
. This week Diablo 3 power leveling . This week - XPDA

129809694348281250_597Some high income threshold of 1 million is expected to yield sustained downward Chengdu, Chengdu commercial daily combined bird data consulting limited recently announced by the Chengdu public confidence report (first quarter) shows that as of the first quarter, 58% of the Chengdu public banks, funds, stocks, gold and other financial products investment. However, according to Puyi's wealth provides the latest data, public current purchases of banking productsYields continue downward. According to the Chengdu business daily the United xinancaijingdaxue trust and the Institute of financial management survey on financial products market in Chengdu area this week (May 8), sales of banking products in Chengdu all 110, RMB products 59, 51 foreign currency products. Journalists noted, although the bigger increase 20 last week.88% SWTOR Power Leveling, but this week's banking products is expected to continue downward trend in yields, Yuan average annualized yield of 4.95%, representing fell 0.03% last week. At the same time, high end customers still enjoy "return privilege", higher-yielding products start to investment requirements are relatively high. Combination products a lot of Puyi issued data displays of wealth Rift Platinum, this week (May 8), sales of banking products in Chengdu all 110, Renminbi products that can be purchased a total of 59 of them, mainly to non-guaranteed floating income, risk rating to two stars. Chengdu business daily reporter learned from the Puyi Yun Jiao, a researcher at Department of wealth, currently funds face mild relaxed state of the market situation, on the bond market and the money market fundsPrices continued to run down channel, makes the yields on bonds and money market products continued to decline, and sent the yield on bank financing products as a whole. Banks to stable financial product revenue, actively adjust products structure, a large number of combination issued class alternative to bonds and money-market products, seen from the financial capital, release of the product in the near future a greatMost portfolio investment class. At the same time, may purchase foreign currency wealth management products dramatically increased this week, a total of 51, Yen, Hong Kong dollars, Australian dollars, euros, pounds, US dollars are available for sale. This week to fund most of the foreign currency into bonds and money market instruments, Everbright Bank issued only a combination product. Yields expected to continue down yields, new this weekBanking products is expected to continue downward trend in yields, Yuan average annualized yield of 4.95%, representing fell 0.03% last week. High-end customers still enjoy "return privilege", higher-yielding products high starting point of investment requirements, up to 1 million threshold for some products and millions of (Yuan and the Australian dollar). This week Diablo 3 power leveling, ChinaSummer banks "in China's financial-Ying" and "Chinese financial zengying-enhanced" two series products continue to be available more experienced the period, investors can choose according to their own liquidity requirements. But most of this series of products to high starting point for high-end customers available for investment, higher expected rate of return, at 4.80%~5.80%. Everbright Bank this week launched aLink equity structured finance products, "sunshine finance a planned 2012 product 2". The hook 4 pharmaceutical stocks, though structured products, Bank guaranteed income, so investors the risks can be controlled. Investment period of 365 days, the expected yield of 4%~6%. Foreign currencies in financial products, the Australian yield advantage of the product is still evident, collectionEffect of paragraph 8 in the top ten products of investment currency is the Australian dollar. Foreign currency financial products this week, issued by China Merchants Bank is expected to yield the highest "return of peace of mind to a $ gold (136)," investment in 92 days, the expected yield of 6.2%, continues the series of short duration characteristics of high profits. Focus this week is about to expireFinance products, for Australian products with the highest yield to maturity, is issued by the Bank of communications of a "deli Bo green" series of exclusive private bank Australian dollar financial product, its financial capital for the bond and currency markets, investments for a period of 3 months, achieving 6.8% yield to maturity. Others:

