
reservoirs Diablo 3 gold reservoirs - QVVZ

129809647131148750_284Basic characteristics of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) also known as spoon Kiss striped catfish (spoonbill cat). Original fish produced in North America, Kiss sturgeon (paddlefish). Dependent paddlefishes, paddlefish, is an economy of clocks, large freshwater fish in North America. Paddlefish meat is delicious, kisses are richCollagen protein, nutrient-rich and is the banquet dishes; around canapes pulp in the international market is expensive, the skin can be made of high quality leather. Currently about $ 200 per kg of finished products fish. Paddlefish can also be sold as pet fish, each of length 15 cm tail $ 30. United States began farming in 60, 1988 from the United States introduced, have now succeeded in artificial propagation and openBegan promoting production. Ecological characteristics of paddlefish of the notable feature is the kiss is a flat paddle-like, particularly long. Surface smooth scaleless fish, black, blue and grey on the back, there are some spots in between, side a bit of ochre, abdomen white. Paddlefish life in more than 30 years, individuals, have found the largest up to 65 kg. More than 8 years of maturity. Wide temperature, under the icy waterLive at 32 �� c water temperature can live. On higher dissolved oxygen requirements, 5-7 mg/l or more. Feeding habits similar to Bighead, feeding of zooplankton, aquaculture can assist feeding diets. Growth rate faster than freshwater fish, then up to 0.5 kg and above, 2-old fish more than 1.5 kg, fish more than 2.5 kg in 3 months of age. Culture technique of paddlefish stockingBefore the larval stage. 1 month for first time has just hatched FRY rearing of species into 5 cm. Tissue culture seedlings of pool water cement pool for water, an area of 10 square meters, equipped with increased oxygen. 500 per cubic meter of water seedlings, FRY in addition to feeding of zooplankton in the water, also to appropriate feeding Red worms, temperature controlled at 20 �� c-24 �� c, dissolved oxygen in the 5 mg/Rise above, note the trash, keep the water clean. Fish analysis into the pond after long-5 cm thick, coarse pond about 10 acres and depth of 1.5 meters, to the pond after disinfection and weed, a large quantity of zooplankton, seedlings per Mu 1000-1500, note change water regularly and keeping the aerator, can be up to 10-15 cm after 30 days. Ponds, reservoirs andDissolved oxygen in the water such as lakes foot, water temperature in the summer is not high, the most suitable breed paddlefish, put in around 5 per MU, a year to arrest the individual commodity fish on a 2 kg weight. Pond-free nylon provides shade the net reduced sunlight in the summer, keep the water temperature 27 �� c below. Paddlefish take when variety, put on the species 20-40 per MU, and appropriate use of phytoplankton in the feeding of silver carpWater quality in fish control. Breeding individuals up to 10 months 1-1.5 kg; paddlefish as when raising, restocking of species per Mu 200-250, to be completed with 150 other suitable species. Feed primarily of zooplankton, is often put on the propagation of composting and sprinkle it in the milk, and appropriate investment and some diets, cultured individuals a year reaches more than 1 kg. Artificial propagationPaddlefish are cartilaginous fish colonization technology, have a long spoon handle, about one-third of the total body length. Streamlined body, rear cebian Rift Platinum, scale degradation, surface smooth, very small eye, mouth Kiss not extendable, full of plum-shaped pattern of the Gill cover. Smaller pectoral fins, inferior; pelvic fins abdominal; dorsal fins starting point after pelvic fins; caudal fin fork, put on a pedicel-like tail handle scales. Body color"Dark gray on the back, discussion on both sides, abdomen white. Paddlefish is a native freshwater fish, can all live in inland rivers and ponds in the Lake, no sea light migratory like the Chinese sturgeon. Temperature range of 0~37��, living in upper water. Suitable pH range is 6.5~8, requirements for dissolved oxygen in the water is more than 5mg/L. Feeding paddlefish to life floatsSwimming animals for food. Larvae feed mostly on small cladocerans, eat egg yolks, fish meal, shrimp meal, etc. After the larvae hatch out although some crack, but not closed, only to be constantly flowing to get oxygen and food. Crack diets should be adapted, such as rotifers. Only passive feeding Diablo 3 gold, feed requirements of order: rotifera �� small cladocerans �� large cladocera and radialFoot class. Artificial feeding feeding requirements from 9 to 10 times per, feeding every 2 hours at a time, thousands of fish fry feeding red insects or other small zooplankton 3~5 grams at a time. Only juvenile Kiss only after long active feeding, feeding way to swallow, eat zooplankton, small fish, small shrimp. When food runs out, biting each other serious juvenile sturgeon, be timely to increase feed feedAnd reducing the fish stocking density. Sturgeon FRY long after more than 12 cm, feeding organ of perfection, go camp filter feeding. General sizes of zooplankton-eating in a captivity of floating bait. A Chinese paddlefish Sao, Huso, sexual maturity early, the male fish sexual maturity for 7-9 years, female 8-10, General 18kg of the female fish to oxytocin,Male and female ratio is 2:1, paddlefish broodstock no apparent secondary sexual character. In General, the female individuals, abdominal swelling, urinary colonization mouth swelling, congestion in the vicinity, a little relaxation, with small fingers can easily insert of husbandry; male individual smaller, more head bumps. More reliable method is to observe with the naked eye gonad. Hormone oxytocin effect is better at the moment is freezing paddlefish pituitary gland and promotingCorpus luteum-releasing hormone analogue (LRH-A), paddlefish pituitary use is more prevalent. General use doses of pituitary/female 2, male pituitary/1. Pituitary after thawing to join the 1.5ml deionized water, after grinding for intraperitoneal injection, using a needle injection method, the success rate of 65%. LRH-A and has a good effect of oxytocin, dose per kilogram of body weight10mg, two-needle injection method used, gonad development of good fish, basically empty. Fish after the rut, collecting eggs, fertilization, delamination, and hatching to get fish. Is important to note, sublethal temperature of 24 �� c for the FRY hatch, 28 degrees centigrade to lethal temperatures, and water temperatures below 11 �� c will reduce its survival, inhibiting its growth. Optimal temperature rangeFor 20~24��. In addition, Larval feeding should be indoors to avoid death due to over temperature. Fingerling in two stages, the first stage from 2~3 cm to 6~7 cm in length. General concrete ponds or cement tanks feeding about 15 days to reach 6~7 in length in cm, breeding period, dissolved oxygen remains greater than 6mg/L, feeding adaptationAnd adequate food (mainly cladocera), prevent excessive density to avoid is divided against itself if swallowed. After 6~7 cm in length, into the pond, pond area requires 3~5 acres, water depth 1.5~2 meters, easy row irrigation, each pool with a 1.5 kW aerator. Stocking the pond water before draining, disinfection of quicklime, Mu 300~400 kg, kill noiseFish, aquatic plants, bacteria and vermin. Temperature 2 �� c ~37 �� c, optimum 25 ?? ~32 ??, lower pond a week ago, to achieve fertilization cultivation across the water, green manure and manure. After 3 days, sprinkle soy milk, Standard Chartered to a pool, the amount of propagation of 5kg/Mu cladocera, Tong not to spray before net fishing under a net, clear tadpole and debris. When stocking, fish pond water temperature and Cheng YurongThe water temperature must not exceed �� 1 ��, the operation should be conducted in the evening. Main culture as a monoculture, but sometimes the collocation of herbivorous fish, do not match wild fish, stocking densities for the good of 1000~1500/MU. In the breeding process, in addition to fertilization cultivation of water, feeding soy milk (2kg/acres), or special cake and rice bran pellets to maintain water qualityFertilizer, live, delicate, crisp. Transport transport of fertilized eggs, each Zygote 0.7~1 grain in bags Diablo 3 Gold, plus bubble (and sometimes to add ice packs) for cushioning and insulation. During transport, when confronted with a FRY started a film, should change the water in time, oxygen-filled packaging again. Baeri prior to exercise and lifting water 4-6 hours in the bundle box, their droppings and drainage, oxygen bags30%~35% of the volume of water must be accounted for in a plastic bag. Diseases of paddlefish stage of juvenile onset of diarrhea, stomatitis, Furunculosis, water mould, as long as the remedy to cure. Death of species in General is not easy to 10~15 cm, paddlefish are very sensitive to drugs, especially on heavy metal salts of drugs, so use caution. Wheel when insect parasitism, 15%~25% concentrations of formalin to kill in addition, nematodes or Trematodes when parasites, 2ppm bathing in formalin, juvenile stages against CuSO4 and chlorine-containing substances, immersed in antibiotic concentration of 4ppm. 1 fish and fishing. Pond �� raise paddlefish: can be used in all kinds of aquatic polyculture in paddlefish to increase fishing of paddlefish reserves, withoutThe water. Or dot-cross channel catfish ponds in grass carp polyculture in paddlefish II age 20. After a 10-month trial, the largest individuals of up to 4.8 kg, average weight 4.1 kg. �� paddlefish: main culture species of paddlefish, polyculture in ponds such as grass carp, silver carp, channel catfish, length 25 cm/juvenile sturgeon, 200~250 per MU, polyculture of fish150/acre. Polyculture of fish size must be less than paddlefish. Fish should not be in small areas or fine high-yield polyculture in pond, should be based on 5~15 acres. Due to the high yield intensive culture ponds, high density, dissolved oxygen fluctuations, round of catch is on paddlefish is negative. 2. Lakes, reservoirs, releasing many studies have shown that releasing in the paddlefish as reservoirs of reservoirs in the planktonRich in rivers, its faster growth, if the reservoir the River have suitable spawning places, paddlefish will produce the proliferation in the reservoir, forming a larger population, as a major fishing objects. Paddlefish in United States widely distributed over the watershed of the Mississippi River and adjacent to the 22 States, population lives primarily in the River. United States is Continental temperate climate in the Mississippi River basin, and theMost of the area north of the Yangtze River basin and the Yangtze River have similarities, description of most of the ecological condition of the reservoir suitable for paddlefish growth requirements. Lake, reservoir stocking paddlefish specifications should be greater than 40 cm, high survival rate, fish weight of 0.75 kg or more in the year, exceeds 2 kg the following year, by the end of the third more than 3 kg. Fish Lake reservoir should note:Completed bar, fishing equipment, so stocking paddlefish flight. Fishing for paddlefish mild temperament, habits and silver carp are similar. Pond. Recoverable NET catch, 90% on the first network will be able to catch more fish. Large and medium water, can be used to stop, catch, spines, integrated method of fishing, will be able to capture most of the paddlefish. Biological characteristics of paddlefish predicts faster growth, symbiotic, feeding, wideEconomic advantage, low cost, high value, will become a fine variety of the sturgeon farming in China, for lakes, reservoirs, ponds and other water to promote culture. As aquaculture technology continues to improve, it is expected in the near future, paddlefish will be China aquaculture is a new variety of the popular. Others:

