 units, and rose 17.1%, sold an area of 11,000 square meters, rose 18.5%, contract price 7,045 Yuan/square meter, fell 1.1%; sold 130 sets of new coastal area, fell by 14.5% turnover area of 9,800 square meters, fell 19.7%Turnover average 6,446 Yuan/square meter, fell 1.8%; five-area suburban counties traded 112 units, fell by 9.7% turnover area of 8,000 square meters, fell by 9.9% turnover average of 4,174 Yuan/square meter, fell 1.9%. In the six districts in the city, regional second-hand private property residential turnover fell in the week up less. Only in heibei area·Turnover rose, sold for 47, rose 4.4%; the rest of the region had dropped, which is a zone of the sharpest and HongQiao district, sold for 11 and 28 respectively, fell and 21.4%;, Hedong District, Nankai District Road, Hexi District, and trading volumes decline smaller, but are more than 10%. The average price, six districts in the city this week traded price risesFallen less, and HongQiao district, Heping District fell, respectively 11,620 Yuan/square meter and 8,613 Yuan/square meter, fell and 9.9%; the rest of the area are rising, Hedong District, most of them are, the average price was 9,228 Yuan/square meter, rose 9.9%; gain a minimum of Nankai district, the average price is $ 10,372/square meter the old republic power leveling, the ringHigher than 0.5%. As of this week, November 2011-hand private property in Tianjin residence sold for a total of 2,667, rose 12.3% compared with the previous month, sold 211,000 square meters, rose by 10% turnover average 7,631 Yuan/square meter, down 3.4%; sold the downtown of 1170, rose 10.8%Turnover a 93,000-square, rose by 8.5% turnover average 9,589 Yuan/square meter, fell 1.8%. Market comments on the first week of 2011 (2011.11.21-11.27), Tianjin second-hand private property residential turnover decline in litres. Since the beginning of November, keeping trading volume in the market for three consecutive weeks below 700Level of transaction price declines of around 3% per cent. Near the end of macroeconomic regulation and control effect gradually deepened, the bank credit policy continued to raise is expected in November, used private property residential sold a total of about 3,100 sets, low value transaction times in the year since October.

and policies to improve results of PK

129668631896562500_1261th page: focus: the warmer policy under the stock market can go far in winter? 2nd page: hard landing on chance low credit increased by more than to the legitimate expectations of the a-share risk of systemic lupus killed fell hard again now, short just 6 trading days on the huzhi is back again 2,400 points. For now, the a-share environment dramatically evilExternal: Portugal's credit rating by Fitch, the Grand Duke downgraded debt contagion fears Europe's major stock indexes continued to plunge this week; home: declines in growth as exports and investment, the economic situation increasingly gloomy November HSBC PMI initial-only 48, again falling to below the dry line, and the highest in a 32-month low. OverallIt seems that "the economy is in the real estate woes to a hard landing, still under policy tuning of a soft landing?   "," Extent of the earnings downgrade "," impact of the European debt crisis "such risk had not been fully released, and policies to improve results of PK, mobility improvements will determine whether a-shares can stabilise above the 2,300-point. Inside and outside the warmer policy PK dilemma realOn the Internet, was a warm wind blew the a-share market in the near future the policy level. Macro-areas, inflation gradually downward trend of uncertain, policy fine-tuning, policy corner, the balance of economic policy began to "growth" is tilted; FR, Chairman of the SFC after he took office, first forcing bonus programme arrangements, especially at the time of IPO commitments is significant.Then launched six major initiatives to promote the stable and healthy development of capital markets, involving to the higher earnings release, the delisting mechanism long-term constraints such as a-shares and healthy development of the core issues, if subsequent to further introduce rules, its effects than stock feat. Warm wind blowing with the policy, in a down economy concerns and effects greatly reduced under the impact of the European debt crisis intensified, especiallyIt is the European debt crisis deteriorating rapidly this week, Portugal's credit rating by Fitch, the Grand Duke down, Europe and the stock market plunging several days in a row swtor power leveling, while the United States economy into a recession trend, according to the United States the last 4 quarters of real GDP growth rate was 1.5%. Experience has shown that since 1948, this figure is lower than 2%, United States into a recessionPeriod, a total of 11 times, without exception. At present, this wave of international capital markets tsunami has begun to affect the country. Data show that in October, China's foreign exchange since December 2007 3 years for the first time in a row, showed foreign capital outflow of Chinese trade surplus narrowed, exports under pressure. Plus before domestic austerity policies are still in force, cool the real estateLed investment growth, especially HSBC November PMI initial value plunged to 48 this week, hit a 32-month low of messages the old republic power leveling, indeed, have sparked a round of panic, foreign investment banks issued "economic hard landing in China" increases the risk of freedom, in time, everyone from the joy of easing shifted to concerns about the economic downturn. Stocks dip again the success will depend on theWhether the economy is to achieve a soft landing. Qu Hongbin, Chief China Economist at HSBC view that November Manufacturing PMI initial decline reflected in the coming months, the growth of industrial production is likely to be slowed down further to 11%~12%. While new export orders is still flexible, but domestic demand cools, and weaker external demand began. Barclays Capital also believes that, whileThis does not mean that China's industrial production in the coming months must be in a recession, but at least China economic downside risks were increasing. Nomura, Chief China Economist Zhang Zhiwei even 2012 first-quarter GDP growth still to 8%!

32.1 latitude

129668732736250000_74 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>: 2011-11-27-11:45:32.1 latitude: 43.4

land prices

129668688788125000_96Shenzhen Guangming new district an unlimited and subject to conditions of residential land up for sale yesterday afternoon, freshmen in Shenzhen Hui starting price of 200 million Yuan investment limited to bidders, equivalent to value, only 2,812 Yuan/square meter. The end of August 2009, deep House Group had high prices to $ 1.2 billion in Guangming new district took two blocks, floor price of 6,613 Yuan/square meter. People in the industryAnalysis, because of different indices do exist differences between the plots, but a good market situation, to bad will be competing for. Now also reflects the downward trend of the market. Land sales prices decreased significantly, or on the surrounding sales or sales prices have a greater impact. Auction procedure but 1 minute yesterday at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, land and House property transactions in Shenzhen City CentreAuction number for a 517-0051, located in a bright central area of residential land, the scene attracted many onlookers, with the exception of the previous young land 3 bidders for supporting, there are still many came to watch the real estate business, a rough estimate of about forty or fifty people. Publish information from the land and House property Center, block covers an area of about 2.80,000 square meters, construction area of about 7.1Million square meters, the starting price of $ 200 million. Site collection plate bidders have 3 real estate business, but expected auction scene does not appear. Staff members when he announced the start at $ 200 million, only 8th, freshmen in Shenzhen Hui investments limited price, staff announced that the next price point of $ 205 million, had not been real estate development co, Ltd, Shenzhen Shenzhen Tianjian LutheranOther two real estate development company to bid for developers with no response. Staff repeatedly asked, and stressed should not reduce the price range, still no one bid. Ultimately, this plot of 200 million dollars, sold entire auction process took only 1 minute. Premium effects fall sale items in this connection, vocational and technical college, Director of the Institute of real estate in Shenzhen Deng Zhiwang said land prices reflectExpectations for the market, this transfer has a clear cut, price only $ more than 2000 floor about land prices in 2004 and 2005 years appears in customs areas, customs at that time, it was sold to more than 6,000 yuan/square meter. Since then, as the housing market heat, land prices, house prices rose all the way. On August 28, 2009, Guangming new area for the first time sinceShoot, deep house groups by fierce rivalry, won two plots for more to 1.2 billion, when the conversion floor price of 6,613 Yuan/square meter, and the block started in February this year. "If no great changes in the market, the price for the deep house bright is larger projects combating group. "Deng Zhiwang said that the price indicates price level after about two years, 2,812 Yuan/square meterThe prices for the floor price of about $ 6,000, deep house project possibility could face costs higher than the market price. Guangming new district real estate project will also have an impact, Guangming new district only real estate for sale domain happened to be open today on Acer model room, generally estimated selling price in the trade of thousands. Deng Zhiwang said: "prices will certainly affect the surrounding sales project, may have questioned the sound, lightMing high selling prices in project exists in the new area, prices need to be adjusted. "Real estate funds immediately took care to observe one of the real estate companies, property market is not good, keep watching carefully. Another condition of developers with respect all aspects of this plot, only to see, not sold. Shenzhen Tak wing real estate evaluation limited company General Manager Zhang Wei with respect,Land deal has been good, this assignment results reflected signal is mainly real estate funds crunch. Under the current regulatory policies, property market has not yet signs of warming, real estate concern were able to survive, rather than taking money out of toilet paper. "Whether active land market is mainly based on developer expectations of the market, on future judgment, and at present is what developers in the wholeStage of contraction. "When it comes to future, Zhang Wei says doesn't think much of policy there is no turning point, the developers to be more cautious, not to mention the land is not only a matter of price, but also to subsequent development funds sustained investment. Many cities are streaming at the present stage, the Shenzhen land market Outlook is not optimistic. This year the first untied sale of commercial housing with bright Center area of this siteNotice of transfer, to bidders request without any additional conditions swtor power leveling, is Shenzhen first transfer this year without conditions attached to commercial sites. Land real estate transactions in the staff of the Centre confirms that residential land is basically to live until this year the sale of commercial housing sites September Nanshan residential land is also a Metro transfer property above, bidders who set strict conditions attached. ThisBidders this plot new FAI investment company on July 20, was out to "premium prices and competition" in GuanLan, Baoan district, street took a live room with, 767 Yuan/sq m floor price at that time, the highest price is limited to 8,000 yuan/square meter. Links on August 28, 2009, Park Road, bright Street between South and North side of the road, 27thA 510-0131 and a cent to sell two pieces of residential land the old republic power leveling, the Shenzhen Special economic zone real estate (Group) company limited to 1.2 billion yuan total price competition, 6,613 Yuan/sq m floor land price, highest in Guangming new district land. On July 26, 2011, Guangming new district komeito streets covers an area of about 4.30,000 square meters, building faceAccumulated a live House in about 150,000 square metres of land, in a bid and "premium prices and competition" is open up for sale, Futian real estate limited bidders, house price is $ 4,918/m² (including decoration), require the highest priced at no more than 8,200 Yuan/square meter.


129667775715302892_132Vs Chark translation: Europe lose insult draws many fitness worry NetEase sports reported on November 26: Beijing time on Saturday (November 26), 22:30, the Bundesliga will usher in a game between peak, signal-Signal Iduna Park, Dortmund, Dortmund the Ruhr Derby with shaerke04 will be staged status are good this season the two teams are now in the top 4. Europe lost Macau: 1.58 of 4.80 Li Bo: 1.66 3.75 5.00 Bet365:1.65 3.75 on 5.25 Euro compensation trends, main WINS odds rising, falling, intact three changes have, increased decline in unchanged; draw odds and winning odds almost; falling win odds and constant ratio similar to that of two account for the bulk,Increased very little. From a numerical point of view, by various companies on the home win odds vary greatly, the lowest in Macau is 1.58, William with the highest was 1.7, this indicates that the primary WINS does not optimistic. This a draw under the degree of public concern and is not small, but several large company Li Bo, Wade has warmed draw odds, Macao draw odds have 3.7, judging from this numerical tie possibilitiesLittle separated the outcome is a high probability of this field. Asia-Macau: 0.91 0.5/1 0.95 Li Bo: 0.88 0.5/1 1.00 Bet365:0.90 0.5/1 1 companies beginning with dome and half/a dish (water level in the dome an early 0.70 per cent, half/early plateIs at around 0.85), now reunification attended the/one set, disc on water level of about 0.90. Early disc is half/one company basically on water levels rose, this shows that the disc is not on top, in this case, companies must continue to maintain open hemisphere in the early dome it's no problem, but now chose rose, said it was meant to disk under derogation.Tele disc on water level not significantly decline, personal is bullish on the disc. Battle records had two teams in the Bundesliga League war 78 games, 27 WINS 24-27 defeat by Borussia Dortmund team and Chark evenly, into 120 lost 113 ball, home 17-win 12-10 advantage into 69 lost 44 ball. In the last 10 years the two teams fighting, Chark slight advantage, More than last season didn't in Chark possession took advantage to win, the arena was forced away by 0-0 1-3 fiasco swtor power leveling, about 8 seasons arena acting Chark won only 1 field, nearly 4 times for the home failed to beat Chark. Recent performance-week Central European Crown away from home 1-2 lost to arsenal, but still retains a trace of outlet opportunity in the match, Paul Feyerabend and Gertze was injuredDeparture, then arsenal Fan Pei West into the two spherical, Kagawa Bushi stage Division into a ball to save face. League over the weekend, several special guest 1-0 Bayern, Gertze entering only into the ball, the game will join Bayern Munich after the gap to 2 points, defending hope greatly increase. League over the weekend and week Central Crown on the first episode, many identical without any changes the old republic power leveling, the playersRounds will usher Chark, it is estimated that without a major rotation movements, most of the main teeth adhere. Victory over Nuremberg 4-0 Chark upper whorl Soccer League matches, the first half, hengtelaer and Raul make contribution, respectively, the second half, hengtelaer and baomuyuehan into a ball, Chark nearly 4 rounds of competition remain unbeaten, the credits list rose to 4th place. Chark team scores this season 3-win1-2 defeat 10 points is also ranked 4th, Chark away goals and the goals are 10, also lost. Special field missing several major key winning, midfielder Paul Feyerabend and Gertze Central Crown was injured in week, bend has determined that the absence of smaller possible comeback strategy, in addition Zhongwei Subotic and dislocated ankle. Doomed the absence of the Bend and SuboticNucleus of the defensive, effect of absence of the two people on the line had a great influence, Subotic Santana play on the location or improvise, but no one can take in this location, no one has his strong interception capability. On the attack, huge impact of the policy, he is the most threatening midfielder is in Win-play the best players in the dialogue, upper whorl on Bayern Munich is the place to win the ball,Now he can only spot. Last season's leading marksman Puerto Barrios starting again this round may, after the shangyu comeback, Puerto Barrios has been a substitute, he substitutes several performance is average, but replace the Lewandowski Mariusz poor capacity, is very weak in strong dialogue. Chark after Farfan was injured, attacked mainly rely on hengtelaer and DrEr, hengtelaer 12 12 goals this season, Raul 13 three-ball 3 assists, two people are very efficient, the two of them individual soldier combat capability is strong, was torn by multiple defenses were a headache. Chark performed no better defense this season, 6 team not only 1 field goals, personal ability of several guard is not the Bundesliga top, tactics are not defensiveCounterattack, each will reveal flaws. One last note is, Chark's biggest weapon is probably this season to return to Netherlands shuaisidiwensi, Stevens Bundesliga career, met a repeated wars the award-winning early defeat, but since 1999, he appeared to be found to deal with many special methods, from the beginning to lead Chark, kheta, Hamburg team 12 times, such as touchAchieved 6 wins 6-unbeaten record, led by Chark wisdom Stadium (is the home stadium of as its title sponsor in 2005 changed name) had 4-0 too many massacres. NetEase exclusive Lottery zhuangao, declined to reprint!


only the first half

129668631875937500_811th page: bad money actually put reserve guard against risks of heating up the 2nd page: be careful of crazy looking reservoir risk rising 3rd page: root of interest rate marketization "now on sale-series products, period of 30 days, pushing its yield up to 5. 2% to purchase. "Near the end, this advertisement can be seen everywhere, although the regulationDepartments have to orally proposed termination recommendations within 1 month of the financial products, but our survey found that banks current implementation isn't consistent, recruiting store difficult to battle a short time to fruition. Recommended reading Bank channel count of the day: counting the strange coin in the world (photo) inventory: world's weirdest coins (Group) 14 credit card security: deepBottom part of development banks first mortgage rates rose 10% custodial mothers deposit not be liable to pay interest in black men equal principal repayment was blatantly stealing money in the Bank passed one-third prepayment? "Bad money" is a common feeling of the banks this year, high interest rate financial products of mass release, is challenging bank deposit and loan interest rate in China "Half control "situation. ����Industry insiders said, Bank this extensive business model is not sustainable and the potential risk, top priority is to speed up the pace of interest rate marketization, forcing Bank product innovation. Bad financial management for the recruiting of storage with the beginning of this year, by the "negative interest" influence the old republic power leveling, people's deposits are moving, thought how to lay the "battle for wallet". With thisAt the same time, after several increased Bank reserve requirements, increasing banks ' liquidity pressure, almost year-round depending on release a large number of financial products to get stored. According to Puyi's wealth statistics, only the first half, China's commercial banks issued a total of 8,497 financial products, scale up to 8. ����51 trillion yuan, the total amount more than the whole of last year. With the regulators on commercial bank's depositLoan than the monitoring indicators from "monthly" towards "a day", starting from the first quarter, banks began as "loan than a day" being prepared in order to meet its loan than no more than 75% regulatory objectives, in the case of banks ' reluctance to reduce loan, through the issuance of short-term financing products to increase deposits, such shortcuts in an attempt to alleviate the pressing needs. Reporter adjustmentInvestigation found that came unto the end, the major banks to flush point recruiting was saved at all costs, the cost rose all the way, a State-owned banks ' deposit promise of 2 per thousand to over $ 10 million reward, and only stay a few days in the Bank swtor power leveling, used solely for Ji Moping positions, this situation was intensified at the end. "Has several large customers made it clear that recently the bank transfer depositBecause others award conditions and more profitable for banks, up to a maximum of 5 per thousand. ����"A commercial bank customer manager told reporters. ����China Merchants Bank retail business Director Liu Jianjun said publicly that banks rely on short-term high yield financing products competing for funds, promote savings, lower loan ratio, finance recruiting storage in disguise, perverse nature of financing for customers. SilverSince the IPCC began strengthening the consolidation of the banking market in early July, it is recommended that "self" within 7 days of ultra short-term financing products on September 30 issued stress may not be the issue of short-term high yield financing products embrace storage in disguise. Recently, had just assumed office of China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin analysis informed the economic and financial situation at the fourth meeting reiterated that we must strictly enforce the study of the index-day moving average deposit and lendingCore requirements, is strictly prohibited by issuing short-term financing products to circumvent the regulatory requirements, for regulatory arbitrage. ����Analysts believe that with the in-depth implementation of indicators of loan than a day, rushed only exists de facto financial products will be out of the market, especially some ultra-short term financial products will gradually fade out, financial products market will undergo a process of extrusion foam. Citi(China) says Qiu Sisheng, head of retail banking research and investment analysis, since the beginning of the year, was feeding the appetite of investors, given the a-share Fund is falling over the investment channels for the people and less on risk Tolerance low, medium and long term, 1-to 3-month period financial product still widely favored.

Sales people described Mr WONG

129668688774531250_67 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Journalists 25th was informed that the property prices are minimum to 7 words of Foshan Ji Hualu 5 heads of houses. In response, the real estate industry in Foshan, developers quickly recovered funds with the intention obvious, or the next two months in urban area of Foshan chancheng GUI core complex is now more 6-prefix. The morning of 25th, Foshan City, a "quarter Road 5-prefix" advertisements caused concern in reporter,Sales people described Mr WONG, did have a small amount of 5 heads of houses the old republic power leveling, but the main, 6 heads of houses. Leading real estate consultants Ltd, Foshan, Assistant General Manager Li Huayu believes that developers now directly bring the price down, should want to get away before the end portion of the cargo, rapid recovery funds. Foshan Shi real estate (002285) Division Deputy General Manager of Ge Pu thinkNow Foshan bust, for price adjustment "quite normal".

Shanghai Banking technology a higher level.The people's Bank of Shanghai headquarters

129667864439209142_324This newspaper recently, the 2011 science and technology in Shanghai in the people's Bank of Shanghai headquarters Banking Conference on summing up the work and the race to recognize. Meeting to convey the spirit of the national social security cards loaded financial functions work Forum session, summed up in 2011 in Bank of Shanghai Science and technology work, and on the next stage of its work put forward demands. At the same time it also on the China Construction Bank, Shanghai BranchLine 21 was awarded 2011 race Advanced Unit honoring the work of science and technology. It was noted that, under the leadership of the people's Bank of Shanghai headquarters, the active support and cooperation of relevant units, Shanghai Bank promoted financial IC card, strengthening financial management of information security, implementing financial standardization, vigorously carry out emergency drills and science and technology competitionMatch, achieved remarkable results. Shanghai financial Informationization development in the new situation and new changes and new features, meeting requests, Shanghai banks further raise awareness, enhance communication, coordination and accelerate financial IC card application the old republic power leveling, strengthening the information security management system, focus on innovation and information technology swtor power leveling, science and technology research, Shanghai Banking technology a higher level.The people's Bank of Shanghai headquarters, responsible persons of relevant departments, in Chinese and foreign banks in Shanghai in charge of leadership, technology departments, attended the meeting, head of IC card.

中Gold online reprint of the above content

129668682377500000_37Panoramic network securities analyst Chen Zhijian, November 27-the Yangtze River on Sunday in a joint interview with panorama network and wealth of the world, said the triple play in 2012 will be actively promoting will achieve substantive results, is a good investment ideas. Chen Zhijian obtained景网/邱璧徽)      中金在线声明:中Gold online reprint of the above content swtor power leveling, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action the old republic power leveling, at your own risk.

private networks

129667840440459142_85Distance of only 5 weeks to the end of 2011, private equity annual ranking of the Sun entered the final sprint stage of the war. However, the economic situation at home and abroad with one climax following another context, financial market volatility, market this year with "bad" words. As of November 25, the Shanghai composite index has dropped 15.24% during the year. The thought that in just the lastIn October, a shares a strong rebound to at the end of the private equity brought ray of sunshine, but in recent weeks renewed dawn hit the line also erase is complete. The daily economic news reporter found that many Sun performance losses, raising private equity faces difficulties, winding up three problems of the crisis. Many wound up facing the daily economic news from the morning sun and sustainable access to the mostNew statistics show that as of November 25, there are 173 private products, Sun has determined that liquidation, was wound up last year's 83 private products, Sun over 90; of these, unstructured product 35, 138 of structured products. From the perspective of nature of the liquidation, October compulsory winding up suddenly at the rate of warming. October wound up productIn the winding up of a mandatory number as many as 7, 77.8%, whereas the first three quarters of this year compared to just 18.8%. Data show that as of November 25, running in the full year of 604 products, only 69 positive returns, accounts for more than just 11.42%. Losses this year to increase by more than 25% of non-structured products reach 82, Less than 13.58%. These products of high losses if not stop, also could face liquidation of bad luck. Many scene a moment of sunshine private equity products could face liquidation. As of Friday, strategy 1 year return to-when 52.77%; private product returns less than 50% during the year there are star, 2nd,-at 53.3%. These highLoss of product if not stop, also could face liquidation. According to the verge of winding up in private equity products, many new products. Such as WorldCom 5 issues was established on April 11 this year, as of November 18, their net worth is $ 0.6230, losing 37.7%; January 25 stone 9 issues of the establishment of 29.71% lossOne day (January 26) set up a stone goddess of the moon a loss of 36.79%. Guangzhou Li Shiyu private persons told reporters: "sunshine private experiencing crazy growth in previous years, this year's market downturn will cause Sun private reshuffling. To the end, Sun private product liquidation of probability increases, after all, investors are based on annual income selecting investment products. "NET financing difficulties caused by huge losses since the beginning of this year, private issue as a whole remained low. Giant spirit information according to the August to may of this year, Sun private equity issue size respectively, and $ 1.631 billion to $, $ 1.556 billion. From the results view, sunny private-equity firms suffer biggest loss since 2008 is a foregone conclusion: this yearProducts to achieve positive returns of less than 10%, and products are more than half of the loss of more than 10%. The huge losses for investors greatly reduced the attractiveness of sunshine private equity faces the product is harder, raise difficult situation. Sunshine private-only 25 of October this year, fell by 55%, up 60% drop and its lowest point since 2010. Up to 1121st Sun private in November only raised to 17. Li Shiyu said: "the Sun private placement remains very difficult in the short term, mainly due to the current domestic fiscal and monetary policies have not let go, the lack of liquidity in the market. The other hand, the relatively higher losses of small Sun private placement will be wound up, this could lead to investor mistrust of the private equity products, for two reasonsWill contribute to a sunny private placement more difficult. "Worries due to the collapse of small private deposit financing features a sharp decline, Sun private will usher in a collapse of tide? Guangdong finance Research Institute, private networks, one Research Center Director Liu Jinyi the old republic power leveling, Deputy Secretary General, told the business daily said: "If the market remains weak, private product release has a lot of the negative effects of sunshine. In March of this yearStart, private product release widespread extension of the phenomenon, generally postponed half a month to month, but now largely lose products. If the existing market continued until 7 August next year, may 1~2 small closure of private equity funds, and does not work like an online said Sun private situation of a large number of closures. There are two main reasons swtor power leveling, is a private equity firm gamesCamp costs low; on the other hand, whenever a sunny private issues a product, generally more cautious Fund Manager operations, many fund managers will avoid 70 (that is, net worth of more than 30%) stop line. If the market remains in the doldrums and funds fell to 75, many fund managers will select an empty warehouse operations, so that to avoid bigger losses. "Guangdong Rong castChinese director Wu Guoping told reporters President admits: "If the market remains weak, or the broader market fell below the 2000 level, the entire market will shuffle. Not only is the Sun private, even the public fund, securities firms are facing financing difficulties. Private equity products at this time of the release will come under great pressure, this can lead to more and more sunshine private-equity firms face closure. ""For Sun private, and is currently an extremely difficult period, the key is to look at, well to attract funds back to the capital markets. "Wu Guoping continued. (Daily news)


that you want to import settings and information

129667677911709142_491th page: when scanning computer when we used computers, do you sometimes feel to the computer running very slow? Large window desktop will suddenly pop up? Many strange issues or sudden? If so, then your computer may be infected with the virus, spyware or other malicious software. Even if you have installed an antivirus program, other problems (such as hardwareProblem) can also produce similar symptoms, it is advisable to select the malware scan should be done to solve the problem.  Here, I start by eight steps briefly, teaches you how to make the system restore again. 1th: enter let your computer in safe mode and disconnected from the Internet, don't let a computer network, suchTo help you prevent the spread of malicious software or otherwise disclose your personal data. If you think your computer might be malware infection, then to the Microsoft Start computer in safe mode. In this mode, only computers start must be a minimum of programs and services is loaded. If any malware is set automatically when Windows starts to load, in this modeAccess, may prevent it from starting. To enter the Windows safe mode, shut down your computer. Find the F8 key on the keyboard of your computer, restart the computer, as long as you appear on the screen, repeatedly press the F8 key. This should bring up the advanced boot options "menu, select Safe mode with networking, and then press Enter.You may find that your computer in safe mode to run significantly faster.  This is an indication that your system may have a malware infection. 2nd step: disk cleanup deletes temporary files and now you are in safe mode, to run a virus scan. But until then, delete the temporary files. This will speed up virus scans, free up disk space, or even get rid ofMalicious attacks.  To use the disk cleanup utility included in Windows, select Start, all programs (or just "program"), accessories, System Tools, disk cleanup. 3rd step: download the malware-scanning tools now, you might have a malware scanner tool, then run anti-virus software are enough to eliminate most of the infections. If you areAlready have an antivirus program installed on your computers, you can use anti-virus programs to scan for malware, if your current anti-virus software may not detect malicious software.  Remember that antivirus software does not detect out to the millions of malware and its variants. There are two ways to scan forms, a real time monitoring program, always monitor the computer'sStates, there is an on-demand scan, scans according to your selected for the purpose of scanning.  If you determine that your computer is virus-infected hard disks, then you select the on-demand scan, full scan can also scan the specified address. 2nd page: scan delete reload the 4th step: run scanning scans your system and you can download kingsoft antivirus 360Anti-virus, anti-virus software, can generally solve our problems, you can go to their official website to download and install, and then upgrade virus, for the first time it is best to do a comprehensive scan, scan your computer anomalies, if you scan with malicious software, you can handle. 5th step: fix your Web browser to fix Home malware infection can damage the WinDows system files and other settings. One of the most common attack that malicious software to modify Web browser Home or connection settings so that infected computers, display ads and spam. Addressing that worry, you can install the following steps: before you start your Web browser, check your Web pages star wars the old republic, and connection settings. InterneT in the Explorer, click Start, Control Panel, open "Internet Options".  Find the home page settings, and confirm that it is not your set of Web sites. Next, select the "connections" tab, click "LAN settings" button. You might want to select the automatically detect settings in the future, unless you or the ISP requires a proxy.6th step: recover the files, if Windows is corrupted if you cannot remove malicious software, or if Windows does not work correctly, you may need to reinstall Windows. But before you reinstall the system, please copy all files to an external USB flash drive or portable hard drive. If you check your e-mail client (such as OutLook, or Windows Mail) that you want to import settings and information, in order to preserve them.  You should also backup your device drivers and utilities, such as double driver, after when you back up to what you need, you can choose to install from a CD or use a key recovery to restore your original operating system. 3rd page: develop good habitsForm good habits steps above when the operation is complete, generally will be able to solve your computer problems, but also note that some details in our daily operations. In order to ensure the security and stability of our computers running. The following give you some advice, little help expected to speak to you all friends. Open protection 1. key file must be a scheduled backup, and at leastAn offsite backup, such as moving the hard drive, CD or network hard drive (currently QQ network hard drive feature is very powerful, recommended); 2. machine to install a antivirus software. But do not install more than one antivirus software, this may cause a conflict. And to promptly update virus, not killing the newest viruses; 3. open the WindoWS system of "automatic update", the first time install patches (default is automatic updates). 4. regular viewing the Task Manager (using Ctrl Alt Delete keys or the Ctrl Shift Esc can pop up the Task Manager), check to see if system exception processes running; clean with the power on KaiFixed unnecessary programs (start-run-enter Msconfig to find "start", put unnecessary startup items are canceled.?  Generally I only IME Ctfmon with two anti-virus software startup options is enough). 5. in addition to anti-virus software must have at least one killing the malicious software tool, such as 360safe, periodically check theMalware or rogue software is installed on your system, once discovered immediately, so as not to affect the network speed; 6. when installing the software, not to blindly click "next", it is important to see, look now many software comes bundled with junk, but most are optional, can be avoided as long as careful not to check the installation. Found to have no intention to install immediately clear7. when a user accidentally infected with viruses, you should immediately upgrade to the latest version of anti-virus software and scan the whole hard disk operations. Remove all killing the virus. If a virus cannot be cleaned, or anti-virus software can't do the virion is clearly identified, then you should submit the virus to antivirus software company swtor power leveling, antivirus software companies will normally be in the short term toReplies to user satisfaction.  When faced with network attacks, our first reaction should be to unplug the network connection port, or press the button to disconnect from the network on the anti-virus software. 8. users every week should be a full antivirus, scan the computer work, in order to detect and remove viruses hidden in the system.

the first two set Director

129668659915000000_31Sexy Kate Beckinsale Underworld 4 exposes new stills alone The Underworld 4 exposes new stills. Mtime time network reported on November 27 by the vampire/werewolf movie starring Kate Beckinsale latest sequel of the Underworld 4 exposure a few days ago a new stills, classic styling in Kate Beckinsale appeared, wearing a sexy black tight-fitting leather jackets, one-hand gun swtor power leveling, full of beholder eyes cold bitter. The Underworld series and thawBoth vampire and werewolf themes, depicting a mysterious underground world and full of violence, with Kate Beckinsale playing the heroine of sailinna even more eye-catching. Kate Beckinsale had previously starred in the film the first two sets, but at home when the third set was replaced with Rhona Mitra, now babe Kate Beckinsale and ornaments of old point it can be said to favor, fans look forward to. In this set,After experiencing a 15-year coma star wars the old republic, Vampire Catherine NA (Kate Beckinsale) finally woke up and found she had a daughter, Nisa, aged 14, she is a vampire and werewolf hybrid. When an organization called BioCom is creating "Super werewolves" a new species, mother and daughter both have to work together to prevent it from sth As the first in the series, in 2003 the UnderworldAfter the release of no small repercussions will, subsequent sequel the legend of the night 2: evolution, as well as the episode the night before the legend: Wolf clan are again brought commercial success for this series, three works in the global harvest by nearly 300 million dollars in box office. The Underworld 4 old gonglun��huaisiman by Kate Beckinsale (the first two set Director) producer, Mansi��malinde and Bijoern ��Shi Tan joint directed John Hlavin wrote screenplays, movie, scheduled for January 20, 2012 to formats such as 3D/IMAX-d released in North America.

and if after 1715 Outlook repeatedly try 1738-breaking resistance

129667864462021642_381Although the United States Congress "Super Committee" failed to cut the fiscal deficit reached an agreement before the Wednesday deadline, but the US debt ratings were unaffected, Moody's on Wednesday announced that it will continue to maintain the United States the highest Aaa rating, but at the same time warned sharply scale back original cut the fiscal deficit to $ 1.2 trillion, is bound to the threat rating. Moody's noted that the United States former President Qiao Zhibu is the legacy of the tax cuts willTo expire early next year, is one of the key to the medium-term prospects of us debt, and personal income tax relief if the delivery end, can be reversed over the next few years of debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio increasing situation. Fitch pointed out yesterday, Europe debt crisis on Asian business impact of material can be controlled, major benefit from Asia's export growth and the industry is increasingly dependent on bank financing in the region. WhitneyYu noted that the brunt of Asia in European debt crisis was export demand, Asian companies rely on the European market was relatively small, however, are concentrated in Japan and South Korea's consumer electronics and automotive industries. United States stock markets because of New York were closed Thursday for Thanksgiving Day star wars the old republic, Friday is only open half a day, it is estimated that US stocks on Friday to narrow correction more likely. The other hand, lack of critical dataCloth. Overnight European stock markets fell again led Asian stocks in General continue to be subject to pressure, potential risk aversion sentiment could be expected to continue to dominate foreign exchange movements. But after weeks of decline, short-term technical severely oversold, so short-term downside risk currencies is likely to slow the pace of, did not rule out low correction may be. Precious metals swtor power leveling, oil prices decreased by $ 1.84Closed at $ 96.17. Dealers ignored United States data of the sharp decline in crude stocks, oil demand concerns a series of raised fears the negative macroeconomic news. Gold, gold continued low adjustment. United States traditional Thanksgiving holidays coming, in order to avoid holiday risks that may arise, it is recommended that gold investors clearance ended, investors worries about Europe's debt crisisA step increase in the dollar against other currencies continue to rise, gold bearing a step increase. Estimate short-term gold in 1681-1708 m intervals relatively high chance of consolidation, and if after 1715 Outlook repeatedly try 1738-breaking resistance, an important support in 1671; silver, received US $ 31.84 per ounce. Estimated silver short line will shortly31.3 per cent $ repeatedly picking up, and can then try 33.4 resistance after further wear looking 34.3, important support at 30.5; investors shall concern the dollar exchange rate, international oil prices, as well as internationally significant political, economic events will affect the trend of gold. Fast-changing market, it is required to ride the line, geopolitical factorsWill bring instability to the gold price, market conditions will tie in with the message fast loading/unloading, and wide fluctuations of precious metal, not to blind investment caused great losses should set stop loss and profit position. Gold China and weak euro-zone economic data combined with market fears about eurozone debt, made the dollar continues upward, gold under pressure. Recommended today: London goldOn 1681-1708 (wide band, it is recommended that price is for reference only, our capability) gold in Hong Kong from 15,540 �C 15,790 movements backward support one thousand six hundred and fifty three-one thousand six hundred and seventy thirds resistance level cent silver silver, complex �d fears Europe may affect the global economy and weakening demand for silver. Silver has industrial uses.Recommended today: Silver to 31.3-32.4 support 30.10/30.80 resistance 33.50/34.50 (investment involves risks, Yi--, not too aggressive, the price may go down)

Please refer to the date of full text of the notice appointing the disclosure media.

129667864344365392_81 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">star wars the old republic</a>Please refer to the date of full text of the notice appointing the disclosure media.

life insurance company insurance premium revenue of 43.518 billion yuan. Original production

129667864443427892_334Shanghai Insurance Bureau released on 24th of the Shanghai insurance development "Twelve-Five" plan outline, which explicitly, "Twelve-Five" during the Shanghai insurance market to build a better system, and strive to create conditions set up in Shanghai and the China insurance exchanges. The summary States that "Twelve-Five" to vigorously develop the shipping insurance market. Aggressively expanding cruise industry and international shipping insurance new businessStudy on finance leasing and shipping shipping insurance related to financial derivatives; actively seek to further expand the scope of international shipping-related insurance business tax relief swtor power leveling, actively sought on the import and export enterprises in domestic freight risk to be insured to give a certain degree of financial subsidies and tax breaks.  When the conditions are ripe, actively study a shipping insurance Committee. Actively and steadily promote the ChineseInsurance institutions RMB business in foreign countries. Active promotion and more overseas insurance institutions signed a currency swap agreement of insurance funds, to meet the regulatory requirements of insurance companies, supporting their cross-border RMB settlement reinsurance business, encouraged in the field of foreign-related insurance in Yuan.  Strengthening insurance cooperation and exchanges between Shanghai and Hong Kong and Shanghai. At the end of October, on the 2011Sea Association insurance premium income in total of 63.672 billion yuan, property insurance company insurance premium income of 20.154 billion yuan, life insurance company insurance premium revenue of 43.518 billion yuan. Original production star wars the old republic, and life insurance companies insurance premium income accounted for 32:68,, foreign insurance companies in the original insurance premium income to 86:14. (Gao Gaifang)


and can often be seen on the Ganges River floating corpse sth

129668731830468750_261 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">swtor power leveling</a>Ganges is India's Holy River. Buddhists and Hindus have regarded it as a symbol of sacred swtor credits, can be said to be India's mother River. Bath in the Ganges has always been India traditional customs of the people, but in recent years due to environmental pollution of rivers has dirty stinking bad, while the Ganges is also a lot of people choose cremation and water burial places, and can often be seen on the Ganges River floating corpse sth ()

Maintaining the "recommended" rating.

129667837359209142_134 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/swtor-credits/">swtor credits</a>Editor's Note: under the influence of external disk crash, both of the two cities lower yesterday, huzhi opening adjustment low. Stock indexes in the gap run, when the market panic yet, indexes quickly pulling all of a sudden, to cover gaps in early trading in one fell swoop, and 2,400 points on mark, "the return" signs. Inversion of the early play, is not amplified. Shock of the two cities fall afternoon. Which stocks are mostCapital attraction eyeballs?   Latest ratings of securities dealers, buy the 17 unit wrong to kill shares fell more and more. Weierli (300,190): the garbage around the grave, waste disposal business booming 300190[weierli] electric power, gas and water utilities research institutions: securities analyst love built: Mu Yunzhou write date: 2011 year on November 24, we believe that in such a good industry background, company as an industry leading enterprise, by virtue of their technical, brand and the ability to receive orders, we forecast EPS of company 11, 12, 13, 1.15, 2.71, respectively, the corresponding PE 50.31, 42.15 swtor power leveling, times,Maintaining the "recommended" rating.

"great Eastern" Release bulletin 18

129667840485771642_1951, (600,075) "in Xinjiang tianye" released four 20 meeting of the Board of supervisors resolutions of 2, (600,075) "in Xinjiang tianye" reported four th 24 Board meeting resolutions and held the 2011 second notice of extraordinary general meeting notice 3, (600,033) "Fujian high speed" announced the fifth session of the 20th session of the Board resolutionReport 4, (600,540) "new game shares" release Bulletin 5, the fourth session of the 17th session of the Board resolution (600,666) "Southwest pharmaceutical industry" publication bulletin 6, the seventh session of the fifth session of the Board resolution (600,666) "Southwest pharmaceutical" Announces 2011 second notice of extraordinary General Assembly in its resolution 7, (600,983) "Fertilizer Sanyo "announced the 2011 provisional resolution of the Board Bulletin 8, (600,575)" Wuhu Hong Kong "published on the Huainan mining (Group) limited liability company extension bulletin 9, submitted to the exemption offer correction material (600,302)" standard stock "Release bulletin 10, the fifth session of the fourth session of the Board resolution (600,520)"Technology" clarification announcement 11, announced on media reports (600,026) "China shipping development" published bulletin 12, 2011 Board meeting resolutions (601,158) "of Chongqing water" published on the company related trade bulletin 13, to increase its registered capital (601,158) "of Chongqing water" secondBulletin 14, session of the tenth session of the Board resolution (601,636) "Bank Group" published in effective control guaranteeing human company bank borrowings related trade bulletin 15, (600706) "ST long letter" publication bulletin 16, the sixth session of the 14th session of the Board resolution (600,327) "great Eastern" announced at its fifth session, the Board of supervisorsA Conference resolution notices 17, (600,327) "great Eastern" Release bulletin 18, the first meeting of the fifth session of the Board resolution (600,327) "great Eastern" announced the 2011 first extraordinary general meeting notice 19, resolution (600 swtor credits,536) "software" published notice on convening the second extraordinary general meeting of 201120, (600,493) "Phoenix bamboo textile" release Bulletin 21, the fourth session of the 12th session of the Board resolution (600,812) "North China pharmaceutical" clarification announcement released 22, (600,812) "North China pharmaceutical" announced the seventh bulletin 23, the 21st session of the Board resolution (600,167), "United holdings" announced 2011 first extraordinary bulletin 24, resolutions of the General Assembly (600,210) "Zi Jiang enterprise" published on security matters subsequent progress Bulletin 25 swtor power leveling, (600,210) "Zi Jiang enterprise" published bulletin 26, fifth session of the eighth session of the Board resolution (600,624), "Shanghai Fudan fuhua" announced the seventh session of the fifth session of the Board resolution Bulletin 27, (600,293) "new material of three gorges project" announced the 2011 first extraordinary general meeting resolutions 28, (600,566), "Hong Cheng building industrialy co shares" released the fourth shares of limited sales listed circulation bulletin 29, (601,009), "Nanjing Bank" released the sixth session of the fourth session of the Board resolution and the related trade bulletin 30, (600,724) "Ningbo fuda" announced seven-six times the resolution of the Board bulletin 31, (600,770) "Arts shares" Release bulletin 32, at its seventh session, the 22nd session of the Board resolution (600,503) "gorgeous family" tips on controlling shareholders Division bulletins published 33, (600,189) "Jilin forest industry" published on the followingContinued enjoyment of comprehensive utilization of agricultural and forestry residues as raw material products sales tax preferential policy of the informative Bulletin 34, (600,326) "Tibet tianlu" announced the fourth notice 35, the 17th session of the Board resolution (600,487) "hengtong photoelectric" announced the fourth session of the 24th session of the Board resolutions

and Finland

129668688796093750_113European Commission on issuing the eurozone "stable bond" proposal, causing a larger dispute in the eurozone, eurozone countries quickly formed two camps. Although the proposal stresses that, Member States need to further consolidate public finances, strengthen financial supervision and the adjustment of economic structure, avoiding highly indebted countries "once and for all" throws a debt burden to countries with higher economic good, credit ratingTo pay for. But "stable bonds" programme is also by Germany and the Netherlands, and Finland, and Austria, such as higher bond rating of eurozone Member States resolutely opposed. To give the European Commission's proposals to build momentum, and to persuade Germany, Member of the EU's monetary policy Rennes November 22 visit to Berlin, yet difficult to shake up Germany's position. Germany media generally to "the same old things"And" old wine in a new bottle "to describe the Commission's proposal that, in the case of inconsistent economic and fiscal policy rashly Euro bond issue, not only eurozone Member State debt problem cannot be resolved, even be possible to have a debt problem worse. For European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso make bond recommendations on November 23, Germany ruling coalition has a clear tableAs shown in the "not interested". In Germany, the current discussion on euro bonds out. But Germany's stance as well as room says also "seriously studying the proposal", as well as with France to coordinate their stands. In addition, Austria's Finance Minister, Fei Kete said Austria Treasury bond interest rates may be up to one-third interest will increase from EUR 9 billion to 12 billion euroYuan. This would threaten Austria fiscal health. She said that under the current EU and eurozone financial framework, the issue of "stable bonds" will increase the national debt credit AAA Member States ' borrowing costs. In order to eliminate the opposition, the Commission will introduce the euro consolidated bonds at the same time strengthening the supervision and inspection of Member State budgets. If necessary, ouyuanguo first draft budgetTo the European Union, and then to discuss cross-member Parliament. But it still cannot be dismissed German concerns. After all, euro bonds is to Germany, and other core Member States to guarantee the credibility of. Once the debt crisis not to control, and Germany lost the dominance to crisis control, then as a guarantee of major powers, will be reduced to the debts of others in danger. Germany economic expert CommissionLast week proposed the creation of a "European reimbursement fund" which requires all debt levels exceed EU limit (that is, 60% GDP) country swtor credits, its excess debt from the Fund to take over. The Committee also requests that the beneficiary of the Fund as Germany introduced in the national Constitution as "debt brake mechanism", to rein in debt levels in line with EU rules. It is clear that inResponse to European debt crisis, Germany clearly hopes to "Germany mode" transform euro. Standing behind European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso is Italy, and Greece, and other heavily indebted countries of the eurozone. Obviously, if the introduction of the "stable bonds", they will be the biggest beneficiaries. Italy new Prime Minister Mario Monti said, the introduction of "Eurobonds" helps stabilize the financial markets, consolidation of public finances. AsAs an economist, he supported the proposed joint issue euro bonds in the eurozone, but also said it and other EU leaders to discuss a decision until after the Crown's position. Italy media commented that Italy welcomes the "stable bonds", but also understand not Germany and France support the introduction of the "stable bonds" is tantamount to an idiot's Daydream. Greece the new Prime Minister, PAPajimosi were of the view that "the Euro bond" or a similar tool can provide ways to fend off debt crisis. Clear swtor power leveling, Greece need "stable bonds", but that had just been sworn in the new Government may have no time to, their current priority is the implementation of the new round of aid loans, and successfully held general elections. In the release "stable bond", the current position of micro-Interesting is France. At the beginning of European debt crisis, France is to support the release of "Eurobonds", but only in the summer of this year and Germany come together, but still plays a communication bridge between the two camps. Recently France national debt AAA ratings seem to be at risk, difficult to ensure that France would not rejoin the camp of supporters. France was quoted analysts point of recognitionFor, at present, France the Government has realised that source of European debt crisis is "not under unified European unity", national fiscal policies exacerbated the structural contradiction of Engage at will. To this end, France believes that this stopgap approach compared to the implementation of the European bond, rather than amendment of the EU Treaty comes directly. This will enable the financial, economic and tax policy of the euro-zone countries step by stepThe convergence of national take punitive action for failure to comply with, change the structural problems of the eurozone are not unified financial and economic policy, make Europe really out of the crisis. At the same time, France hopes to lead this process, it expressed the hope that the United Germany with modified EU Treaty. EU Treaty change, not meaning it is unlikely the European bonds, and there are many ways that can beFor the same purpose.

the shop no cars

129667593470781250_4China recently V5 fully be accepted, editing from Foshan Nanhai Runda Motors Limited was informed that the V5 China on Guangzhou auto show listing price $ 10.98 per cent, the shop no cars, car buyers accept the booking, deposit $ 5,000 to wait for about 1 month. V5 China one of the first cars will be held next month to shop, color Atlas Brown as the principal, Interested friends may wish to shop or call to elaborate. 13,679,819,522 Hing Runda, Nanhai district, Foshan, China Chinese V5 V5 5,000 body size 4406x1800x1614mm, respectively, wheelbase 2630mm. Based on Chinese H530 Chinese V5 platform, in appearance and BMW X1Models with very high similarity, while details are consistent with Chinese H530 style. Interiors, Chinese V5 uses the same design as the Chinese H530, surrounded by control in favor of the driver's side. Power, Chinese V5 will pick up and 1.6L the two engines, 4A92S where 1.6L is the outsourcing of Shenyang aerospace Mitsubishi engine,Rate 87kW, torque up to 151Nm. 1.5T to home-grown-BM15T-rated 100kW, 200Nm of torque. Chinese V5 is likely with twisted liliang suspension structures, whether with a four-wheel drive system also depends on whether brilliance will bring new independent rear suspension structure. Editing comments: Chinese V5 models stylish atmosphere,Decorative design uses Chinese H530 style swtor credits, more attractive eye swtor power leveling, while the price of $ 10.98 per cent can be accepted. Order the Chinese V5 to wait for about 1 month now, the deposit is $ 5,000, interested friends may wish to shop or call to elaborate. Note: car prices volatile, price information in the article for editing in the market and productionSet to the day on which the prices in real time, is subject to date. At the same time the prices are a distributor of individual behavior, so the price is for reference only. In addition, the picture in the article as a model file photo, price information and the picture was taken place or not.



129668731957968750_345On November 19 swtor credits, 2011, Zhuhai, Guangdong swtor power leveling, "Internet celebrity" Hai Rong daily in the flying-Philippine flowers oil painting exhibition of art of the picturesque scene of the live performance on the human body. Zhong fan/Oriental IC ()

protesting this way actually invalid

129667750491709142_207May day, according to Taiwan media reports, popular groups May day from December 23 to January 1 next year, will be held in Taipei small domed 7 concerts, 87,000 tickets were sold by second killing swtor power leveling, fans for the sake of one vote more trouble. But organizers believe music two nights ago a public version of the stage, seating charts, fans only to find and buy tickets seating map different, the first time purchase of powderSilk scold the feeling is poor, there will the fans asked to the consumers ' Foundation (Taiwan consumers ' Foundation) reflected. It was reported that believes music has announced on 26th will release a small number of tickets, and open seating arrangements for reference by the fans after the change. After many fans see the reference figure is very startled and believe that they had carefully selected seat, because such a tune become danceFurther, Internet anger detonation requires organizers to each account. May Day concert network discussion area and blasting a message, a fan that why should you buy a ticket when the fool, which is credibility. Change seat caused controversy, I believe that music on Facebook (Facebook) posted a detailed statement explaining modifying seating arrangements to accommodate a large mechanical structures, and reduceCorner sight range and small media Taipei dome tours are first, the stage will fine tune, fans to the ticket will be for a full refund, the organizers are to minimize the impact to fans ' rights for consideration. Fans think should be on his own small force and wrong, have pain decided to refund, refund and write down in detail experience and fight for the rights of the process of communication,Get a lot of users praise. But there are fans but said to refund people queued at once rushed to buy swtor credits, protesting this way actually invalid, being "eaten.

or flower of agricultural science and technology

129667840552021642_360 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">swtor power leveling</a>16:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2 swtor credits,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control